What can I talk about with my boyfriend on the phone?
322 Answers
Last Updated: 08/15/2021 at 7:48pm
Moderated by
D'Anna Davis, LCSW
Clinical Social Work/Therapist
The journey to where we are today included many ups, downs, twists and turns. Healing from the events of life is crucial in achieving mental health and happiness.
Top Rated Answers
Hmm, definitely a tough one, I must say! But if you think about it very simply, what are the reasons which attracted you to him in the first place? As I similar taste in music? He enjoys the same hobbies as you? Or perhaps he is just so damn good looking that you have to ask him about his hair haha. At the end of the day! this guy is your boyfriend and you could pretty much tell him anything. Talk about your day and what happened, any problems you need advice for or perhaps your future ambitions or dreams. Remember, he is special to you and you are special to him, you should be able to talk about anything!
Anything that you want, if he's your boyfriend you should be comfortable enough with him to talk to him about anything
October 25th, 2015 5:34am
Anything but for me, it is best not to talk about break-ups and such through phones. Some things are better said personally.
October 25th, 2015 3:19pm
You have all the world to talk about, my friend's girlfriend used to google that what should they talk about. MY girlfriend used to talk about the things that we have in common, and our differences.
Music, hobbies, things that make you laugh, family and compliment each. Listen to any worries he may have without judging.
ask him about his daily activities, talk about how his day was and ask him about things that are important in his life, like his family hobbies ect. When he talks, pay attention to what he is saying, you guys might even want to talk about the future and maybe even some questions like what you though of each other before you were together. try and bring some positive life into the conversation :)
Anything that comes to mind! What do you both have in common? What is something that maybe you don't have in common and you can teach each other about?
October 28th, 2015 11:03pm
- how your day was
- plans for the evening
- places you want to visit
- anything interesting toy want to tell him?
October 29th, 2015 10:37am
Everything you are comfortable on talking with and things which both of you are interested in and will love to talk about , Ask questions , thats a nice way of keeping conversations going on .
October 29th, 2015 3:15pm
You can talk about interests. Plan days out. Compare differences and similarities. Plan the future!!
You can talk to your boyfriend about anything that makes you comfortable, such as his interests or yours. The effort to connect with him in some aspect is great and will hopefully result into a deeper relationship with him.
Anything and everything. Some of the longest conversations I've had were on the phone with my partner. It takes the pressure off sometimes not being face to face. I can be curled up with my favourite blanket, in my comfort zone, baring my soul - and it feels great!
Ask him about his life in general for example : his job and colleagues, ask him about his family or simply have a normal conversation about you both
How you are feeling, ask how they are feeling. Try to give in depth answers as opposed to short ones. Longer answers normally prompts a naturally flowing conversation. If you had a nice lunch that, talk to him about it. If you thought about him that day, tell him.
Future goals, plans. When I'm on the phone with my boyfriend, we just talk about anything. could range from games to real problems. Just be free
Ask him about his day! What the scariest thing he has ever experienced? Most crazy thing hes ever done? Ask him questions youre dying to know! :-)
November 5th, 2015 7:13am
Phone conversations can be a bit tricky, people can tap or listen to your phone conversations so make sure to be more private and confidential when speaking to avoid eaves dropping issues.
November 5th, 2015 10:22am
Anything! Talk about your day, something exciting you did, or saw, or felt,... Also, let him talk too!
It is a very contextual question. It depends on where you are in your relationship in terms of intimacy. In general intimate talk should be kept to face-to-face conversations unless you are in a long distance relationship, long standing relationship.
November 6th, 2015 11:01am
I usually call with my boyfriend about stuff i'm dealing with, or just to hear his voice. It's not bad to have confortable silences.
November 6th, 2015 1:20pm
Whenever you call him no matter what is the topic. The main thing is every time you have to start your conversation with warmness and a spark.
absolutely everything. if you are comfortable with them then anything should be said with full trust.
You can talk about funny jokes, thing that you can't say in person, or make a plan to meet! but its better to talk in person
Just thinj about it as if your having a normal convirsation with him , i think it will be good this way , you can also facetime him if you want to .
Have a phone sex... thats the best stress buster for both of you.. drive him crazy over the phone so he may wana come to you right away.
What I love to talk is about top 3 news of the day, it is easy, I google them read them and then I share them with him ;-)
Tell him about your day. Listen as he tells you about his. Talk about what you're going to do tonight. Plan to spend time together. Tell him how much you love him
Guessing that you two barely know each other, i suggest that you should ask him what he likes. Movies, music, books...
Just talk to him about the things you would normally discuss with him. It's not a huge difference. But, you should probably discuss huge things, such as a death in the family, or an announcement that you wish to break up with him, in person.
You set your own boundaries. Whatever you feel comfortable with and if he doesn't agree hehe you can always hang up ;-)
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