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Depression and Support System

River September 20th, 2018

One of the hardest symptoms when you are suffering with depression is the feeling of isolation.This is why it is so important to create a support system around us when we are starting our recovery.Depression is a very frightening and lonely place. While depression is a diagnosable, treatable ailment, it is also a menacing, shadowy room where dark emotions go to play with your mind. A good support system is like a window in that room, providing light and warmth.

What is a support system?

A support system is a network of people who provide an individual with practical or emotional support. They are the group of people you can trust with advice, help, and support in your daily life. You can have multiple support systems in different aspects of your life, including family, work, volunteer, etc.

What does healthy support system look like?

It can include people, websites and resources that is helpful for you. It could be the place you lean to for support or it could be the place where you gain knowledge from.

Healthy support system includes people who:

enlightenedGives good advice when you want it and ask for it

enlightenedIs trustworthy and respectful

enlightenedAllows you space to grow and learn from your mistakes

enlightenedListens to you, but also talks to you about their own life

enlightenedRespects confidentiality when you ask them to

enlightenedDoesnt judge you for sharing your emotions

enlightenedHelps you problem solve out of stressful situations

How can healthy support system help you?

These are the few ways how healthy support system can help you:

enlightened Accountability

A healthy support system includes someone who can call your bluff when needed, offer honest feedback without you getting angry, and help you stay or get back on track. With no one holding you accountable, recovery can become harder. It gives you the room to start justifying behaviors that are not aligned with healing.

enlightened Better problem-solving

Social support groups can help you work out problems and relieve stress as well. Regardless of what youre experiencing, chances are others are dealing with similar issues, and may be able to provide you with useful strategies.

enlightened Decrease Feelings of Loneliness

If you are suffering with depression you might feel isolated, and combatting loneliness is much easier when you have a support system. Every time you start feeling lonely, reach out to someone in your support system.

enlightened Increase Self-Confidence

Having a strong support group around you can make you feel important and loved. It can also make you feel valued by other people, which could increase your self-esteem and overall mental health.

No matter how strongly you want to avoid people, reaching out to others who have a personal connection to what you're going through can have a huge healing effect. Knowing that you're really not alone can give you the needed moral support to stay with your treatment and keep moving toward recovery.


Discussion questions:

enlightenedWhat does your support system look like?

enlightenedHow has your support system helped you in dealing with depression?

Jennifer77 May 31st, 2020

@River I don't have a support system for my depression

Bell604 November 27th, 2020


My Health support system is just random people online. I don't have any chance of getting proper help atm with my situation. I have a friend who's helping me atm but I'm afraid we will disassociate one day and I will be alone again because of the group chat we are in and the problems I am having with it.

Bell604 November 27th, 2020


The 'system' I have has helped me for a year now. This 2020 I've needed to meet a lot for people but it's still the same process: meet, vent, help, disassociate. It's a cycle I hate because I have no solid friendships and now I am afraid of making friends in future.

