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Ex girlfriend keep trying to hurt me of make me jealous and bash me on Facebook

emotionalFan1851 October 10th, 2022

My ex girlfriend keep throwing her new boyfriend in my face tell me he my kids step dad come to places she know I'm at with him

Optimisticempath October 10th, 2022


that's really not nice of her if she doing it purposefully :/ understandable how upsetting it must be for you

JunxiL October 10th, 2022

@emotionalFan1851 This type of negative behavior should not be tolerated. Try asking her to stop posting hurtfultings. If things don't improve you have to option of blocking her.

Findawayout October 10th, 2022

@emotionalFan1851 I feel your pain, my X GF is a narcist and she has sabotaged my reputation on facebook to any who will listen. She convinced a new girl I was dating that I was a horrible person. The lies and being stalked became so severe I decided to withdraw and close facebook entirely. Its hurtful when someone wants to bring harm like that as you are kind of experiencing now. Where is the compassion, why cant they move on and leave us alone.

emotionalFan1851 OP October 10th, 2022

Yes I don't understand like we were together for 13 years and she blame me for everything bad happened in 13 years like she did know worng she want admitt any worng doing

tealLion9329 October 14th, 2022

@emotionalFan1851 I recommend cutting ties ..I mean why do you need to be friends with her? It seems like her only purpose is to try to make you feel jealous with all the guys she gets with

emotionalFan1851 OP October 14th, 2022

We have 3 small kids but I done cuts ties for time being just paying child support for now no contact cause it was getting bad

Lucifer1810 October 14th, 2022

I will suggest you one peaceful and toxic way keep smiling front of them don't show your emotions front of them if have anger issue buy a punch bag it will decrease your emotions and stress be a dog parent it will makes your day joyful peace ✌️ have great day brother

SnowWolf81 January 16th, 2023

So sorry to hear that. My ex is a narcissist and used to bash me on *** or to anyone who would listen to him, my other ex talks bad about me, we do have a kid together and he's currently seeing someone who told my Son to call her "Mom" it upset me, So I can understand what you're feeling, Your ex is being very negative towards you and i can understand that it can be stressful to deal with, if your still talking to the ex you need to sit down and maybe have a conversation with them and tell them these things upset you. I can understand why this would upset you to have a Ex rubbing their new love in your face and making it hard to get along with them, sounds like they may be immature or childish. Hope this helps.