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Starting over at the end of the race.

Iamwhoiamwhoami March 29th, 2023

I don’t know how to even begin to proceed going forward. With all that is happening physically/mentally now I am pushed into a corner of changing jobs within the next year, providing my body/mind holds on. I have too many issues and my social anxiety is a huge barrier to any help. I am too old for most jobs and the rest I know my limitations. I never thought I would find myself saying that but it is my reality. Around 15 years ago I was turned away from McDonalds because I was too old and over qualified.

I don’t know what I can handle doing anymore. I don’t want to rely on assistance, as long as I am able to work, I want to be productive and pull my weight.

I can’t handle what’s coming. I feel the walls closing in and I can’t breathe. I have to stop for now

cindyzheng1344 March 29th, 2023


I want you to know that it's completely understandable to feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to proceed when faced with so many challenges. It's important to take things one step at a time and to focus on the things you can control in the present moment. It's okay to feel anxious about the future but try not to let those worries consume you. Instead, focus on taking small actions toward your goals, even if they feel insignificant at first. I've also struggled with severe social anxiety, but perhaps you can consider seeking assistance from a career counselor or job coach who can help you navigate the job market and identify opportunities that match your skill set. Remember that your age and qualifications do not define you or limit your potential.

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP April 1st, 2023

I am not in an area that has help options close by. I have a commute to get into a large city that does . However I have a major struggle to maintain my anxieties on the drive there, much less navigating through the masses of people and traffic. I am at my wits end by the time I get anywhere close to the destination that I have zero patience or give a darns left and I either go back home or get frustrated while dealing with government stuff that I give up and go home.

When the only person in my life is me, myself and I. All of whom are not reliable.

I don’t have any decent support , I rely on myself and that is not necessarily a good thing anymore.

The times I have asked for support from government agencies I have been rejected every time I have really, really, really needed it. I don’t have the strength or desire to even try anymore. I am only continuing out of lifelong habits.

If someone decided to list my issues and then compare them to the things people despise about others , enough to many them jailed or worse for their flaws. I would be at the top of their lists.

The direction the world is headed poses a continued path of negativity for me. Knowing this gives me no hope for anything in my future. If it is going to be the same or worse then what is the point going forward?

amiableBlackberry92 April 1st, 2023


I understand. I deal with a serious case of CPTSD and my anxiety can be horrendous. It hinders my ability to work. And I worked for all of my life. Its been a huge adjustment for me. I did have a retirement from my job that I was able to access to help support me. I feel lucky in this.

I wish there were more available services to help people who really need it. Even if you don't believe you deserve help you do. Your life matters, your care matters...



Iamwhoiamwhoami OP April 1st, 2023


Thank you

goodSpruce3041 April 5th, 2023

I hear you. I'm in my 60's and have been through breast cancer, sudden food intolerance (so painful), anxiety and agoraphobia (fear of leaving my home) foot issues etc. I may have to go back to work myself, damn it. I wish good things ahead for both of us.