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A Bittersweet Goodbye

Kate March 22nd, 2019

Dearest 7 Cups Community,

Its with mixed feelings that I am officially announcing that my time as Community Manager here at 7 Cups will be ending. I was offered an exciting new role with another organization and have accepted. My last day here as Community Manager will be next Friday, March 29th.

My time here over the past year and a half has been exciting, challenging and extremely rewarding. Ive learned so much from all of you and have valued leading the group support rooms and teen community. The one constant with 7 Cups is that things are constantly changing and evolving. Change can be hard to deal with and its ok to be scared or unsure. I am leaving you in good hands with @Laura, @Jill7Cups and @Heather225 (and Tuna).

Here is my advice and (unsolicited) wisdom:

- Approach change with an open mind and remember that nothing is set in stone and everyones feelings are valid, even when you may disagree.

- Be nice to everyone. You never know what someone is going through on the other side of the computer or phone screen.

- Be patient with the Community Managers. They see you and they care about you even if they dont answer your PM as fast as they would like to.

- Its ok to take time for self-care. I mean it. Go outside. Your roles will be here when you come back.

- No Cupsing in class.

Even after next Friday, I will still have access to this account so please stop by and say hi sometimes, send me a silly cat photo or a llama-related item you happen to come across.


- Kate/LovelyLlama

Update from Jill: here is the compilation of going away messages that I shared in the surprise hug parties, if you didn't get a chance to add yours you can add it as a comment below.

Blaze March 24th, 2019

Kate! I am so happy for you! I can only hope you'll have a wonderful experience in your new job! Also great to know you'll still check in with us every now and then. Thank you for everything you have done for 7 Cups and for every member of this community.

Best of luck and take care!

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Mamamel March 29th, 2019


Kate it has been a pleasure to be part of a community like 7 cups with such a wonderfu woman as yourself. You will be missed around here. Good luck in everything that you do in life, may all your hopes and dreams come true.

brilliantTurtle89 March 25th, 2019


I will miss you so much but am really pleased for your new opportunity. Thank you for everything you have done here and for the opportunities you have given me personally. So many people are stronger, happier and healthier because of you.❀️

Rivercat22 March 25th, 2019

@Kate This news is so hard for me and so sad. You have truly been so supportive and kind towards me , I admire your patience with people who have BPD. You show no judgement and only compassion. Thank you so much for all the hard work and the time you have put towards our community. I have worked alongside with you on the personality disorders community and you have really help me to understand better things and change. I do infact struggle with change but you have been so patient with me. Thank you so much. I wish you all the best with your new job and I will definitely be PM you still so happy to hear that still open :D thank you for allowing me to be me, emotional and all. You the best Taging @delightfulDragon87 @LavenderFlower


SmileyPower March 25th, 2019


This is so sad and shocking to hear 😞 I cant believe this is happening 😞

SmileyPower March 25th, 2019

Thank you for everything you have done for this community! Honestly there are no words to describe the positive changes you have brought to this community.

Good luck on the new role and Im sure everyone is gonna love you, your hard work and dedication you have!

Jill7Cups March 25th, 2019

kindSoul10 March 26th, 2019

@Jill7cups -hugs- 😭

WendyBird15 March 25th, 2019

@Kate I'm shocked and surprised. I never saw this coming. I know change is innevitable and a part of life but I can't say right now that you won't be missed. You came here and truly helped build up the community again. I'm not okay with instant good-bye but good luck with your new role.

emsworld March 25th, 2019

@Kate It's taken me a while to respond to this, as I wanted to make sure I would be able to formulate my thoughts and feelings in this response, I don't believe that anyone is able to put into words how much on an impact you have had on this whole 7 Cups community, and how much we will all miss you here, but I am so glad to hear that you are moving on to a wonderful new opportunity.

Since you joined the 7 Cups community, you have been a leader that we all look up to on the site, someone who is approachable, caring and passionate about the site. I can't thank you enough for helping shape my journey here on 7 Cups, for your continuous guidance, support, patience and understanding. You never seized to amaze me with how quickly you respond to our queries, or how patient you are with answering my many questions on different aspects of the site! I really appreciate everything that you have done for this site.

I don't think there's any words that will explain how much you have impacted my path here, if it hadn't been for your support and continuous guidance when I first applied for STL, as my first leadership postilion, I would not of had the confidence or skills to apply for the leadership roles I currently hold today, or do half of the events I have aimed. You have always been there to support not only my 7 Cups goals, but also personal goals and I love the fact that you have always prioritized self care. You never made me feel bad when I needed to take a step back from a role, or when I came to explain that I would have to give up most of my roles - instead you helped guide me on how I could make that happen and reassure me that I could come back if I decided I was ready.

You helped me change my views towards the community management team, to help me see that you are a team of kind, hard-working individuals who want to better the site, rather than powerful individuals I would be scared of. As much as I will miss you on Cups, I know that you have so many more lives to touch, and anybody who has the privilege of working with you is super lucky!

I'm so glad that you will still have access to your account, and I hope that you can pop in from time to time! It would be amazing to see you, and good luck with starting your new job! I know you will do amazing Red heart


soulsings March 25th, 2019

@Kate will miss you. All the best in your new position.

