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Lianne Kirby, MA in Counselling Psychology
I believe everyone should have the opportunity for their voice to be heard. I use a trauma informed, person centred approach in counselling.
Top Rated Answers
I'd recommend journaling. Sometimes my thoughts just get jumbled up and the only way to sleep is to express them somehow. How do you express yourself? By journaling? Drawing? Singing? Writing? Find some way to get your thoughts out during the day or evening and do something less stressful before bed. If all else fails, it's ok. Sometimes the mind just needs to do what it wants. It'll eventually get easier to chill out at night, trust me.
Meditation has really helped me calm down before bed, and watching beginner guides on YouTube is really helpful in learning the basic fundamentals of meditating. Also turning off anything that has "blue light" ( your cell phone, computer, ipad, ect ). Research has proven that the blue light can cause insomnia, which leads to more serious health risks, once you re-set your internal clock you will be set. Remember to also take out any negative thoughts out before bed, some people pray, others maybe just read to clear their mind, or talk to the partner/family member. Remember talking therapy is one of the best first steps, when I was finally open to my family about my issues it opened up a whole new chapter for me, allowing my brain and heart peace at night.
I hope this helps and remember 7-cups has a lot of resources for you to explore!
Cheers :)
Overthinking in general isn't a great experience, especially at night when you are trying to sleep. Sleep is really important, and can actually help with overthinking, however that requires actually sleeping. I would encourage to practice healthy sleeping, by going to bed at the same time, or similar timeframe each day. The hour or two before your bedtime should be a calming, "cooling" down period, where you ultimately prepare to go to sleep. Try doing things that will help relax you, making it easier to fall asleep when it IS time to go to bed. And try to avoid caffeine, smoking, screens and other things that may interfere with your sleep. I encourage you to look into other healthy sleeping techniques that can help manage your overthinking at night, and help you sleep. However, if you really feel that overthinking at night, or during the day is affecting you and you are having a hard time managing it, it might be a good idea to look into other resources either online, or in your area that can help.
I wish you good luck!
You can try to read a book or listen to music before you go to sleep. It can distract you from thinking about your own issues
Try breathing exercises, stretching, or yoga/Pilates to help put your mind at ease, staying active can help with overthinking.
To stop overthinking, I suggest doing a few things. First, sometimes it is helpful to practice mindfulness before bed to get into an aware mindset which will help you from over thinking. Another thing you might want to try is working to resolve the issue/thing you are over thinking about by doing your best to move forward with the issue as much as possible to get it off your mind.
August 19th, 2017 2:45pm
you can listen music or do something if you cant sleep maybe you cant sleep because of thinking too much at nights.
Making a bedtime routine helps to let your body know its time to wind down ( bath, book, infusing oils, ect) I also find a guided mediation helps because the guide is speaking out the words and while your mind is processing that it has a hard time making thoughts. Best of luck to you and Rest well!
November 10th, 2017 6:50am
try drinking tea or warm milk before you go to bed, and finishing homework and all electronic things at least half an hour before you go to bed. then, if you find yourself overthinking at night, try to direct your thoughts to something you can't overthink or link to what you've been overthinking. hope this helps!
In order to stop overthinking, you must try to live in the present. Only try to think about the here and now. Live by minutes, then hours, then by the day. Set small goals within these time frames and over time you will see how you have transformed.
This is not an easy thing to do, but that doesn't mean that it is impossible or beyond your reach. You certainly need to make changes in your life if you really want to stop over thinking at night, particularly when you're laying down on bed trying to sleep. As a lifetime over-thinker at night I've found out that mindfulness meditation helps a lot, so does exercise and avoidance of screens - phone is the worse, then computer/laptop and finally tv, because of the size of it - afer dinner (or 2-4 hours before bed).
Overthinking at night when trying to fall asleep is something I've struggled with a lot, too - and still do sometimes.
What usually helps me is to have a piece of paper and a pen next to my bed. Just before going to bed I'll try writing down the things that are worrying me and circling around in my head. This usually helps clear my brain.
Also, whenever I and start overthinking I'll make the conscious decision to think about something - anything - else. Maybe I'll recall a good thing that happened that day or week in as much detail as possible. Or I'll daydream about some nice situation I can imagine myself being in. Anything, really, to force my thoughts to focus on something else.
