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Hi! My name is Peyton, I'm an Intern here on 7 Cups.

I am 19 years old and female.

I'm open to talking about anything because I love to learn, but I'm most experienced with: relationships/breakups, sexual experiences, work/school stress, addiction (dealing with a loved one's addiction), money management/financial stress, family drama (divorce, siblings, step-families), health habits and motivation, ADHD, anxiety/depression, and college life. (Underline indicates my strongest topics) I have difficulty relating to: LGBTQ+, marriage/parenting, BPD, and grief but I am still available if you choose to reach out to me. I am NOT trained to help with issues regarding suicide or homicide, but I can gladly offer some resources that may help.

Even if you are just looking for someone to chat with to get your mind off of things, I'm here for you and would love to talk. Please feel free to reach out to me with anything! My interests include reading, movies, lacrosse, traveling, and enjoying college ;) I'm currently a Junior pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, as well as Criminal Justice.


"Our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that is yet to be revealed





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Homework: My Unpopular Stress Reliever
Hobby Zone / by Peyton17
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December 12th, 2021
...See more Something about doing school work has always brought major relaxation to me; it gives me something to focus all my attention on and really put a lot of thought and effort in, all while benefitting me educationally, which makes me feel like I'm doing good and working hard for myself. I love writing papers or reading chapters in a Psychology text as a way to get my off of my personal problems. Schoolwork usually has a negative connotation, it's viewed as just another thing that needs to get done and often is a huge source of stress. I totally understand that and I've definitely had moments where homework WAS causing my stress, however, I like to think that it can also be used as something that makes me feel better and motivated, and it's a nice reminder that I'm working towards my degree and no one can take that from me! Anyone else enjoy homework or something similar? Or do you use something else that is typically not viewed as a way of relieving stress?
Peyton17 profile picture
The Unpopular Opinion: Thankful For My Parents' Divorce
Relationship Stress / by Peyton17
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August 24th, 2016
...See more Ideally, everyone wants to grow up in a well-rounded, put together family full of love and happiness, but all of us know that the reality of that is next to impossible. Even families who don't go through divorce still aren't perfect. Of course, when I personally look at my life I do wish that I could've had a solid family unit with my two biological parents; however, that never would have worked out in my situation and I'm more thankful for my divorce than anything, I cannot imagine how my life would be if they had not gotten one. My parents got a divorce (started off as a "seperation" for one year due to state laws) when I was in the third grade, age eight. My younger sister had just started kindergarten at age 5. I didn't know a lot of the details surrounding why until much later in life, and honestly I don't recall much of my thought process regarding their divorce from when I first was told back 11 years ago. My dad was a severe alcoholic during my childhood and spent a lot of his time passed out on the floor or couch, totally incoherent. He meant well and loved us, but alcohol and drugs were more important to him (even after years of counseling), and I didn't know any different as a child. My mom had played both parental roles my entire life and I didn't even know that I was lacking; because I was so close with my mom I remember that I accepted their divorce like it was nothing because I trusted her more than anyone. My mom has told me (recently) about how many times she asked our school teachers and other adults in our lives if they noticed a change, and they all confirmed that my sister and I both seemed unaffected by the divorce. I love my dad and always have, but I guess we weren't connected enough for me to feel any loss from their divorce, besides just not physically seeing my dad everyday anymore. As I've gotten older, I've come to realize how much my mom, sister, and myself would have struggled and suffered with my dad still part of our family. We were so much better off without him, and while during my middle/high school years I did visit him every other weekend, I've grown to a point now where we occasionally do lunch and talk on the phone a few times each week, but I know that while yes he loves and cares about me, he will never quite understand how to connect and bond as a parent. His alcoholic tendancies and social lifestyle wouldn't have been easy to grow up with, and I'm thankful that I didn't have to deal with that. He was never cut out for family life, he enjoys drinking with friends and riding his motorcycle, and that's okay. I love him and accept him for who he is, I don't resent him for who he should've been because I have an awesome life and I'm super loved. My mom got all the happiness she deserved with my stepdad, who is also a wonderful addition to my life (not to mention my little half-brother!). So, sorry for my long rant about my personal life, but I've always wondered if anyone else has had a similar situation or a similar outlook on their parents being divorced. The stigma that surrounds it doesn't have to always be true, while yes it is traumatic and heartbreaking for many people, it doesn't have to be. It's okay to be happy about it, even if it seems like something you can't or shouldn't be happy about. Often it's better for everyone involved and will result in the greatest happiness, and maybe even some new amazing family members :)
Peyton17 profile picture
Cold & Lonely
Depression Support / by Peyton17
Last post
July 25th, 2016
...See more Today I started this book by psychologist Thalma Lobel entitled "Sensation: The New Science of Physical Intelligence" which focuses on how everyday physical stimuli affects us psychologically.The first chapter starts off discussing how temperature actually plays a role in our moods; in several summarized experiments it was proven that cold temperatures relate to negative emotions and warm temperatures relate to positive emotions. Lobel sums up how the research and multiple experiments all showed the same results: cold and lonely share a bond. In the experiments, those who felt lonely or isolated physically felt colder and even had significantly lower temperatures (about 5 degrees) than those in the experiment who felt included by others. The most fascinating discovery in my opinion evolved from an experiment where participants were asked to describe the person they felt closest to; a little ways into the experiment the participants were asked to hold a beverage (some hot and some cold) and those who held the cold beverage described their loved one with more negativity than those who held the warm beverage in ALL cases. The experiment goes to show how physical stimulus can even affect what seems to be an "unwavering emotion" for the one we care most about. What I'm getting at with all of this information is that warmth is a cure for loneliness. The physical stimulus of a warm temperature leads your brain to warmer, more positive thoughts and feelings. While Thalma Lobel can explain the psychology side of WHY better than me, the research shows the truth behind it. So next time you're feeling lonely, maybe try snuggling up in a warm blanket, making some coffee or hot tea, and watching a movie or reading a book. Let your mind feel warm. I'll update this as I continue to read the book, but the first chapter was extremely thought-provoking!! Let me know any thoughts or opinions, or if trying this helps anyone feel different! Also, check out this awesome book for more info!!
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