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What does it mean to be Queer?

192 Answers
Last Updated: 06/10/2022 at 12:23pm
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Moderated by

Polly Letsch, LCSW

Clinical Social Work/Therapist

I provide non-judgmental, person-centered, objective therapeutic treatment for individuals of all ages to improve social, emotional, mental and other areas of functioning.

Top Rated Answers
December 6th, 2017 8:07pm
"Being queer" has many defintions, really. I will try to explain MY definition of queer. Most of the times, people using this term are not comfortable to "label" themselves based on their behavior. For example, it is totally fine for you to either be a boy, be a girl, or to be gay at the same time perhaps, or to identify as something without a specific name! Queer people just do not like it to be put in one or another of these 2 gender role boxes. And they are more than right: why should you be defined by all those stereotypes of modern day society, right? Love, Myrthe
November 18th, 2017 3:28am
Be queer means to be yourself and be proud of who you are! It is to love whoever you want to love. It is to be proud and strong.
November 16th, 2017 5:31pm
Knowing that your identity is no longer simply binary - especially when it comes to sexuality or gender identity. Being Queer is a statement - an identification with the fact that you are different, not in worth, but in perception. When it comes to details, it may be that there exists a specific term you identify with, but being Queer is to look beyond such boundaries. It is proclaiming that you are different - and being okay with it.
November 11th, 2017 6:03pm
To be queer is a broad term for anyone who is not heterosexual or cisgender. So it means you could be gay, bisexual, asexual, pansexual, male to female, female to male, genderfluid, among many other things (LGBTQA+).
November 10th, 2017 9:38pm
I feel as though being queer can be interpreted many ways, some people might take it negatively and some people might take it positively. If you identify as queer in a postive light, you are simply stating that your gender and/or sexuality is fluid or different in some way shape or form. However this term may be considered negative to some people. The term queer may minimize someones sexual and/or gender identity. For example a trans person might feel offended if you call them queer because genderwise they are not queer. Also people who are homophobic and/or transphobic may use this term in another way to offend an lgbtq person. But to me, queer is a term I generally dont like to use. I dont really like the history behind the term and it is
November 9th, 2017 7:50pm
What I have always appreciated about the word "Queer" is that, far from being a pejorative or negative term, it highlights the uniqueness that is YOU as an individual with a sexual identity. This identity may not fit into any pre-defined "box" but it is a personal part of who you are that may change, adapt, and grow as you learn more about yourself. Queer identities may be any number of identities and expressions of gender or sexual orientation. You get to decide what "Queer" means to you. Best to you on your journey!
October 13th, 2017 8:57pm
To be Queer means to belong to the LGBT+ community. It's usually considered an umbrella term, however, every LGBT+ person can understand it differently and identify as queer and it can mean a different thing for them. Sometimes people considered themselves queer when they don't have their sexuality or gender figured out. It's different for everyone c:
August 12th, 2017 5:03pm
Queer can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people. For many, it's seen as the LGBTQ umbrella term meaning not straight, as originally this word meant (and can still mean) odd, or abnormal. Others use it to describe themselves. It means that they're not straight but don't put themselves in another box (bisexual, pansexual) etc, and just say they're "queer". This can be because they aren't sure of their sexuality yet but know they aren't straight, but some people identify as Queer their entire lives. To me, Queer has always meant sexually fluid and open, usually multisexual individuals.
July 27th, 2017 3:55am
Queers dictionary definition is to be different. But it can mean various things to other people it can mean you think of yourself as odd if you identify as it. And some mean it to be apart of the LGBTQ community but don't want to specifically identify with anything. Its truly differs on the person
July 13th, 2017 3:56pm
It was used originally as an adjective to describe something eccentric and unconventional, "differing in some odd way from what is usual or normal" (definition from Merriam-Webster), but nowadays it is also an umbrella term for LGBTQ+ minorities (anyone who's not straight and/or cisgender). Some people I know use it as a term to describe their sexuality while they're still figuring it out: they know they're not straight for sure, but they still don't know what they are or don't care to figure it out or define it in details. Sometimes sexuality can be nebulous and it has a very vast spectrum, so instead of exactly labeling yourself you can just use the term "queer".
June 24th, 2017 9:41pm
It's a big umbrella term for the LGBTQ+ community, the Q in the acronym stands for queer. It also can mean strange or weird. (It can be perceived as incredibly disrespectful depending on who you point it towards.
