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You know you're getting old when:

PapaJeff59 July 24th, 2023

Alright, since we've all hit the Nifty 50's or Super 60's or more, we should be able to have some fun with this. Give a response to this. Let's be lighthearted,😄

You know you're getting old when:

Your pharmacy list is longer than your grocery list.

trueconfidant123 July 24th, 2023


Hey! This is an interesting thread. Let's keep it going.

You know you're getting old when:

A nap seems a blessing rather than a punishment (reference, the forceful naps we had to take as a child 😅).

slowdecline48 July 24th, 2023
  • ...out of several options for leisure, you pick the one that gets you home by 9:30 p.m. if not earlier.
  • ...someone calls you "old man" or "ma'am" for the first time. (That happened to me a few weeks ago & I'm still annoyed)
  • ...when filling out a form on a website, you get to the field that says "year of birth" & you gotta spin that b**** like you're on Wheel of Fortune!
  • tell the above to a young person--& then have to explain what Wheel of Fortune is.
  • have a This-Young-Person-Does-Not-Know-What-I'm-Talking-About moment (see above). It can be about anything: a movie, a once-popular singer/actor, an economic recession, anything.
  • discover that you don't know the celebrity who's currently involved in a tax audit/nasty divorce/DUI arrest/whatever...& you don't give a jolly d**n who (s)he is or what (s)he's doing, either.
  • tell a twentysomething girl your age & she says "that's my dad!"

I could list a few more but I won't...better to give other people here a chance instead.

navySea3717 July 24th, 2023

When, buying chocolates doesn't excites you anymore 😅🫣

PatienceImpatiens July 24th, 2023

You're done with self pity, posturing, and any semblance of pretense. You don't mind using those SAT words you studied for in high school that you never had the chance to use.

slowdecline48 July 27th, 2023

@PatienceImpatiens Amen. Once I hit 40, I stopped caring about what other people think of me. We don't have time for that kind of foolishness.

Gettingbettertoday July 24th, 2023


You know you're getting old when:

You don't always know when you pee.

slowdecline48 July 27th, 2023
@Gettingbettertoday Oh god, no...Jesus on a pogo stick, I am not looking forward to that milestone.
UberRuminator July 24th, 2023


You can’t get into or out of a chair without groaning.

OnlyDarkness July 24th, 2023

@PapaJeff59. You know you’re getting Old when, People in line let you go in front of them because they think you don’t have the time to wait like everyone else .

OnlyDarkness July 24th, 2023

@PapaJeff59 You know you’re getting Old when you don’t know Any of the Bands or Songs they sing in the Top Ten Count Down .

UnexpectedTomatoe July 24th, 2023
@PapaJeff59 When you have no more f’s to give. Litteral f’s and figurative f’s 😂
Barltik2065 July 25th, 2023


"You know you're getting old when:"

When you reference "Star Wars: New Hope" as being the first movie and you saw it at the theaters when it released

1chillalien July 25th, 2023

You know you're getting old when you wonder "why does that hurt, I didn't even do anything for that to hurt?"

slowdecline48 July 27th, 2023

😆 Yes! Or:

...when something hurts because you slept in the wrong position. I've done that 😂

OnlyDarkness July 27th, 2023

@PapaJeff59 Shite, When everything just hurts for no reason. .

slowdecline48 July 27th, 2023

A good while back, I started making memes about this same subject...(even before I discovered 7Cups!) If you're interested you can read a few of 'em here.

slowdecline48 July 27th, 2023

...and now I'm writing down a few more.

I should do an art book about this, with hand lettering or cartoons or something.

OnlyDarkness July 27th, 2023

@slowdecline48. Sounds like a great Idea just make sure you do it Old school with no computer this and digital that Like you said hand written and drawn like the good old days Cartoons .

slowdecline48 July 27th, 2023

@OnlyDarkness Yeah. I am so going to use a few of what I've read here, too. We're all coming up with some gems!

Barltik2065 July 27th, 2023


"You know you're NOT old when:"

You don’t know what to do with this:


OnlyDarkness July 27th, 2023

@PapaJeff59 You know you’re Old when, You can remember having to get up and physically change the channel on the Tv to 1 of the 3 channels that were available .

Barltik2065 July 27th, 2023


Nope never did, that is what the kids are for.
"Hey Bobby, turn on channel 12. The news is coming on. And while you're there, adjust the ears"

OnlyDarkness July 27th, 2023

@Barltik2065 Only problem was Barltik I was Bobby. LOL .

Barltik2065 July 27th, 2023


As were I.
Only thing I didn't do was climb the antenna tower to turn it.

Barltik2065 July 27th, 2023



slowdecline48 July 27th, 2023


YKYGOW can remember when Ted Turner was alive--& why people hated him.

ShakenNotStirred932 July 27th, 2023

You know your getting old when;

You can't remember if you took all your meds this morning.

When you try and explain to a young person how a dail up telephone worked.

When you can remember watching Star Trek on a black and white TV, with snowy UHF reception.

slowdecline48 July 27th, 2023

@ShakenNotStirred932 I've done the first one!... 😜

OnlyDarkness July 27th, 2023

@PapaJeff59 You know you’re Old when you can remember being able to see the entire Disneyland Park in 1 visit and actually get to ride most of the rides . And it didn’t cost you like two months salary to go .

slowdecline48 July 27th, 2023

YKYGOW can remember when Michael Jackson was black. And still looked like a human being. And was alive.