MidnightRaven999 March 25th, 2019

@Kate this is indeed a bittersweet goodbye, you've been such an influenctial person here, so im going to miss you a lot. and at the same time, im so happy for your new role and im so excited and proud that you accepted it! I hope to see you around every once in a while here, thank you for being the wonderful person you are. keep being awesome!

amiablePeace77 March 25th, 2019


I am kind of speechless. It is very sad to see you leaving, although we did not have a lot of contact I can say by what I saw here that you were very passionate about what you were doing. If you think it's time to move on that's okay, you gave a lot.

I do hope you will look forward to your new position with exitement and happy feelings and no guilt for leaving. I wish you all the best and a great future.

CaringBrit March 26th, 2019

@Kate omg nooo gonna miss you Kate ive grown so much learnt loads from you achieved tons because of you STL for Anxiety was bwecause of you then ATL then into a joint decision 7cups DJ i hope you still try drop into my DJ events kate xd im live 27th 2-6pm and 30th from 9am EDT

good luck in your new role

MistyMagic March 26th, 2019

@Kate words can't express the sadness that you are leaving, thank-you so much for all you have done here.
I wish you so much luck for your new adventure, you may be escaping but I hope you don't disappear . .

Listening .... One Step At A Time

caringPanda45 March 27th, 2019

@Kate Congratulations and all the best in your new role!!!

FaithfulPrune9638 March 28th, 2019

Kate, congratulations on your move! I know we haven't communicated, but it was great to see you around here. May I ask what the name of the organization is that you are going? I might check out the services they offer.

Kate OP March 28th, 2019

@FaithfulPrune9638 I will be working for the National Council for Behavioral Health

MistyMagic March 28th, 2019


WTG Kate you will do awsomesauce there!

Listening .... One Step At A Time

FaithfulPrune9638 March 28th, 2019



melliotm March 28th, 2019

@Kate the k street lobby group? Does this mean you'll be moving to the district?

melliotm March 28th, 2019

@kate (also congrats on the new gig!)

Kate OP March 29th, 2019

@melliotm I've always been from the DC area

Emmur March 29th, 2019

Nooooo Kate :c We love you! <3 I'm so excited for you and your new role. I know that you'll do amazing things. As much as I'm sorry to see you go, I'm glad that you're going to be continuing to follow your dreams. Best of luck with everything! <3 We'll miss you lots. c: Thank you so much for all of the support and help that you've given me and the Anxiety Support community. We would not be where we are today without you. <3

SpaceStation2 March 29th, 2019


Good luck, I will miss you and wish you the best! I hope you'll still stop by time to time. ❀❀❀❀❀

azuladragon34 March 29th, 2019


Congrats on your new role. It's sad to see you go. Take care of yourself heart

ilikecake22 March 29th, 2019


I'm sad. I'm going to miss you. Thank you for everything you've done for 7 cups and for me. heart

Freedomtochoose March 29th, 2019

@Kate What a bittersweet moment, best wishes in all you do!!

Simie March 29th, 2019

Have fun, knew you would always look forward.
The person you are I can see the qualities to make you a success in whatever you do. Thanks for the memories.

LilyBlossom21 March 29th, 2019

Congratulations on the new position. You have impacted on so many lives here and as such you will be sorely missed. Wishing you all the best in your new job and hoping that your life is all the more fulfilling. β˜†

Pidge2 March 29th, 2019


aww we'll miss you! thank you for all your support over the last year and a half + good luck with your next role and beyond <3

Tyedyedbutterfly65 March 29th, 2019

Good Luck and God Bless!!! Many thanks for the help you gave me !!

Congrats and Take care !!

Zammn March 29th, 2019


You'll be missed, Kate! I have always admired your fast replies and your helpfulness, kindness around Cups! You have done a lot for this community and we'll always be grateful for what you've done for us. You are awesome, Kate! Thank you very much for everyone you have done for 7 Cups. I wish you all the best for your next role you have chosen and I'm sure you'll be great indeed!

Good luckkkkk, Kate heart


proudPeace77 March 29th, 2019

@Zammngoodbye kate

AlexanderReed March 29th, 2019


You have been a wonderful addition to the team! You will dearly be missed here but we are all so happy for you! Promotions are an awesome thing so koodos to you for recieving that! You are such an amazing, caring, loving, considerate, understanding and brave person. The place you are now going to is very lucky to have you darling. I wish you the best of luck on your new journey. Sending you lots of hugs and loaf. Take care and keep strong! ❀

GrahZeymahzin March 29th, 2019


I hadn't been able to reply until now because I haven't had the words and I still don't really. I never expected this to happen but it is an amazing opportunity and I know you will make an amazing addition to any team or organization you are involved with. You have been an amazing leader here and I've enjoyed being able to work with you. You have kept the community amazing for so many people. You will definitely be missed and I hope you do stop in to say hi still.

comfortingTree12 March 29th, 2019

Good luck

bountifulHand44 March 29th, 2019

@Kate Even though I haven't honoured meeting you as far as I can remember I find you wonderful. The comments are talking about your greatness.

I love that you know what you want to do (clear goal) and how to move on in life. I think we, 7 cups will miss you, but we are so delighted that you achieve one of 7 cups' goals that listeners/members/guests have an impact on the world outside 7 cups.

Love you soooo much!!! πŸ˜˜πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

Tbeth March 29th, 2019

I'm sorry to hear your leaving! Best of luck

wishfulEmbrace49 March 29th, 2019

I wish you good luck. We'll miss you but I know you'll continue to be amazing as always. We love you ❀