River OP September 20th, 2018

@1234567891011 @1BRAVEWOMAN @1mmisnow @7cupsofteaDG @ac2021203 @AdaptableMess @affectionateapricot210 @Aidedplacebo @Aiden @akliis @Alessia15 @AliceAllAlone @allnaturalNight50 @amberleanne @AMusicalSilence @amusingHuman5441 @aquaPal1570 @Arachibutyrophobia1 @archerzvy @ArianaTalent24 @Arieswarwithin @asgravity @asheroo92 @ashleykae @AsifAbro @astray @Aubrey2018 @autismaunt14 @Avaray @azureNest7472 @Basilstorm @bbybritt @BeautifulMindLetsTalk @BellaFreedom @bestVase7265 @bgdave @BlackWater @BlissfulSummer @blithesoul64 @blossombreathe @BlueBetta @booklover211 @brainybrainy @brendenjnsn @BridgetAileen @brightcircle6081 @brightLand1667 @BrightRedFlower2322 @Brooke91 @BurkeDevlin @Butterfly09 @CallMeNaman2002 @CantStepOut @capedcrusader10 @carefulBike4928 @CaringBrit @casscub @Cathrithis @CautiousUnicorn373 @cellogirl @Chanie @Charise23 @Charlie33 @charmingFriend8090 @chasz @Cheetah21 @Chimmysmallz @Chiyo @ChloeTheDuck @Chanie @claireslowing @cocoafp191 @colorfulRainbow75 @comfortableWings52 @comfortingAngel @ComfortingForest @Compassion21 @Confused197 @conscientiousBike9394 @cooldino @countrygirl1231 @CrayDezzy @creativecamp2095 @creativeMagic26 @creativepenwriter7465 @cricketCat @CrimsonHickory6427 @Crisblues @Crywhenyoursad @cuddlyWaterfall12 @cupheaad @cyddles @cynchacat @daisylee @Dancersoul @deathdream13 @Demus @DepressedNLost22 @DililahRose @diplomaticTurtle9982 @discreetBlueberry @discreetEast1092 @Dispenser14 @DistressedDad @Djsjsjsjsjs @doeji @DolphinsRLife99 @Driftingintowandering @Du5t8unny @easyMap6620 @Elandri @elieveintimeandyoursoul @Elizabeth1s @Elon @emma160 @EmmaGrill @emndee @Emory20 @enchantingvision94 @enthusiasticPenny9384 @enthusiasticpond5679 @Erato @Eruleanc @essdee @euphonic @EvilRegalsReadToo @faefaerie93 @FallenBird1234 @FantasyChapters @Faramir @fearlessOak3002 @fearlesspear8268 @focus4000 @fotovoltaica @FranklyMaple @FreckleFox @FreesiaRed @friendlyChestnut4964 @friendlypeach80 @fritillarybutterflies @gardenlady @geecat @GeminiRoza98 @generousLychee7952 @Genji @GentleRayn511 @Georgia @GeorgianaD @glasstree @GlitterWind @Goingthroughstuff @goldenbeach22 @goldenPalm71 @Gwrtheyrn @gymnast9460 @HandyEars @HappyLady19 @Harvesterofchrist91 @heartattackinblackhairdye @heartfulHeart81 @heatherh11 @HeyItsMish @highlandramtv @himesky @Histerikal @hobbes1978 @HopefulSprings @humorousBeing8966 @HydrangeaField @ILikeRaccoons @imperialsnake22 @Indifferent @Indigokite @IndigoRoses @intelligentString @Introvert73 @InventiveSouth @InvisiblyBroken1219 @IsaboeOfLumatere @Isapizza13 @Itseraa @IvyJenkins@Ivywater@Jaqqq @Jascoo @JazzyTrumpeter @JC_101 @Jeta41 @JetBlackRose9922 @JNames2 @John04 @jonnyboy9 @JosieKat @joycejoycejoyce @JoyIntoDarkness @jr50 @Just0Annie @Kat007 @kate @kazzouli @kingdomworker @Kittikatmow @KnightInWhite @KnocktournalMonkey @KravenFire @krissylynn2@lasagna1 @leghost223 @LenJoe @Lepapillon @Letsbefriends222 @Lexloveslife @lightstar7 @Lijodo10 @limegreen @limeLion2866 @ListenMoreTalkLess @littleCup5877 @LittleMissSkittles @Littlepurplelady @Littleredx @locsoflovin @Lola2008 @Lollipop92 @LorryLulu @Lovelaughspread72 @LovelyKittyCat @lovelySunshine13 @LoveonmyArm @lucidpanic @Mablue @Maddheda @mahoganyecho @MaisieDaisy @Markysim1 @MarthaBarbie @mary31 @mattlookslikeshalissa @Maxy @medhaisme @Meeshyell @Meliza1234 @Mellietronx @melliotm @Memi @MikkRozzWhuh91 @Minardi @Mindflight @missellencat @MissRoxxy @Mkkayj @moonchild95 @morisawa @MorningStar610 @mrcheeeku @MsMiniMe @munchkin4065 @Munchkin4065 @MysterySpirit @Myusername2011 @Nagisa @Namangoel2002 @Nans17 @NashAnnie @navyFarm1407 @navylady @NeWoman @nicepens @niceTangerine6642 @NicoAce @Nicola2468 @NihilNovi @Nikkijay @ninetaleslove @No715 @Nonalia3 @NothingGold @Nothingnew14 @NotKhan @NotQuiteBlue @Ocendade @offthebeat @OliveCar4161 @OnceaCoward @onedirection1213 @OneOddSock @p5ycheD3lia @Palepink @pamharley003 @passionateMango2156 @peachPomegranate7908 @PerfectStorm426 @photojenny @pinkThinker6194 @pinkTiger254 @Pinnae @placidRaspberries @PlumWatermelon1278 @poisontongue @potatofriend @PurpleSky17 @quietDime4559 @QuirkyAnne @Ratheruncreativescreenname @Raya501 @Rebekahwriter13 @Reboot85 @Redhawk6547 @Reeseyreese @reservedVillage7837 @resourcefulAcai4332 @rosaliemcrx @Rose @Rosypink06 @Sail46 @sandrahjames @Savchambo @scales316 @ScarletPear1945 @SelfDestructiveReconstruction @SentientCozyTeacup @Serena44 @Shadeshack @Shaiya365 @Sham @Shanti41 @silveronyxx @silverRainfall65 @Skafa1214 @smallturtle7 @SmileEmmy @SoftForestHSP77 @Softjoy55 @Solitaryshadow @sometinylight @sonzz @Sqllover928 @squidbob101 @SquirrellyOranged @Stark3 @Strauberryjam @Sues4958 @suicideisnttheanswer @sujaypai @Summerlove15 @SunnyTea @SunnyGab @TalonBatt34 @taylorjensen @teapls @Tellyc @Thanx9871 @TheEvilQueenReadsToo @thesameboat26 @TheStarsShineBrightButIShineBrighter @ThomasHs @Tiredoftreading @Tlovins1997 @tluper6491 @tobecontinued @Tomboyktm @Torin @totheskyandbeyond @toughGrapes7554 @tranquilForever68 @TrustNLove @TurtleUrdle @Undefinedandundertermind01 @undefinedKeionaaaking @uneasymadi @versatileTree3405 @warmheartedCity185 @Whatever33 @WhimsicalDancer @wildatheart88 @wildOnee @WildUnknown @willyishere @WithGraceIWillHeal @WolfGirlKari @WolfieSparks @wtwta @Xaap @XenolithPearl @xxsaharaxx @Yayoe10 @ye @yellowracecar0605 @Zoxme @Sabrina3886 @Zammn