Thinking about positive things and that tomorrow is a new day with a new energy
What helps me is is a nice hot shower followed by calming music. When your out and about its always a good idea to head to your comfort zone where you feel safe
I usually count sheep to get my mind off things. If something is bothering you try writing it down then worry about it then next day.
November 25th, 2017 2:25am
You've got to find that one thing that relaxes you. It'll be different from person to person. It could be breathing deeply, listening to soft music, imagining pleasant and positive scenarios in your head...whatever works for you. In my case, I found that listening to audiobooks at bedtime is all I need. It's nice focusing on someone else's voice instead of our own frantic thoughts at night.
Nightly rituals before bed are helpful to put our mind in a place of peace - for good rest. Yoga, listening to music, reading a prayer or devotional, etc. The important part is, to tell yourself as you begin this ritual that it is time to shut off your thoughts and just enjoy your current activity. Remind yourself this special time is just for YOU, and that the time for problem solving will resume in the morning.
December 8th, 2017 6:31pm
My mind often races at night as well. A lot in fact. But I can note that the more physically active I was that day can make a difference. On days where I know I didn't exert myself as much I can also achieve the same peaceful sleep results by doing a brief work out in my room before hoping into bed. Does not need to be anything over the top. You just need to exhaust yourself. Me personally, I stick with squats, push ups, and donkey kicks. After that I drink some ice cold water, go to the restroom one last time, and fall peacefully into bed.
December 10th, 2017 12:30am
Try meditation, it helps the mind and body to relax and overcome a lot of thinhs and the overthinking is one of them.
One things that has helped me to stop overthinking at night is to listen to relaxing music. It helps me to relax, and is a good distraction from overthinking.
Listen to soothing music, exercise before sleeping, read before going to bed, write in your journal. Just do some relaxing things before going to bed.
Try deep breathing and focus on your breathing for however long it takes. Use this time for peaceful meditation!
February 9th, 2018 3:17pm
Couple of methods I use is,
1. Plug in my earphones and listen to some interesting podcast. This makes me concentrate on the narrator of the podcast and not think.
2. Keeping count of the breaths. Inhale count 1, exhale count 2. Keep this doing till you reach a count of 10 and then start again from 1.
Although it comes naturally, worrying and overthinking only depletes you of the energy you could otherwise spend improving yourself, enjoying things or helping others. Rest assured that things that are not under your control will not be changed by overthinking, and things that under your control can be planned or improved. Instead of overthinking, for the beginning, try to plan ahead so that you won't be take by surprise by things. You can also try physical exercise or listening to calming music before sleep, so that you can use the night for rest and not for staying awake.
Read a good book, listen to soothing music. I find that listening to slower songs by artists that you love is a very good way to calm down!
I have struggled with my sleep as a result of my depression and anxiety for just over 8 years now. In the beginning, nothing worked and I was stuck in a cycle of being miserable. Slowly but surely I started to really try to be more open minded and put more effort into getting me help. What helps me now? I have a range of things that help. I ensure that I do not touch my phone for at least an hour before going to bed, i find that social media makes me more anxious and prompts overthinking. I like to journal, puzzle, or colour in in this time to erlax and wind down from the day. I also practice 10 minutes of guided meditation before going to sleep as well. It is a constant battle of having to remind myself to calm down and sleep. You just have to pull through it! Train your brain to stop. Keep reminding yourself that it's time to shut off and go o sleep. You can always think about it in the morning. If it help, put post it notes around the house or your room reminding you to say calm, and everything can be dealt with later and calmly. You don't need to continue on the cycle of overthinking.
March 4th, 2018 5:38am
To stop overthinking at night, write down your thoughts in a journal before bedtime, alter your thoughts on a separate topic or even talk with your parents or a friend over the phone an hour before to get your thoughts out.
April 12th, 2018 3:16am
Focus on your breath. Try meditate or do heavy thing to make you feel tired. Tell yourself that everything'll be OK.
April 12th, 2018 1:20pm
To silence your mind you must give into what its harassing you about. Maybe guilt is trying to make you apologise whatever it may be, give in to let go.
Time to relax and wind-down can really help. If you have specific worries writing them down and acknowledging you have done what you can for today is good. Create a clear boundary between work/time for others and time for you. Sometimes thoughts just keep coming - if they do this is okay - remember you choose if and how you respond. Imagine each thought is written on a cloud and as you breathe out see that cloud blown further into the distance.
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