How can I tell someone how I'm feeling without looking silly or weak?
179 Answers
Last Updated: 01/18/2021 at 5:51pm
Moderated by
Graham Barrone, ICHP, MCBT
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Top Rated Answers
Sit down with them. Say you have to tell something about yourself. Have them be a trusted friend and don't hold back.
Try not to laugh, don't wave your problems off.
Be confident in what you're saying. Even if that's not how you feel at all on the inside, just act confident and it will come out much better.
Most people are understanding of feelings! Find someone that you can really trust...and not just trust a little bit, but I mean REALLY REALLY trust, like a close friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, or a close family member, and tell them whatever you're feeling. I promise that they won't judge you, and having feelings is a normal thing! It's nothing to feel silly about, everyone has them! :)
December 16th, 2015 3:19pm
You shouldn't feel silly or weak when discussing your feelings, everyone has them, and everyone should be entitled to speaking on them.
Yes, never be afraid to tell someone how you feel, people don't thing you're weak or silly for having feelings, it's a natural part of life.
December 16th, 2015 5:42pm
You never look weak or silly telling someone how you're feeling. You're using strength to get up enough courage to tell someone and ask for help. Be proud of yourself!
Just be honest with them and tell them. Telling someone how you feel doesn't make you silly or weak you are opening up to someone about how you feel and there is nothing wrong with that. Telling them may be hard but just tell them that you need to speak with them and that its important then go for it.
Often, sharing emotions can have yourself feeling vulnerable and scared. Examine why that particular feeling makes you feel "silly" or "weak." Once you understand why, whether it be social pressures or bad experiences--learn to own your relationship.
Convince yourself that you deserve to feel whatever it is you feel--sadness, love, anxiety, etc.
Once you own and respect how you feel--then you can articulate your emotions with out fear of reprisal. You deserve to feel whatever your heart feels--it's yours and it's beautiful!
Looking silly or weak is actually a farce. Showing your truth is an exceptionally brave and compassionate thing to do. It not only helps you grow as a person, but allows those around you to grow, as well. You being strong and open creates others around you to also be strong and open. There is never weakness in honesty.
December 18th, 2015 11:59pm
Write them a letter or just look down while saying how you feel. Writing a letter is a better choice if you feel really anxious to even say it while looking down.
It depends on who that someone is. if that someone is someone who is always prejudiced or judgmental, then he/she might only see it silly or weak or something similar. The first step is choosing the right person who fits in the criteria.
It may not be the solution for all situations but writing your feelings down on paper are a great way of writing your emotions down and think about what you want to say. You can then simply send them the letter for them to read in their own time and they can then think of a reply.
People will appreciate it if you tell them how you're feeling. Speaking up about your feelings won't make you look silly or weak, it will make you look strong and brave. People are always willing to help when they know you're not doing well. You don't have to be scared to open up, it's nothing to be ashamed of.
December 23rd, 2015 11:37am
Be straightforward.Tell that someone what you are feeling. No one could be called silly or weak just by expressing their feelings. And the fact that you admit something is a sign of being bold and brave.
You can tell someone that you are feeling anxious, by stating exactly why you feel that way. You are not judged here.
December 24th, 2015 8:47am
The best way to tell someone how you feel without looking silly or wear is confidence! You will most likely be respected if you show confidence in your words!!
December 24th, 2015 2:15pm
You are not week or silly when you tell someone how you feel. It's an important thing to do. But there is one more important thing. You need to choose the right person.
Person who doesn't make you look silly or weak.
Telling someone how you feel isn't silly or weak at all, it takes guts, courage, bravery and strength to open up about yourself, to be vulnerable to someone... Talk to the person while you two are alone so it's just the two of you and you can practice what you want to say, if that can help you.
Emotions make us vulnerable. Open up to those who respect your emotions and who would gladly respect them.
why is looking silly or weak a bad thing? I think it shows you're human! so your intentions are all that matter if they think you look silly or weak you put yourself out there
Be yourself, be courageous and tell the person. He/She will admire you for it for as long as you will be together.
December 26th, 2015 10:07pm
You don't look silly or weak when you tell someone how you feel. Instead it shows them that you trust them and they will support you.
I think you should just be honest about how your feeling, as what your feelin no matter what it may be is important and if it's what your feeling then it isn't silly or weak. So therefore just be honest :)
Just by being honest. Sometimes we feel uncomfortable or awkward because we do not know the outcome of the situation. Never feel worried about the way you feel.
Expressing yourself, reaching out for help, and telling people how you feel is nothing to be embarrassed or feel silly or weak about. Reaching out for help, talking about how your feeling is a sign of strength. Only the truly strong and brave do whats right for them no matter what.
December 31st, 2015 5:13pm
Try and open up to them, they won't think that you are silly or weak and will probably admire your courage to tell them! Just tell them slowly what's going on in your life and how you would like some support :)
If you ask others how they're feeling, and if they are able to tell you truthfully, you'll find that we all share the same feelings, good or bad. So whatever feelings you have, many other people also have them, and you're no sillier or weaker than anyone else.
January 2nd, 2016 11:06am
Sometimes it is difficult to share our feelings with others, but the best thing to do is just get it out there in the open. If there is a relationship or friendship established with the person you are speaking with, it should be very easy to tell them your real feelings. If this person makes it difficult for you or makes you feel embarrassed for sharing how you feel, you should reconsider that person's space in your life!
Make you sure you trust the person you're talking to firstly. And make sure you are in a comfortable situation. If the person you are talking to makes you intentionally feel weak, then the chances are they are not the right person to talk to. If you feel weak or silly anyway with someone you want to speak to, be honest, tell them lightly that you feel that way. You'll find sharing feelings like this, or even being told things like this, will actually feel pretty good.
January 3rd, 2016 2:45am
Honestly, I would just say it. No matter what it is, there's no point in avoiding what you're going to so.
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