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Celebrate Course Completion Here!

Hope June 29th, 2022

Woohoo! You did it. Congratulations on completing the time management course!

What part did you benefit the most from?

Savedbygrace35 August 7th

@Hope I definitely got the most out the story about the rocks. I need to prioritize the things that mean the most to me that aren't urgent. 

LoneWolf91 August 31st

Finished the course! It was so much more enlightening than I thought it would be. I love some of the ideas I learnt during this course! I'm already implementing this in addition to my already existing system, making tweaks.

I feel like I need to revisit this to properly reap the benefits!

LoneWolf91 August 31st

@LoneWolf91 oh and just the idea of sharpening the saw and just putting your quadrant ii goals on a sheet and actually comparing it to your weekly schedule is eye-opening! It might seem obvious to some but it blew my mind! Like "Wow, a lot of what I do doesn't bring me closer to my goals".

Achieving a goal isn't something that happens suddenly. It is a slow, incremental process. I knew that cognitively but just seeing my weekly schedule made something click in my head if that makes sense

Happysouled September 1st


Completed the course. It was really good. I scored 20/20. 

sillyLittleBook September 5th

It really helped to be made to reflect on my principle and to have it reinforced that I should be mindul of it :))

GentleHealingInitiative September 9th

@Hope Completed! 

I thoroughly enjoyed this course! Especially when it was stated to simply pause for a moment and think about what actually matters. That is, to work on our habits that would help fuel a purpose driven life and dedicate time to what actually matters.

Thank you for this opportunity to do this course. 💓

InspiringPancakes September 11th



Organization methods!


Submitted it. So good to be reminded that the why is more important than the what, often

Anooshay Friday

@Hope There is currently no content available on the growth path for this course. Please add content, as I have completed all my quizzes based on the book.

Hope OP Monday


Hi! I think you are referring to the Time Management Course. The path exists for it. Click here to access it

lovelyBlossom5344 3 hours ago

@Hope Just completed this, thank you for a great resource!