Do I need to tell people that I'm depressed?
401 Answers
Last Updated: 06/26/2023 at 4:18pm
★ This question about Depression was starred by a moderator on 5/12/2016.
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People don't like to hear you are depressed so prepare to be left. By other side if people accept you tell you are depressed it is a kind if test, probably they are ready to have a trustful relationship with you.
I would tell people I trust, can be open with, that are close to me if I was depressed. I think having support is important when going through a hard time and hitting some rough patches.
January 7th, 2016 4:08pm
Yes of course. In that way, they can help you encounter depression. With having people around, you can share all your problems. Counseling is a good way too.
This is a very personal decision and there is no right or wrong. It is a questioned best discussed with a therapist who knows you best.
January 7th, 2016 5:30pm
No in my opinion you don't have to tell anyone, but sometimes it might help if you open up to a friend or a close person. It can make you feel released and they might help you
Only if you want and if it is asked for some formal things. Depression is medical illness and there is no need to be ashamed.
January 7th, 2016 11:53pm
I think you should,it may be easier to get help that way. But only tell people you feel you can trust.
Yes, you need to tell people when you feel depressed.Depression is something very serious that can lead to suicide if it's not diagnosed and treated on time.A depressed person needs to feel that they mean something to someone, that they are loved and that they are not useless and this is where friends and family can help.
January 8th, 2016 6:48pm
Depression is something that if you feel you have then you need to talk to a trusted adult or friend so that you can get the help you need. Never feel ashamed about your depression. It's nothing to be ashamed about. It's an illness and you can get the help so that you can one day overcome this depression.
What really matters when you're depressed is doing what it takes to feel better. If you know how to help yourself feel better on your own, that's okay. Telling people can often be helpful though
It would be better to tell people that you may be unwell, as they can be more understanding to how you feel. A lot of people are engrossed in their lives and not always so aware of other people around them. Therefore, maybe telling the people you trust and who you may feel is understanding should be told you are depressed. Additionally, you might be surprised at how they can help you knowing you aren't feeling so well. They may give you more time, more patience, more understanding.
January 9th, 2016 9:19pm
Depends entirely on the situation. If you completely trust a close friend, then you know they'll do their best to solve your problem. Also, two brains are better than one. :)
The only person you need to tell is yourself. Acceptance is always the first step to getting better.
No you don't, but it sure does make it a lot easier for your surroundings to help you through. By telling others, you are also allowing others to help you.
It's mostly recommended because that way someone can help you but it's hard to seek help. You're not alone.
January 13th, 2016 9:01pm
Of course you don't, it's a personal thing and nobody around you needs to know. Your feelings are still valid if they don't know and you shouldn't feel pressured to tell anyone, it's your own choice to make. It can be hard telling people so only do so when you're ready to, give yourself time if needed.
If you don't want to be crushed by the burden that you carry, don't you throw it off and relax? Yes, yes you should.
January 14th, 2016 8:16pm
You dont need to.... it is your life and your privacy... dont feel forced to tell people about it if you feel uncomfoertable with it But also feel free to tell people if you think it is the right thing to do. Depression is not a shame you dont need to hide it ! If you talk to people they will able to understand you better and also help you better.
You don't need to tell people you're depressed unless you feel comfortable doing so. That said, it may help to tell select friends, family members, or people you trust about this. Basically, anyone you feel comfortable telling, but you aren't obligated to tell anyone you are.
No, you definitely do not have to! Online resources such as 7 Cups and other local mental health resources are great ways of just having someone to talk to online about your problems. You can also vent to your close friends if they seem to be good listeners. If you find your depression really affecting your life and your ability to do things on a daily basis, getting further professional help is definitely something to consider for maintaining your well-being and good health.
January 16th, 2016 3:08pm
yes because family members and friends can help you and support your need and deserve family members or close friends can find easy to cope with the situation and it ease the symptoms. Also having someone at school, College and work who has some ideas what you are going through because some days are worse than others you don't need too much to explain to them what are you going through and how are you feeling. It's hard to cope it alone talking to someone making them to listen to you make you feel better.
January 17th, 2016 6:14am
Yes because you need to get it out and solved its better to flow like a river in a meadow, than to be in a bottle the rest of your life cap.
January 17th, 2016 6:05pm
I think that you don't have to justify yourself to anyone unless you choose too. I think that putting a label on yourself should not define who you are as a character either. Sometimes trying to explain yourself to others doesn't always work as they might not understand, only the best ones try to. Remember that your self-worth and self-value are more than what meets the eye and you don't have to explain your feelings to anyone, if you are sad then that's how it is, you can't help it and you shouldn't be made to feel blame for it either.
Well it depends. It's important to find someone to support you like a friend or family. But it's also your personnal life, you don't have to tell everyone if you don't want to.
It's not something people usually say as an icebreaker. Your mental state is something that is important, and you should tell it to people you trust, and that they need to know. There's no need to tell your boss, but it is something you need to tell your close family and friends.
I truley helps to tell others if you feel depressed because someone does care. Thats how I found 7 cups.
January 21st, 2016 2:32pm
I struggled with depression and anxiety after being diagnosed with epilepsy. It gets better, trust me. Now that I've overcame my struggles I'm here to help you guys.
Yes! Depression isn't a good emotion to feel. There are many people willing to help and care for you
January 22nd, 2016 1:11am
Yes it is important to confide in somebody if you are feeling depressed. Bottling up your feelings is the worse thing you can do. Clinical Depression is a serious illness and won't get better on its own. You need professional help and treatment to help you recover.
If you are so depressed that you can be a danger to yourself then you should tell someone. Or if you feel absolutely miserable and are feeling thoughts of self harm and suicide you need to get help. The sooner you get help the faster you will heal.
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