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Weekly Poll, Week 4: How Do You Prefer to Take Notes? (Poll Closed)

Hope August 19th

Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. This is week 4 of the academy weekly polls. I will announce the most popular choice on Friday! It's okay if we do not have your preferred option, choose the closest one. Please only select from what's given and choose one!

So let's get voting! 

How Do You Prefer to Take Notes?

A) Typing on a laptop/tablet

B) Handwriting in a notebook

C) Using voice recordings

D) Sketching or mind maps

📌This post is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team. 

searchingSoul01 August 19th


StrawberryShaken August 19th

Same here! D.

Paper notes are good too but I like being able to scribble around and underline and arrow everything in a way that makes sense to me even if it's not coherent 😅

reservedTangerine9348 August 19th



Positron2 August 19th

B + D.
I have always been an artist. To this end I keep small 1/2 page sketchbooks around. I have years of sketchbooks stored like Da Vinci's Codex. I keep my regular notes like passwords and stuff in the sketchbooks too.
But mainly I use Visual Journaling to record sketches and ideas for art projects so I wont forget them and can get to finishing an idea later.

Omathewise August 19th


juliak1968 August 20th



tim2009 August 20th


VictoriaLove7 August 20th


Handwriting in a notebook 📓 😄 

maepricot August 20th


unassumingEyes August 20th

@Hope B usually

WeEarth August 20th


B if its lecture note

Admirablerainbow2825 August 20th

B+ D

sereneGrace1585 August 20th

A or B! sometimes B & A with a digital pen!

sereneGrace1585 August 20th

B and A!

Mellietronx August 20th

@Hope C

Nistar August 20th


NotAllHere713 August 20th


I'm old school-I still write everything down.

kitkitkat August 21st

@Hope B! I like handwriting notes and organizing them in binders where i can rearrange them any time

lightPrune1000 August 21st


On a whiteboard, a phone, on a piece of paper, I got to put it everywhere because I become forgetful due to stress

JollyRacher August 21st


Usually A 

LillyRonsha22 August 21st

A and B @Hope

yourbuddy30 August 21st

@Hope I would say A. It always comes in Handy. 

agentsky1705 August 22nd

@Hope a

Hope OP September 3rd

Hi everyone! What a popular poll. Apologies for the delay in closing polls. It has been busy!

Note: I do not count any answers that have not selected 1 option from the given options. Please choose 1 moving forward. 

Here are the votes!

A) Typing on a laptop/tablet - 6

B) Handwriting in a notebook - 8

C) Using voice recordings - 1

D) Sketching or mind maps - 2

It appears that old-school handwriting in a notebook wins! The popular choice is B) Handwriting in a notebook 

Thank you for taking part in our poll! Do join our tag list here

@searchingSoul01 @StrawberryShaken @reservedTangerine9348 @Positron2 @Omathewise @juliak1968 @tim2009 @VictoriaLove7 @maepricot @unassumingEyes @WeEarth @Admirablerainbow2825 @sereneGrace1585 @Mellietronx @Nistar @NotAllHere713 @kitkitkat @lightPrune1000 @JollyRacher @LillyRonsha22 @yourbuddy30 @agentsky1705

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