Since my childhood, I found that I made significant positive impact on people whom I talked to in my life. Overtime, I decided to find out what specifically lies beneath my ability to make people feel good like that and like talking to me. I studies lots of subjects from psychology, communication, linguistics and NLP, and hypnosis to find out the answer and form a simple method that I can apply and get consistent results from it over and over again.
I was able to distinguish clearly between what makes someone feels good at the moment, and what makes them feel good in the long run. I also, found out the line between just feeling good as in venting, and resolving an emotional conflict or gaining insight into oneself and feeling good because of it.
To me it isn't about verbal sympathy such as telling someone "Oh.. I am sorry you're feeling disappointed". And it could go with or without giving any advice, suggestion or explanations, depending on the person and situation. But it's 100% non-judgmental, which means even sentences like these "you should appreciate the difficult situation through which your parents are going at the moment" or "so you cheated on him/her!" do not come across.
Note that the last sentence can come across in a completely non-judgmental context, like when someone tells that he/she cheating on someone, I may say: "Oh.. so you're cheated on him/her. I see". In this particular context I am just following what someone has just told me. But it's simply not part what I do to judge someone’s actions even when all ethics of society agree they’re bad.
I have been doing the best in relationship issues, social anxieties, identity, depression and phobias. However, you are still very welcome if you'd like to share your other concerns with me, and I'd do whatever I can to help you.