Hey!! I wanna congratulate you on wanting to speak to someone. That can be hard and it takes time to do that. Please know you can talk to me anytime about anything that is on your mind. :)
PSA: I offer suggestions to help find a better path to your situation that you're currently in. but you do not have to do as my suggestion says.
When is a good time to get ahold of me?:
Anytime is a good time to get ahold of me. I will respond ASAP. I am online and here alot of the time. So do not be afraid to send me a message.
Is there a limit of topics that I can talk to you about?
There is no limits at all silly, That is why we are here to help. If there is not a topic that I have never faced then I will listen and help you the best I can.
Can I schedule an appointment with you? If so when is a good time?
Anyone can actually set an appointment with me anytime. When we are chatting and near the end of the conversation, don't be afraid to ask and we can go ahead and set one up for you. :)