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What should I do if people think I am lying?

209 Answers
Last Updated: 10/07/2024 at 11:59am
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Alex DS Ellis, MA, LMFT

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Top Rated Answers
Profile: damselinthisdress
May 6th, 2017 10:35am
Often in my life, I've been misunderstood. People have thought I was lying when clearly I wasn't. Sometimes, the truth is so baffling that it's easier to believe that someone is lying. Or maybe people get so stubborn in their beliefs that they can never accept an alternative view. So they think you're lying. Hence, if people think I'm lying, I've figured that the best response is just to let them. Let them think you're lying...because it doesn't matter. You know you're telling the truth, you have a clear conscience. It's them who need to broaden their minds. It's them who need to see beyond their hardcore beliefs. People will always believe what they want to believe; trying to convince them hardly works. So, if they see it on their own that you're not lying, well and good, and if not, then feel sorry for them and move on with your life. :)
November 9th, 2016 10:30pm
I would try to support my points with my own experience. I would also tell them that it's ok for them to not trust me and I understand their suspicion but to listen to what I have to say.
Profile: CircleHettie
December 10th, 2016 2:07am
Ask them why they think you're lying. Their belief is generated by something within themselves, not within you and if it is impacting upon your life, then it is something you need to draw out of them with conversation, so that you can work together to improve your relationship.
Profile: MartinPitchford
October 30th, 2016 5:34pm
This happens to me too. A lot of times when I tell someone something about myself that is really cool or unusual, I am afraid they will think I am lying, so I try to seem like I'm not lying, which probably makes it appear more like I'm lying. I still haven't gotten over this completely, but it helps me to tell myself, "I am not lying, so they will have no reason to think I am lying". That gives me confidence in what I say and helps me not think about it so much. I also feel ashamed if I tell someone something that I thought was true but is actually not, but I know now that if the person finds out that what I told them isn't true, they will realize that I just had a misunderstanding of the situation. The other person won't focus that much on what you say compared to all the other things that they think about in their day, so it is unlikely that they will fixate on that situation and conclude that you are a liar.
Profile: DaisyDanny
January 22nd, 2017 5:29pm
Be as clear and honest as you can. Let them do the rest. It is hard to be seen as a liar but if you did all you could to assure them, then it is or it is. The easier and ironically the hardest thing to do is not care. If you did that, props to you.
Profile: avanef
January 25th, 2017 10:05pm
Sometimes if that's what people think of you then don't surround yourself with people like that. If they think you're lying when you're not, then maybe you shouldn't be around them if they can't even trust you in the first place when maybe you haven't even done anything that would make them think that.
February 23rd, 2017 4:03am
Let it go, it is their loss if they think you are lying, if they don't know you well enough to know you aren't then you don't need them in your life. If it is something that isn't all that important then let it go, no need to get defensive because that makes people think we are lying more.
April 8th, 2017 5:07am
If people think that you are lying about something then they probably don't trust you or you have lied a lot in the past so they feel that they cannot trust you. You can try to earn their trust to get them to believe you or give them proof of it.
May 26th, 2018 12:33pm
In my experience, it helps to accept that no matter what, some people will always question you/your stories. I try to remain authentic, to the point and patient. We all questions things, it's human nature, but if you remain honest there's literally nothing more you can do so be strong. Lastly, actions speak louder than words, you can always show people who you are instead of telling them :)
June 10th, 2017 8:36pm
Just be truthful.... slowly they will realize that you are honest... lies cannot be hidden forever..
June 9th, 2019 1:09pm
I would ask myself, why do they think I am lying? Have I done something in the past to make people distrust me? If the answer is yes, apologize, tell them that you understand it will take time to build back the trust you lost but that you are trying to change, and continue to be truthful. If the answer is no, ask yourself, what has happened to them to be distrustful, maybe someone has lied to them in the past and it has left them hurt, understand that people might've had bad experiences in the past and be patient with them trusting you. However, if someone won't believe you despite all your efforts and patience, think, do I want people in my life that don't trust me? Maybe it is time to distance yourself from people that accuse you from not telling the truth despite your efforts to continuously convince them otherwise. Being distrusted is never nice, but it is most important that you are truthful to yourself and that you know the truth.
Profile: CyanSam
September 27th, 2018 5:55am
You cannot forcibly change what people will feel but there are ways to handle accusations in a way that protects yourself from having something like this spiral out of control. It's best not to lash out or counter-accuse. (ex."You all suck" and"I'm not lying, it's Jimmy whos lying) Keeping level headed can take you a long way. Maintaining a serious tone and face when addressing those accusations can also help. Being clear and sticking to the truth. If the above fails, it's time to start thinking about removing the accusers from your life. Deleting them off social media. Going no contact. Maintaining strict boundaries and finding people to support you. Being accused of a lie can range from a very simple miscommunication to a highly traumatic experiance in the right circumstance.
Profile: Ebeyn
April 14th, 2018 7:44am
Let them think what they want to think. Atleast you know you're telling the truth and you are not lying
Profile: hopefulWhisper21
April 23rd, 2018 4:51pm
If people think you're lying, take the time to clearly explain yourself, without begging for their acceptance. You have to live for you, and not for others.
