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Lonely and brokenhearted

roark112 January 23rd, 2022

Hello to everyone I am kinda bad at this. I have been lonely and brokenhearted for a month. I just wanted say hi and just reach out somehow because I am overwhelmed.

brightAcres1376 January 24th, 2022


hello! if you'd like u can talk to me about whatever you'd like, and i'm srry that you're overwhelmed.

roark112 OP January 24th, 2022


I would really like that a lot thank you

brightAcres1376 January 26th, 2022


JustWant2bWell January 24th, 2022

Hello there!

When I was younger and I heard life was hard I had no idea it would be like this.

I do share similarities to what you mentioned. And I’m dealing with it myself from time to time.

I hope you can find a good group for things like this and pls lmk if you do. Bc I certainly would like to get the monkey of loneliness, not having closure still from a HS relationship over a decade ago, and man without closure just seems to be a breeding ground mentally for worse symptoms speaking from experience and I don’t line it at all.

sry for so long a msg. Just throwing out there if two ppl can instant message mebbe we could share common ground, if not then pls respond back if you’ve found an active chat or group that’s good with this aspect of life.

thx and sending prayers 🙏

roark112 OP January 24th, 2022


I do have a support group that does help but only meeting for 2 hours once a week sometimes is not enough but they try.

JustWant2bWell January 29th, 2022


For me I sincerely believe it takes a lot more, and not in an unnecessarily needy type of way.

But true recovery of which I’ve been working on myself for about a decade since college, well, if I could wave a magic wand I really think it would be to find a new partner or friend in real life.

someone who can be there for me at the reach of a phone or visits to just walk to the park or talk.

the frequency of 2hrs here or 10 minutes there just isn’t enough a boost to get reacquainted and readjusted for me.

roark112 OP January 29th, 2022


I do agree with that. I just feel at a point where all the work seems like it is for nothing.

spongbobishappy January 24th, 2022


I invite you to come and be a member of the Sharing Circle chat group on 7Cups.

oliveCamp8456 January 24th, 2022

Hi Roark

roark112 OP January 24th, 2022



Jaeteuk January 24th, 2022

I had a similar incident last November. Thought I met a decent person online, when in the end, it was all a lie. I was so happy in our conversations, but once I found out the truth, my heart suddenly felt emptied out. There's now a hole in it and I feel lost too. Wanted to trust someone, but it turned out to be a disaster and I felt betrayed. I'm hoping time will heal the broken-heart, I just hope it happens sooner than later~


roark112 OP January 26th, 2022


I am sorry to hear about that. I do get it but what also bothers me is that we did so much together and now all those things I like to do bring me pain.

Jaeteuk January 26th, 2022

I'd like to believe that once we are able to let go, all the things we had enjoyed "together" will feel more bearable even when they are done by ourselves. Of course, letting go will take time and courage to overcome. Unfortunately, it does start with pain.

Sometimes, although I feel that there is no more hope, somewhere deep inside, I'd still like to believe there's a 0.00001% chance that something good would happen in my lifetime. Even when that hope is hidden in the shadows, I still somehow want to hold onto it, even when there's no grip~


roark112 OP January 28th, 2022


Part of my problem is I have lost/given up on hope. I have lost too many friends and family to really have any support. the idea of a higher power seems like a absentee father to me. Also what is the point of having good things if there is no one to share them with.

disjointed22 January 30th, 2022

I have been going thru a whole lot also that I haven't spoke of yet. But let me tell you this since all this trouble times in my life arrived I started reading a devotional book and one I read like 2 days ago stated should also thank him for trouble times because at the end there are reasons for all the hardships. Listen I ain't hereto preach I saw your comment about the higher Father . I really hope that you find away to get thru it. I am struggling with multiple things I am going thru and it all sucks. But I try to keep head up

roark112 OP January 30th, 2022


I do appreciate the support and the idea. I just think I am too far gone for any of that because I have been praying for help since I was 4 years old and still nothing at 37. I think that it is time to give up on a higher power at this point. I hate to sound so dower but I am just too hurt and lonely to go along with the idea anymore.

greenmagnolias2404 February 3rd, 2022

It saddens me to hear your pain. But I hear you, loud and clear. I can relate but unfortunately I don’t have much advice. I think it’s good that you came here to vent and to find an ounce of hope because even that means you’re not as far gone as you believe yourself to be. I went through a tough breakup 7 years ago. It was a 10 year relationship that ended horribly and left me with trust issues and mega insecurities. I lost a ton of friends too over the course of my healing stage and a ton of confidence too. All I can say is there is a light at the end of the tunnel but you have to want it. I can remember being so dark and low for the first year or so that I don’t even think I would have wanted to be my own friend. Much less be around myself. I can remember drinking a lot and being totally depressed not wanting to do anything or go anywhere. I all did was work because I had bills. And that was it. There were a few people who stuck around and tried to help but I was not in a shape to be helped. Then I started dating just for attention and for something to do. And I met a guy who is now my husband who saw the light in me even though it was buried so deep. He saw it and brought me out of the tunnel. Now I’m not saying you need to find someone to bring you out because I do wish I was able to just love myself enough to see my own lights again. But I wasn’t. And I have always been a bright person, I was always most popular and super attractive and always had an entourage. But that breakup led to a depression that hit me so hard, I couldn’t past black. Everything was dark. Too dark. And I needed help finding an out. I say all this to say that I hope you can find your light soon. Because I’m sure it’s there and I’m sure it wants to shine again. I wish you the best and I’m here if you need.

UnlovableRogue February 3rd, 2022

@roark112 I understand your pain. I was also heartbroken a month ago. it really sucks.

beccalee2074 February 6th, 2022

Hi there. I can commiserate. You are definitely not alone. I am feeling kind of bad at this myself. I am 47, almost 48, and I don’t think I’ve ever been as lonely as I am now. It’s a brave thing to reach out and admit we don’t have it all together. I don’t know how much I can help, but I would always be willing to talk and listen. You aren’t alone in your feelings.

Charlie40 February 6th, 2022

hi Roark112, i feel that you did the right thing reaching out here, and you know what, when we are heartbroken, we all feel 'kinda bad at this', don't we?

So, i just wanted to say, one human to another, I saw your message today, and I relate to that feeling of being overwhelmed, it is awful and somehow inevitable when something or someone breaks our heart, there seems to be no bottom to it, no end, and the bigger your heart is, the more awful it feels. I hope that your heart heals gradually, and if you need to talk, and are looking for a listener, let me know. Charlie.

beccalee2074 February 7th, 2022

Since I read your post earlier today, I’ve been thinking of you. Hoping your days got better. Just wanted you to know you have a stranger rooting for you. Take care.

Sarashines421 February 7th, 2022

Hey there. I’m so sorry you have been feeling this way. I understand the feeling as I have been lonely and grieving for some time myself. I’m here if you want to talk.

Reliablefriend1111 February 7th, 2022


just take it one day at a time. Do things that make you happy in the mean time while you wait on Father Time. Sending you love!