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"This life will be good. And beautiful. But not without heartbreak. In death comes peace, but pain is the cost of living. Like love, it’s how we know we’re truly alive." 

Feel free to hit me up if the above quote resonates with you too. I believe in pragmatic approach to things, and understanding the far side of certain issues that rarely surface in people's lives and society as a whole. I don't succumb to majority view points — and besides, the losing side has more interesting tales to tell.

I'm certainly not an expert. I'm struggling with my own relations. But I couldn't have asked for better people in my life. I lost my best friend to stupidity, but I'm learning to move on despite that. And my life feels like it's in a rut. But I am where I should be.

I'm available for a 1-1, back and forth messaging sessions, but not live chatting. I take long term members as well looking to vent for issues that take a consistent toll on their mind.

If you have an questions or concerns please do feel free to drop me a message. I'm a Room Supporter for:

  • The Newbie Hub Community
  • Relationship & Friendship Support Community
  • Student & Career Support Community
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The issue of Procrastination
Student Support / by reverecrivain
Last post
May 10th, 2022
...See more Fellow 7 Cups Members and Listeners, The topic of Procrastination is nothing new to any of us. We have all at least heard about it, if not faced with this issue. So I believe we all have something to say about this, and share our own experiences and view points on this. I came across several blog and research articles which say that maybe 'procrastination' is a symptom of several mental disorders, if not a mental disorder on it's own. In light of this, I understand and am very well aware that procrastination is like the common cold, and probably even more common than that, because it's prevalent in every one of us in way or another. However, for some of us it's a serious issue because it significantly hampers our productivity and motivation to get things done and the consequences of this is just quite high. I myself have been a chronic procrastinator for several years now. I am a student and part of the labor force as well. But I'm unable to produce the level of productivity as a student that I want to achieve. I have read a plethora of Self Help Books on motivation, procrastinations, changing habits, believing in oneself, realism, completed one of the 7 Module workbooks posted on this sub-section on procrastination and watched as many Ted Talks as possible. However, despite all those teachings, here I am drafting a post which I believe is a distraction in itself from the work I'm supposed to get done. So my question to you is that: Is it time that we consider procrastination as a mental illness than just laziness or bad habit? And Do we actually need professional help and medication to get over this. And this question applies to people who are chronic procrastinators, who are seriously worried about their condition and are unable to get out of it on their own.
Feedback & Reviews
Excellent and proper
takes things in, can calm you and make you feel like you are with a kind friend
Best listener! ❤️
good listener encouraging words.
Wonderful listener
Dedicates time to listen and care
Friendly, patient and cares
A really good listener and can empathize really well
very sweet!!! and open
Loved it. Awesome chat .
Thank you so much.
A very insightful individual. He listened and answered with pretty quick and helpful advice. Definitely helped me with my troubles and it was very nice to vent to him. Overall fantastic listener.
A very insightful and empathetic individual with great advice! Helped me more than I expected just to vent and hear what he had to say.
I completely love this listener, he changed my life in few sentences. He is a life saver!
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