My listener shifts are Fridays & Sundays for now till I change them.
Friday - 7:00pm - 9:00pm ET
Sunday - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm ET
Any other time I'm on is free time
Hi I'm Mone't I joined the site to help others like myself with mental disorders and people who just need an ear. At the end of last year I noticed I wasn't me I couldn't focus, I was sleeping all day barely eating and couldn't hold up my pants. Things were just taking a turn for the worse so I went to my doctor and told her I had Depression she immediately put me on anti-depressants. Shortly after I was diagnosed with Major Depression and anxiety. That dark time just made me realize how important it is to be okay and to help others like myself adjust better to the changes of those disorders. Of just helping others period to be an ear for others in a time of need. I'm not here to judge just to listen and help as you guys see fit.