June 24th, 2017 12:32am
Being queer is unique. It can be many things. Someone who is queer can use it as a label for sexau, romantic attraction or their gender. Others use queer as an umbrella term for the lgbt community as a whole.
June 8th, 2017 10:33am
It only means that you are different from some of the other people around you in a way and you are beautiful and you are doing just fine!
April 13th, 2017 7:20am
To be yourself in whatever your feelings toward love of another human would be. It is never wrong to love someone as a soul and not to follow the status quo or whatever other people think. You should never feel pressure from others, including family, to negate your feelings. By being open to yourself, you can become open to others. There is a majority of people around the world that supports you and will stand behind you.
April 12th, 2017 1:44am
Queer is an umbrella term used by the LGBT+ community meaning (as defined by merriam webster) -denoting or relating to a sexual or gender identity that does not correspond to established ideas of sexuality and gender, especially heterosexual norms Some of us within the LGBT+ community prefer to use the term queer and some don't. It's more of a term of personal preference.
April 8th, 2017 12:02am
It means you might be interested in the same gender you are or possibly both genders which is a wonderful thing!
March 24th, 2017 1:08am
If you're queer that means that you aren't straight, and either don't like using a specific label for any reason (sometimes because you're questioning but know that you aren't straight- there are many reasons), or just like the word. I'm bisexual, but sometimes use the word queer to describe myself, and my friend who's asexual also uses it. It's an umbrella term for "not straight"
February 19th, 2017 3:16pm
Queer is an umbrella term when it comes to talking about the LGBTQ community, with the 'Q' standing in for 'queer'! It can refer to a general sexuality or you can even be genderqueer! The definition will always vary from person to person, experience to experience.
February 5th, 2017 4:56pm
“Queer” can be used to describe someone’s sexual orientation or stand as a political statement. Its definition has many dimensions, from gender identification to a resistance against structural rigidity to a strange sensation or state of being. “Queer” isn’t a word that many people clearly understand when used to describe yourself. Being queer means embracing a free and open-ended identity by casting off all other identities that categorise us, and defining ourselves simply as human beings.
February 4th, 2017 9:53pm
The word queer has had many meanings throughout history. Currently, being queers means not being straight or heterosexual. This includes sexual identities like bisexuality, homosexuality, asexuality, and other identities.
December 29th, 2016 11:47am
Being queer means a lot of things, depending on how you use it. There are some who see the term as an equivalent for being gay but I prefer to use it as an umbrela term for lgtbq+. With that, it can mean that you are gay, lesbian, asexual, trans, nonbinary and more.
December 4th, 2016 5:05pm
The definition of Queer is 'different'. These days, however, it is usually used to describe a LGBT+ member.
November 27th, 2016 1:05pm
Queer is used as an umbrella term for anyone other than a heteromantic heterosexual, though I find that not all people who identify as not straight identify as queer, for any number of reasons. Often this is because queer has been used as a slur.
November 13th, 2016 11:55pm
Like many terms in the LGBT+ community, the term "queer" doesn't have one single universally-agreed-upon definition, but I think it's generally considered to be when someone is not cis and/or heterosexual. Some people don't like the term, however, so it's a good idea to use it with some caution.
November 5th, 2016 4:26pm
Queer, in my mind, is someone who thinks of themselves as LGBT+. They can be out, closeted, or in between. Queer is a blunt term, but if you want to call yourself it, okay!
November 4th, 2016 3:22am
Being queer can mean different things to different people. For me, I use it as an umbrella term for nonheterosexual identities. Others, though, consider is a way to label themselves and it is a term of empowerment to claim "queer" as who they are.
October 29th, 2016 1:56am
To me, it means having a special capability to love someone despite their gender. Or depending on where you fall on the spectrum, not loving anyone at all or specific people or this or that. The beauty of it all is that theres such a wide spectrum.
October 21st, 2016 9:29pm
It means that you are free to express yourself as out of the ordinary. But as the saying goes 'there's nowt as queer as folk' it also means that you are unique, just like everyone else. :)
October 20th, 2016 2:02am
To be queer it just means you identify as either not cisgender, not heterosexual, and/or not heteroromantic
October 19th, 2016 2:30pm
There are different types of queer. It can be a term used for someone who is gay, or it can be used to describe gender. In the case it is used to describe gender, it is most commonly used as an umbrella term. This means that they're probably unsure where they lie on the gender spectrum (only that they're not male or female) or that they don't feel a need to place a precise label on themselves.