Glad you popped by. To start off, I've been through a lot in my life in a relatively very short time. I picked myself up every-time I fell, and I learned and grew because of it. I built the character I am today, with deliberate focus and a lot of trial and error. But one thing I know for sure is that I would have never been me if not for the people, both good and bad, that I've crossed paths with in my life. With that, I'd love nothing more than to be one of those people in your lives, hopefully good :P.
I've had a rough childhood, both at home and in school, I was misunderstood for a very long time. But I've managed to accept myself and my circumstances and grow stronger because of it. Funny enough, I've read books ranging from spirituality, productivity, business, communication and science, there is nothing I find uninteresting and I want to know and understand everything I possibly can.
Hopefully through listening to you, we can both benefit and understand the world together just a tiny bit better.