April 27th, 2018 6:25pm
If people think you are lying, you have a couple of options. You can prove them wrong (using proof), or ignore them and let them think however they want. Usually if you have proof of whatever it may be, they will believe you.
Profile: iamdeeplysorry4069
March 9th, 2018 6:02pm
looking for answers on the internet.. we've all been there. its okay. But please read this and understand where I'm coming from. I know many of you who are reading this are stressed, nervous, and don't know what to do in your current situation. To start off, DONT lie. Trust me its going to get you in shit. Take it from a girl who always lies just to save her self from getting in trouble. Yup. I always lie to my parents because I know what I did was wrong, but I didn't want to get introuble. It really is scary when you get caught of something you're not supposed to do. So my advice to you is don't ever lie and don't do something you know is gonna get you in shit. Always tell the truth no matter what, and no matter what happens, listen to whatever your parents have to say. Stay calm, and eventually the problem will be dead. Just do the right thing from now on. Don't be stupid. Think twice before you do something dumb. I hope you read this all. And if you did, I hope this helped you. Remember, we are humans and humans aren't perfect. we all make mistakes to either expirience things or to see how its like. So don't worry and don't stress everyone goes through shit and gets through it eventually. STAY STRONG.
Profile: LondonEars5
April 30th, 2018 9:42pm
If people think I’m lying it is thier opinion. I have in fact been in this position and found it very distressing when family members and friends have thought I was lying. The mistruths I have told we’re to stop others from getting hurt. There are certain things adult try to spare tier children. Other people I just pray will become victims of thier own karma. This is a piece I have written without the over thinking process !
Profile: WaterLilyListener
February 21st, 2018 3:58am
Think of why they might think that you are lying. Then, determine the best course of action to defend yourself. If after attempting to defend yourself, you're still not believed it may be time to let it go.
Profile: ColorfulIvy13
May 2nd, 2018 10:07pm
If you aren't then let them know, if they won't believe then try ignoring them. Yeah I know that can be hard, but sometimes that's the best way to go about things.
Profile: wishfulSound98
February 13th, 2018 1:32am
Do your best to reassure them that you are not lying and that your actions are genuine, but if they do not see it through then that is their loss. Not yours :)
Profile: ImHereForYou2282
February 10th, 2018 11:37pm
Check and make sure your not. If your not, then tell them that you are telling the truth. If they choose not to believe you then they are worthy of your presence.
Profile: CommunicationHeals
May 10th, 2018 5:59pm
Ask them what you could do to show that you are telling the truth, and then do that. In the case that they ask for unreasonable proof, remind them that you are happy to give them proof, but that what they are asking for is impossible or unreasonable— and then explain why it's unreasonable, and ask for another way you could prove it. If you can't come to an agreement, it might be time to accept that they won't believe you at all, at least not now.
Profile: ardentAuthoress
May 17th, 2018 11:19pm
I believe that conviction in your own beliefs is more important than having other people believe in you. From there, if you seek their support, you should try and prove your point kindly and politely by stating the reasons why you believe in whatever you believe in. If they still think you are lying, then you are probably better off not bringing the subject up again.
Profile: LiveLoveLife8772
December 29th, 2017 7:37pm
Tell them clearly that you are not lying and make them believe it if you can do it by giving a feasible proof. But you shouldn't always try hard to make everyone believe you. Just take your closed ones in trust and ultimately when people see the results, they would start believing.
November 9th, 2017 8:20am
Leave them. If you are speaking truth and still they don't believe you can give as many explanations as you want but they won't believe you.
Profile: AnimaSeeker
October 27th, 2016 5:12pm
If people think you are lying you must find facts and evidence as to why you would not lie in your current situation. It is hard to face a situation where people you love or respect do not believe what you say or feel. I hope you only surround yourself with people who trust you, but there are certain situations where belief in your credibility is questioned. At these times you must find ways to confirm your side and support what you say or do. What you do to prove these things is up to you, but I can say that you should only do actions that are positive and not at all violent towards yourself or those involved.
April 2nd, 2017 7:27pm
Authenticity is both valued and respected in any relationship. If someone thinks you are lying, stay calm, and in a calm manner ask them why they feel you are lying. Both of you can walk thought the story and provide more details if needed. Sometimes these situations are communication based and being open and having an honest conversation is sometimes difficult but can help build trust.
January 12th, 2017 2:17pm
You do not always need to act to other people's thoughts about you. If you know that you are not lying, you shouldn't be worried about it and should not do anything. If the people that think you are lying are important to you, you could talk to them and ask them to explain their untrue beliefs.
Profile: Birdsorbrides
December 4th, 2016 9:38am
It of course depends on the situation, stay true to yourself and carry the confidence of your truth with you in social situations. People can pick up on when you feel confident in your responses, and showing you are not fazed by others misconceptions can show a lot through your own character to those around you.
Profile: WildUnknown
October 26th, 2016 8:33am
Are you? In either case, the truth will surface eventually. Some people may be pretty stubborn about accepting it or changing their opinion. Maintain your truth and remember that actions speak louder than words.