JACK, the given name, is a generic term for any male, MAN as in MANKIND and HUMANITY. Thus, the phrase "EVERYMAN JACK" my username here.
I welcome you here as the first and primary LISTENER-RESPONDER to the "CRY FOR CARE" on my MOUNT MASLOW MENTORS 7 Cups.
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"Every man bears the whole Form of the Human Condition.” Montaigne
I agree with Montaigne that each of us embodies and expresses the common Human Condition in which, for me, LOSS is the Common Denominator that equalizes each and everyone of us as Human.
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates
"The uneventful life is not worth examining." Jack Carney
My life has been a very eventful one with much to examine over 71 years so far, especially as regards LOSS that has fundamentally shaped who I am.
"He has well profited who learns by loss" Michelangelo.
By this measure I am a Billionaire. My mother died when I was 3; my father at 14. Two wives died from cancer their hand in mine. I divorced two wives. My adopted son was schizophrenic and killed himself. A number of friends have suffered mental disorders and committed suicide or became caged in depression. You can go to my "Credentials" on our "About" page here to view my work in Human Services and how this relates to LOSS.
“The Difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.” Tom Bodett
I have created MOUNT MASLOW MENTORS because I have learned the LESSON OF LOSS which is CARE.
I learned the value of CARE that for me is the creation of sustaining and sustainable relationships freely entered into and responsibly maintained. Too many 65+ are dying of lonely isolation, without anyone to talk with and feel connected to and cared for.
This is what I intend MOUNT MASLOW MENTORS to achieve: to help all 65+ persons learn to use LOSS positively to Link themselves to others as responsible Carers who hear and heed the CRY FOR CARE within themselves and thus are able to attend to that CRY FOR CARE in others. (Note: the etymology or history of the word "CARE" is "to cry out, call for help".)
I made the acronym below to express that LOSS can LINK our Separate Selves to each other in generative relationships if approached positively:
L.O.S.S. L.inking O.ur S.eparate S.elves
Join me in doing that here, now, and then intentionally every moment of your life!
And I hope you will decide to become a LISTENER here on my 7 Cups site if you think you are capable of this. After you pass the 7 Cups listeners training I will qualify you further.
I invite you to join me in providing true CARE to our 65+ persons worldwide who are isolated and lonely and feeling uncared for and useless. Such desperately need us just to be there with them in their LOSS.
I hope you will become a Listener on MOUNT MASLOW MENTORS 7 CUPS!