**Previously EthereallyMe**
Hi there! I'm Ariel (: I'm glad you found me and I hope I can help you in some way.
I'm not online as much as I'd like and my schedule doesn't always work out as planned. I am mainly focusing on personal requests right now, so if you wish to specially talk, request me(:
I have done research on most disorders and situations, I love the human brain! I also have an advice and mental health blog that you are more than welcome to contact me on. It has multiple helpful things for different disorders.
I have personal experience with LGBTQ+, self-harm, chronic pain, and anxiety. I try and help with everything and learn more about all situations. If I cannot personally be of help, I have multiple resources on hand that I can and will share with you. If you would like resources such as breathing techniques, crisis lines, and general information on anything, let me know!
Here's a little about me:
- I am in a relationship with my lovely best friend and boyfriend. We were a long distance couple for just over 2 years! But through all the hard work, we've finally made it to living together. ღ1/12/14ღ
- I enjoy creative writing. You can ask to see some of my work if you'd like!
- I plan on going to school for something in the field of Psychology.
I hope to talk to you soon♡