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Top Rated Answers
February 5th, 2016 9:29pm
If you feel as if you were born in the wrong body, or you might feel differently as in gender.......
February 10th, 2016 1:15am
A step in finding out if you are transgender, can be contacting transgender people, and talking about their experiences, to try and find out with you identify with them in that sense.
February 10th, 2016 2:32am
Look deep in yourself and ask you if you are truly fine with your own body, If you feel like that body isn't right, like you are supposed to be a diferent gender, then you are transgender.
Generally Transgender experience an unhappiness with their gentials, e,g don't like looking/touching them, or find themselves longing to have a different set of genitals.
When you think you are a transgender you feel it in your heart that you are supposed to be the opposite sex. When you feel more masculine or feminine, you know it in your mind.
You know if you're transgender by the fact that your thought process does not go with the gender that you were given at birth. If you would prefer to be called something else, or feel uncomfortable in your own skin then that clearly means that you're transgender.
You would just know it. The most common thing trans people feel, that helps them address the issue and figure out they're transgender is body dysphoria.
There are lot of different ways people discover themselves. There's no one, single way to experience gender. There are lot of different ways to figure that out as well. If you feel like you might be, look into different online resources or talk to other trans people. Take your time and don't feel rushed to do anything or label yourself if you don't want to and know that you're wonderful no matter what!
Transgendered individuals often feel that their outside body does not match how they feel on the inside.
I believe that you identify yourself as a transgender when you're not really comfortable with your whole biological feeling and that it seems like you're more of the other gender.
I knew I was Transgender when I was younger, I always got into my moms makeup, nail polish, and other things. I have always been more in touch with my feminine side and just felt more natural around girls. I always felt like I was suppose to be a girl, and I still feel like that. I've been kinda laying down hints for some of my friends, but they still haven't caught on. Anyways, thats how I know I'm Transgender.
If you feel uncomfortable in your own body, as if you feel you were born into the wrong body. There are many other contributing emotions/ways to know if you are transgender, but that's a key point.
October 25th, 2016 8:42pm
You just feel it. Sometimes it helps if you realize you feel more comfortable going by a different name or pronouns, or you may just prefer that people recognize that you're a different gender.
For something like that, I would recommend you to a specialist to really get their input on the matter. Yet, from what I've seen through various, informative programs, it's with which gender you identify with more. Identifying on all different aspects; physically you identify with a certain gender (or would rather/feel more comfortable), personality (you feel more in-touch and complementary to a certain gender), etc etc.
November 9th, 2016 8:53pm
Only you can know what your mind and heart truly feel. Though the process of identifying your true feelings can sometimes be confusing, eventually your happiness will indicate your deepest desires.
Everyone's experience is unique and your own. You will know if you are, even if you are a little confused at first. No matter what happens, the 7Cups community will stick by you.
November 26th, 2016 11:35pm
If you feel questioning about your gender identification, that is enough to validate your feelings. You may want to experiment with your gender expression a little- if you have friends who you could ask to try out other pronouns, or if you can try dressing, etc in the way you're questioning (or if you can't do those things, imagining you are and thinking about how that would feel). This sort of experimentation may help you figure out what you're most comfortable with. It may also help to talk with transgender people who are comfortable talking to you about their experiences so that you can think about that in relation to yours, although you may have a different experience and still be 'really' trans. Above all, it's important to remember that even if you go through experimenting or a period of questioning and come out of it with the realization that you aren't trans, that's okay. If you're still not sure, that's okay too. Your journey and feelings are still valid, and whatever you discover about yourself, you can find support.
You will have a possible feeling of being trapped in the wrong body. If you are female and feel like a boy, you may find you can relate to male things better. Or if you are male and feel female, you may want to wear dresses, skirts etc
You will see. The psychological law of attraction says if your mind says it, your world will. If you seem to feel like another gender you will eventually become another gender if the setting is right. And if you are stressed and having dysphoria, dont sweat it. people aren't soup cans who have labels, we are complex people and are different compared to others. so why label yourself. Its like those cool ice pops in those plastic things. Some people call it ice pops or frozen pops or whatever but it may not have a true name! Sort of like you until it is stated, by you.
