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Feeling lonely

sympatheticPond9999 2 days ago


I am a 35 year old woman, divorced 10 years back and still single. I had a very bad marriage life which I got into without choice and came out of it with a long struggle. I didn't have any emotional family support except with my mom who feels guilty and sorry for me. But she is my only support system. All the so called friends I had all moved on with their and got busy. I am stuck here and feeling very lonely.

I don't make new friends that easily. I am not a complete introvert but I take a lot of time to get to know someone and making friends. It doesn't work out that easily. And I didn't meet anyone who I can think of as a partner as well. I have been traumatized a lot in my past marriage that I feel very insecure and can't bring myself to trust anyone.

I am good at my professional life and I am called by others as a strong person. But only I know how much I am struggling inside and making myself to be strong.

Is it just me or are there people out there who face similar challenges as me? I just don't want to be lonely, want to have good friends, people who are not there just to gain something out from me.

Valentina1983 5 hours ago

@sympatheticPond9999 If we disregard the marriage part - this is me! You are not alone. And while talking to my friends, I see that even people with families and huge group of friends feel lonely, even desperate. 


I hear you! While I’m 24 and never been married, I relate to most of what you said. You definitely aren't alone in these feelings though I’m sorry you’re still experiencing it.

In terms of friends, I think I have one friend and even then I’m not her first choice. It used to bother me but now I let it be and we hang out maybe once every two months.

I’ve never commented on here before, and I’m not sure if we are allowed to give suggestions, but participating in community events can be helpful. This is coming from an introvert by the way haha- I love drawing and I love nature. I found community groups that got together once a week that were filled with others who had similar interests to me. While I may not have made a lot of friends from the groups, I still socialize and distract myself once a week and that’s enough for me. Maybe it could help? Best of luck to you!! I feel your pain.

chakragirl 4 hours ago

Besides the marriage and the age (I'm 28) I get it.

But I will be very honest, I happened to be on a room with people and feel lonely. It's hard to make good friendships, and then it's also hard to find your group of people that will have the conversations that will stimulate you.

My therapist recommend me engage on activities with other people, yoga, pilates, volunteer, etc. So I can expand my acquaintances. We will start there and see where it takes.

No pressure.

indigoDay5915 3 hours ago


Good idea, any social environment is what I'm craving. I feel that I'm an introvert after a long day of interacting with people. ... if that makes sense.

Delightfullover2085 4 hours ago


I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through this. It's completely understandable that you're feeling lonely and struggling to connect with others after a difficult past. It's not just you, and there are many people who face similar challenges.

It's normal to take time to get to know someone and build trust. Not everyone is cut out for instant friendships or relationships. And it's okay that you're not an extrovert; introverts can be incredibly wise and perceptive.

Asfor finding someone who can be a partner, it's understandable that you're hesitant due to past trauma. Trust does take time to rebuild, but it's not impossible. You should consider seeking support groups where you can connect with others who have gone through similar experiences

dapperSugar6827 3 hours ago

It's not easy not having social support. I've been single for about 4 years now. Previous relationship was toxic. It's hard to trust people when you've been conditioned not to. I don't have many close relationships either. It's good that you have your mom. Sometimes I open up to my mom but I don't anymore because she doesn't really offer advice or have an opinion besides go to church and get closer to God like im not good enough as I am and religion is all you need.

Peacepoint11 2 hours ago

If you ever need someone to share yourself, feel free to text me

Billa16 2 hours ago

@sympatheticPond9999 All of us goes through the same problems once in a while in lifetime. Do not lose hope on life.