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L Proficient 3
5 star rating
Number of ratings188 Number of reviews55 Listens toOver 18 LanguagesEnglish Listener sinceAug 14, 2014 Last activeover 6 months ago GenderFemale PathStep 849 People helped285 Chats844 Group support chats80 Listener group chats34 Forum posts129 Forum upvotes119

Oh, why hello there!
You've found me: a trained active listening intern with 7Cups who can't wait to have a lovely heart-to-heart with you.

I want nothing more than to empathize with you while providing a safe place to vent, process, and feel accepted.

I absolutely love people, and seeing as you are a person, by extension I love YOU and would love to get to know you.

If you find me online, feel free to request a chat with me! I cant wait to speak with you at length about anything you feel comfortable with.
If I am offline, still - message me! We'll find a time to connect, I'm sure.

Talk with you soon,

Recent forum posts
What if it happens again?!
Relationship Stress / by TheSeer
Last post
June 28th, 2015
...See more So, I just got over my first boyfriend.  I loved him dearly, but in retrospect, I realize he didn't care about me at all.   I feel ready to love again, but how do I keep myself from falling prey to someone like him again?  He raped me, cheated on me, and did everything he could to destroy my confidence. I know there are good people out there but what if I find one only pretending??  I'm quite anxious at this point...
He cheated on me with prostitutes for the entirety of our relationship...
Relationship Stress / by TheSeer
Last post
May 17th, 2015
...See more There. I said it. And God does it feel good to actually verbalize this fact. I'm just going through such massive disillusionment right now and am horrified at the fact I was so thoroughly duped for years. Is this how people getting out of cults feel? Anyway, it feels good to start addressing his abuse: physical, sexual, psychological, emotional. Though I'm not completely prepared to pick the experience apart, I see a therapist on Wednesday. Bleh :/ Any words of wisdom, shared experiences.... Anything would be appreciated. I'm hoping to channel this pain into making me a better person, though currently? It's hard to believe I'll able to be able to trust again but deep down I know I'll be so very happy someday. It'll take me by surprise and happen sooner than I'd ever expect. I just need to focus on becoming the person I was before the crazy-making, before the gaslighting started, before I was second guessing my every perception. Ugh :( But now I'm ready.  I'm so ready. And I genuinely appreciate you all! So, has anyone experienced anything similar??  I'd LOVE to hear your stories.
Feedback & Reviews
best listener!
Wonderful listener.
Great listener! Very easy to talk to. We're going to continue our talk tomorrow
Absolutely superlative. I've never had a better listening experience than I have with her.
She know how to read between the lines and help me realize what I truly want for myself.
She is good at her job.
She is the kind of person everyone needs in their life. I would love to speak to her again some day
let you realize, who you are and what is your strength. Thank you
she is perfect
asked insightful questions, was patient and encouraging. said positive things to make me feel better.
Expect a refreshingly lovely conversation with this optimistic and attentive listener. It's truly an experience you'll enjoy.
Very good, thankyou for the kind words it really helps getting things out of my brain. :)
She is extremely intelligent.

Now I know why she gets such amazing reviews.Because she is really a great listener.
Amazing person, very understandable.
Thank you for being so helpful!
A wonderful listener. Respectful, understanding, patient and present. I felt heard, not judged.
She is very caring and has a wonderful sense of humor! Helped me smile.
She is my favorite listener. I'm a repeat customer ^_^
I was in quite a panic before I spoke with you but now I feel empowered! You ask really great questions to help me examine my motives & true desires so thanks so much!
Great, person to talk to
I really appreciated her engaging questions during our conversation; they not only told me she was understanding my problems, but helped me answer things out for myself. Very kind and intuitive.
So amazingly helpful! Made me feel like a real person whose feelings are normal and valid.
Its great
She is amazing... She helped me a lot
amazing response..always there for you..
I told them things I'd never told anyone else and they made me feel safe
TheSeer is well versed in the arts of life coaching. Doesn't force anything down your throat, gets the answers out of you which is very important.
Very good listener
So amazing! One of the best out there!
thank you
Wise and helpful. Thanks!
She was really sweet and understanding. She offered me the kind of empathy that I really needed right now.
I think she is clairevoyant seriously
it was really nice talking to you.i feel better now.thank you
In my honest opinion, the single best listener on this site. I don't know where I would be without theseer. Absolutely amazing
good at asking insightful questions to help me examine my own inner thought process

really sweet
Great listener. Really understands.
She knows what's up
Beautiful heart
thanks for listening
Beautiful soul.
Great listener. Empathises well.
I liked the feedback.... I emotionally supportive.....
They were really good at listening and making me feel understood. I feel so much better just being able to bounce ideas off of someone, and this was a great person to chat with.
Was a friend to me when I needed one.
He is soo Sweet i will come again if i will need any help highly recommended.please contact him he will you to understand you
Great help
Thank you
Tremendous person, wish them nothing but the best.
Extremely sweet, very helpful and so caring! The best listener I have ever spoken with, and I couldn't feel more comfortable sharing things with her.
They very down to earth and did not feel judged they just listen to me and gave great advice to help me though this tough time of stuff I am dealing with.
Badges & Awards
70 total badges
Listening Ear Long Ears Magnet PenPal Jester of Smiles Clerk of Bear Hugs Piper of Dedication Baron of Big-Hearts Ellen Anxiety Depression Eating Disorders Managing Emotions Panic Attacks Surviving Breakups Traumatic Experiences Crisis Intervention Listener Oath Work Related Stress Self Harm Sexual Abuse Alcohol & Drug Abuse Family Support Grad Cultural Diversity Aristotle Bullying Chronic Pain Psychological First Aid Family Stress Sleeping Well Love Bug Refresher Light Chat Tiny Chat Voice Talker Ray of Hope College Guide Loneliness Guide Test Anxiety Exercise Motivation ACT Therapy Affirmative Reflection Chat & Text Listening Ace Active Listening Startup Support Perinatal Schizophrenia People of Color Guide ADHD Social Anxiety OCD Boundaries Forgiveness Grief Managing Bipolar Managing Finances Surviving Domestic Assault Getting Unstuck 7Cups Guide Community 101 2nd Birthday Party Sparkler Loyal Friend Tick Tock Fellow Friend Five Steps Hang 10