January 21st, 2017 6:42pm
Figuring out whether you're transgender or not is a very difficult process. It can take weeks, months or even years. But don't rush. If you want to truly know the answer, don't put a label on yourself. The answer should come naturally. To help yourself, you can think about how do you want to be perceived by the outside world. Another thing you can do is imagine yourself in 10, 20 and 30 years. What feels right to you? Who do you think you'll be when you're 80? You can also figure out how you perceive yourself while daydreaming. Take your time. Being a man or a woman is so much more than your hobbies, looks and interests.
Labeling yourself as transgender is a very personal thing, in my opinion. I think if you believe you are, then take the time that you need to make any changes or come out. Don't feel pressured or rushed, because your emotional state is worth a lot, too. I do not believe there is a definition of how to know, but I think it is really up to the person feeling this way. There is no requirements to consider yourself a transgender. it is all up to you.. It is your body!
February 25th, 2017 8:00pm
If you feel that your assigned sex is the opposite of what you feel you may be transgender. If your transgender you'd feel as if you were born in the wrong body.
I myself am trans and it took me years to figure it out, but I finally realized it when I said to myself, I would be happier as a boy, I don't enjoy being biologically female. Watching youtubers like gigi gorgeous, justin blake, and sam collins really helped me discover who i am.
March 15th, 2017 1:42pm
Figuring out yourself can be very difficult. If you feel uncomfortable in your body, or going into certain bathrooms (as if you don't belong), that can be a sign. There is nothing wrong with being transgender. Most people who are trans feel a disassociation with using certain pronouns, or wearing certain clothes.
Okay so I myself identify as transgender FTM. what made me finally realize it was when I started acting less feminine and wearing more boyish clothes etc. No matter what, be who you are, be yourself and don't let anyones opinion change that. Good luck!
The best way to understand is to think about why you feel that way, look at what other people say their experience is like, and see how it compares to yourself. Gender is so fluid and just a concept, so there's no cut "X makes you transgender". Play around with your gender expression and figure out what feels best for you! There's so much diversity under the umbrella of transgender :) You may find you fit into one of the definitions, or you may not! And that's okay
Do you feel comfortable with you body? How about the pronouns people use to refer to you? Does it bother you?
If it's something you are questioning, the there's a good possibility you don't think of yourself as cisgender. It is good to know about other people's stories. Read about people who are transitioning and see if you can relate to any of them.
It is always good to know you are not alone and that questioning is a big part of evolving as a human being.
Have you ever felt wrong in your body? Or envied what the opposite gender had - mentally or physically? Childhood experiences, and curiosity could be simple triggers to accessing if you want to have the gender change. There are a lot of factors to consider when and if you truly are sure of feeling and being transgender. Social roles are also something you can base these feelings on partically. Do you fedl erong in your everyday societal roles or mental thoughts? Consider also how you feel with pronouns and switching to roles that are traditionally reserced for rhe opposite gender. Maybe experimenting with these conditions and factors, could lead you to the decision. The 7 cups community and I are available for this.
Being transgender is rare and special. If you have not yet gone through puberty or are experiencing puberty, it could be normal discomfort with your changing shape and appearance or emotional changes caused by hormone fluctuation. If you are post-puberty, and you feel discomfort with your gender, think about why and what causes that discomfort.
There are so many ways to express yourself or align your behavior with you desired gender expression. You may not feel you match a specific definition of gender, but it is important to explore what makes you feel most comfortable.
If you feel discomfort and need advice, seek expert help and consult a Gender Therapist to talk you through your experience, or find a community online that supports LGBTQA+ individuals.
Only you can decide if you are transgender. There is no wrong way to be transgender and no right way. Every trans person's experiences are different and only you can decide if transgender is the right label for you. Look online for trans people's stories and do some research on transgender. Make sure you come up with the decision on your own. Do not get anyone else to label you as this can only be decided by you.
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