Hi, Call me Ash, Ashley, Mim
I came on this site to seek/fufill a personal pourpose. I simply want to help/support others.
I am house bound do to my mental health issues. Supporting others the best i can helps me to focus on my recovery journey.
I have been through my fair share of life experiances, people see my age and feel like it's to young to understand but i assure you most cases i can offer great support. I find being able to relate to all kinds of walks of life can help connections and repor. Sharing struggles is hard enough, sometimes people have a need to be heard without having to explaine it all. I want to be that person for you.
My mental health disorders are
Depression, PTSD, Panic Disorder, with agoriphobia and monophobia, OCD and GAD.
Bottom line. I have always wanted to help and encourage others who need support and a friend. Feel free to request a chat.
a little about my intrests incase we need an ice breaker.
I enjoy all kinds of Art, Rugby, Music, my dog and cat, Photography, Horror movies, Disney Movies, Camping.