Hi and welcome to seven cups of tea.
I am 51 years old and experiened in divorce, personal illness, elderly parents and even being unemployed.
I will tackle any issue with you, no matter what your age or sex.
I live in Australia so my knowledge of external resources is fairly restricted to Australia.
I have psychology, nursing and hypnotherapy in my professional tree but I am none of those here, just a listener.
I speak intermediate spanish but not well enough to be reliable. If you engage me, please use English :-)
If you are actively suicidal please log off the computer and contact your local hospital, ambulance or community mental health emergency team. When the crisis is over we can talk. In Australia those numbers are 000 (Fire ambulance or police) and you can also find someone to talk to on the phone, with Lifeline 131114. Behond Blue have forums you can join and there are several facebook resources. I strongly recommend you start working through the courses on this site and once you get through the tough time and think you have something to offer others, perhaps become a listener yourself. Pay it foward !
If you are adventurous, you can also find a ton of extra resources on These are all free, for all levels even clinicians.
Thank You