Hey there! I'm Aali , I love helping anyone and everyone. I see you made it this far into this message so Welcome to 7 cups! I've been offline for awhile, I'm trying to figure out who I am and where my life is gonna be heading. I really hope if you're in need of a shoulder to lean on reach out to anyone of us on 7 cups. Feel free to pm anytime!
Update as of May 2017,
I am currently a senior in high school so i'm graduating in about a couple weeks, I rarely have time to come online but please if you do need someone to talk to please don't feel afraid to message me! I'll try and get to you as soon as possible. I hope you know you are BEAUTIFUL and WORTH it no matter what.
Update as of July 24 2018
Hi! I hope everyone reading this knows they are such a bright star in our univserse :)