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I'm stressed out and when I try to go to sleep I can't shut off my thoughts. What should I do?

271 Answers
Last Updated: 02/21/2022 at 11:19am
I'm stressed out and when I try to go to sleep I can't shut off my thoughts. What should I do?
★ This question about Sleeping Well was starred by a moderator on 5/12/2016.
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Top Rated Answers
June 20th, 2015 1:30pm
Just do what you like, & Put on headphone with a song you like then hear the lyrics. If not change the environment you often sleep
June 20th, 2015 9:20am
Read a book or do something else for some minutes before sleep which can make you forget about your thoughts. Try to think about something which doesnt stress you or go to sleep and try to make up a story in order not to think about the thoughts that stress you.
June 20th, 2015 5:03am
I would suggest u better not concentrate on your sleep and thoughts. Just engage yourself in some activity like reading or listening music , or any other activity .but don't focus that u can't sleep.. Try it once I am sure it will help you out.
June 20th, 2015 2:51am
I do some breathing exercises and play some soothing music. If it still does not work, i think of happy thoughts and tell my whole body to rest.
June 19th, 2015 10:29pm
Listening to something can sometimes help whether it is calming music, or a guided meditation track, or even just white noise. Focus on these sounds instead of the thoughts in your head. You can even try to meditate a little as you lay in bed. Focus on your breathing, and focus on the weight of your body sinking into your bed. If the thoughts creep back into your head, gently push them away and refocus.
June 19th, 2015 9:08pm
What helps me the most is visualization meditations
June 19th, 2015 7:32pm
Don't sleep untill you are ready. Engage in different activities that keep your mind off the issue and then... when you are ready you sleep
June 19th, 2015 6:36pm
I take deep breaths and stay calm before going to bed. If there is a lot on my mind and I simply cannot shut it all off, I get up, pray, or write in my diary and let out the thoughts. I try my best to stay positive, and think rationally about everything I am worrying about. If I am still unable to shut it off, I try my best to plan out what I can do with regards to my worries. Hope this helps!
June 19th, 2015 2:24pm
One thing that is very helpful to me is simply focusing on my present environment. When my mind is racing and I am stressed, worried and restless, it helps to just calm down and focus on what is going on around you. Once I listen to the sounds, maybe crickets or my partner breathing, or feel the breath going in and out of my nose, I start to realize that what is happening right now isn't as bad as I thought. I am just laying there, in a comfortable bed, and there is no reason to be stressed about something that isn't happening right then in that moment.
June 19th, 2015 12:08pm
Drink tea before you go to bed and hear music before you fall asleep,music which make you feel good,happy etc
June 19th, 2015 8:29am
Try meditation. Relaxing music like nature sounds helps a lot. You can also try opening window. Fresh air is so calming.
June 19th, 2015 8:00am
Turn on a light and grab a piece of paper and a pen. What are you stressed out about? Write it down. Then think about a few things you can do to relieve those stressors and write them down as well. Leave your paper on a positive note with writing something like, "I will take charge of this tomorrow!". Go to bed knowing that in the morning, your work is waiting for you on that paper, but tonight, your mind is in your bed, getting you rested up for the day ahead.
June 19th, 2015 4:29am
You could try several different things, or combination of things, such as creating a comfortable sleeping space, meditation, deep breathing techniques, etc. Then you could incorporate these into your routine, when you discover the things that work best for you. You could also consider discussing your options with a Doctor, therapist, holistic practitioner, or any resources you work well with.
June 18th, 2015 11:08pm
I drink something warm or eat something warm.. then I listen to soft music via headphones, lay my phone down and keep it on silent. and I usually tend to fall asleep.
May 30th, 2015 3:46pm
well dear use proper bed,mattress,stretch and relax it will help you and try to limit caffeine eat dry fruits before sleep
May 30th, 2015 12:32am
Usually what I do in this case, is literally stay up :p I use this as an opportunity to watch anime or play handhelds games that I'm a bit left behind with. Eventually, after a short while of playing/doing whatever it is your doing, you'll fall asleep as quick as sudden rain.