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Rebekahwriter13 September 20th, 2018

enlightenedWhat does your support system look like? I don't have one, it because of accountabilty.

enlightenedHow has your support system helped you in dealing with depression? It's been hard. I feel it's hard to find a balance and someone who reliable

Jennifer77 May 29th, 2020

@Rebekahwriter13 same for me

Rebekahwriter13 May 31st, 2020

@Jennifer77 I'm sorry. It's really frustrating when t feels like not gets it

BlueBetta September 21st, 2018

enlightenedWhat does your support system look like? I have my family, my fianace, and 7 cups when I need to vent.

enlightenedHow has your support system helped you in dealing with depression? It's helped to have people who will listen to me, and people who I know care about what's going on.

Chrisandrew September 21st, 2018

I have come back and decided to re give my time to those going through mental illness. A crucial part which is hand in hand with support system is a good friendly non judgmental ear to hear them out and tell them it will be okay .

GhostBunnywhite September 22nd, 2018

To be honest too much to read, Just make it simple next time..

JemmyX0X0 November 28th, 2020

@River thanks for sharing this information. Your profile picture grabbed my attention when I was scrolling through lol

slowdecline48 September 25th, 2023

7Cups is my support's helped with my gloom a few times.

BeCreative1967 September 25th, 2023

I do have a good support system on- and offline, but when I am actually depressed, I forget about it. Once I do get a bit better, I realize it again. Not easy to get far enough out of your hole to see the light ;-)

0Gwendolyne0 September 25th, 2023

What support system? Anyways how do you get this gif pfp? looks cool