May 29th, 2015 9:43pm
You should try and find ways to relax yourself. Have a walk around the house, get a snack, read a book or take a quick shower. You could also do some exercise during the afternoon so that you are exhausted when you go to bed hence not worrying about your thoughts. Relaxation music and meditation also helps. Find a time during the day to give importance to your thoughts, sit down and have a time for yourself, a time to listen to every thought (introspection).
May 10th, 2015 1:46am
Try to wear yourself down before sleep. Either by exercise, chamomile tea, or doing something that consumes energy. Or try to rid yourself of the cause of the stress. Also, eating too close to bedtime can cause your body to keep going. Or, keep telling yourself to stop thinking about it for now and to get some rest. Although that sounds like it's easier said than done, just try to say it out loud to yourself. Talking yourself through things. I have personally found exercise to work the best, make yourself so tired that you just pass out (obviously in a healthy way.)
May 8th, 2015 2:58am
Try listening to one of your thoughts, usually you are skimming through every thought possible. I have noticed when I focus on just one of my many thoughts it leads on the thought train to sleepy town :)
January 7th, 2015 10:51pm
I'm really familiar to this problem! What's useful for me is: close my eyes, imagine a room. It's a special room, looks like an interrogation room or something like that - there's a window to look in, but from inside it's a mirror. The room is completely soundproofed, so you cannot hear anything from inside. And there's no way to get out - the door opens only from outside. I focus hard on details - how does the room look, which special features does it have to get more secure, and so on. Finally I walk inside with all my thoughts - leave them inside, walk out and close the door. Now I can decide to watch them from outside, or I can just leave them for a while. This imagination really works well for my - I hope it's a bit useful for you! All the best, Emma
November 18th, 2014 9:43am
Try writing out your thoughts and the issues they concern on paper so that you can reread them in the morning.
November 7th, 2014 11:54am
Try writing down your thoughts. It may help you get things off your chest and allow you to sleep more easily
November 6th, 2014 4:38pm
There are a bunch of different things you can try - I'd suggest looking at the anxiety and sleeping well guides - but the biggest thing is to just relax. Listen to a relaxation recording (imagery, or the muscle relaxation ones), try chamomile tea, lavender-scented things, things like that. The muscle relaxation works especially well for me, it makes me focus on small parts of my body and releasing their tension. I usually fall asleep before I've made it through my whole body, even when I'm really stressed. These techniques do take practice though, so don't give up if it doesn't work the first few times. Talking to somebody can also help, so feel free to come on 7cups at any time. Screens can keep you up longer, so download an app or computer program (try flux) that will filter out blue light - which will keep you up - and dim your screen to an appropriate level.
October 29th, 2014 12:04pm
Try drinking Chamomile tea or milk before you go to bed. Exercise a few hours previously can be helpful. Try reading a book - that usually gets people sleepy.
October 27th, 2014 8:06pm
You can try using a mantra. When you lay down to go to sleep, simply practice some deep breathing, and say to yourself over and over, "I am going to sleep well tonight. I am going to feel rested when I wake up in the morning."
October 23rd, 2014 10:48am
A busy mind is a pain. I suggest reading about Sleep hygiene. There is SO MUCH information on this one subject. Good sleep hygiene will work most of the time. If you still have trouble... Id suggest some therapy for a little while to address what is on your mind.
October 17th, 2014 7:07am
Try to relax by letting everything go. Try doing yoga or physical activity to "shake it off". Also try and listen to calm/relaxing music :) Best of luck.
October 7th, 2014 6:03am
So i'm hearing that you find it difficult to switch of your thoughts when your trying to sleep. Tell me what your nighttime routine is like? I was also wondering if you have read our guide on sleeping well? There is a lot of information in their that some people may find helpful in regards to sleeping better. Tell me more about the kind of thoughts that enter your head when your trying to sleep.
October 6th, 2014 5:25pm
Try to avoid caffeine before you sleep, it can keep you awake! Also, staying away from screens of any type will help your brain relax. Try not to be hungry, but not too full when you sleep, and try to keep all distractions away from your bed.
September 29th, 2014 4:27am
Personally I would try and listen to something calming or focusing on a thought. Often times that has helped me, but you could also try reading yourself to sleep. Hopefully you can find something to help.