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SoulfullyAButterfly profile picture
Join the One Line A Day Journaling Challenge
by SoulfullyAButterfly
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...See more It might not seem like much, but putting pen to paper and writing down our thoughts and feelings can do wonders for our well-being. When we journal, we create a safe and private space where we can express ourselves freely and without judgment. This can be especially helpful if we find it hard to share our feelings with others. Journaling also helps us gain clarity and perspective on our thoughts and emotions. We can identify patterns in our thinking and behavior, which can help us recognize triggers and make positive changes in our lives. It can also be a powerful tool to manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. By writing down our worries and concerns, we can release some of the tension we're carrying around and feel more at ease. 7 Cups has recently launched a Journals & Diaries community and we’re kicking off the launch with a fun challenge you can join! To start and maintain a journaling practice, we are launching a One Line A Day Challenge, where you are invited to journal only one line a day, for 1 month (or more!). Here’s how to join in: * Subscribe to the Journals & Diaries subcommunity at 7 Cups by clicking “Join”. * Consider taking the Flourishing Assessment [] before you begin the challenge to get a sense of how well you are thriving. This free assessment helps you get insight on your strengths too! * Click the “One Line A Day” topic on the right-hand side of the Journals & Diaries community homepage. Create a thread for your journaling journey. An example thread is “SoulfullyAButterfly’s One Line A Day Thread []”. You can mention your starting date and any other requests you would like (such as whether you prefer people only read or are ok to get supportive replies) in your first post. * Feeling stuck? We will also create daily journaling prompt threads under the “One Line A Day” topic/section to help you reflect on different things. While this is optional, you can use the prompts for inspiration and can respond under those threads (feel welcome to copy the prompt/response) onto your own thread if you feel like having everything in one place! An additional feature 7 Cups offers is your private journal and timeline. To view it, feel welcome to click here []. Will you be joining the One Line A Day Challenge? Let us know below and tag other users you think may enjoy this!
SoulfullyAButterfly profile picture
7 Cups Private Journal Feature: Your Personal Safe Space
by SoulfullyAButterfly
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August 4th, 2024
...See more Having a safe space to reflect and document your thoughts and feelings can be a valuable tool in your wellness toolbox. A lot of us at 7 Cups have been journaling and self-reflecting, and I wanted to highlight the private journal feature which currently lives on our profiles as well as under the path steps we can take:  With the Private Journal feature, you can: 📝 Create Personal Entries: Document your thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a completely private setting. It's your space to express yourself freely, without judgment. 📆 View on Your Timeline: Your journal entries are organized on a timeline, alongside other site activity like messages, hearts, path steps taken, and assessment score data. This timeline provides a holistic view of your progress and self-care journey. Have you tried out this feature yet? Feel welcome to share feedback and any ideas on how you would want this feature updated to meet your journalling needs.
slowdecline48 profile picture
my journal: various subjects, opinionating, CW at times
by slowdecline48
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41 minutes ago
...See more The title explains itself. If you're interested in the ramblings of a middle-aged man with chronic conditions who, at times, sees things a little too clearly for his own good, then read on. Sometimes I get political, but it won't be all the time. I don't mind comments in general but if you're going to differ with what I write, that's fine--as long as you can explain your position clearly & reasonably. Rants, shouting & general incoherence will be ignored or flagged, depending on the situation. Try to remember that not everyone else in this world holds your beliefs. Every so often I may post art or snapshots of projects I'm working on. If you're still interested after reading all the above, great. (I do wonder at how much time you have on your hands, though)
amiableBunny4016 profile picture
Seeking Comfort Under The Shadows - Deep thoughts 💛
by amiableBunny4016
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1 hour ago
...See more hello fellow friend, i'm not sure if you know me, but you may call me bunny if you so wish to. (i know, so interesting right? xD)  I've grown kind of bored of chat rooms and my diary thread and although I will continue using them, this is just a fresh page for me to lean on for a while.  this is a corner where i share what goes on in my mind, and what happens in the depths of my thoughts, whether it's about evil, curiosity, intelligence, life, emotions, anything and everything can go in here.  I'll write here whenever I find the energy to do so and whenever I get random depressing thoughts at 1am (there is something magical about the night!)  I hope anyone will enjoy reading, and whilst responses are welcome please keep it on topic and not random irrelevant stuff, for the sake of this thread.  Best wishes, Bunny
camo303xvp profile picture
validation 💕💕💕
by camo303xvp
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2 hours ago
...See more For the love of god I just want evidence that I am the way I want to be like even though the way I want to be like is as vague af. like out of all possible ways a human being could possibly be fat, extraverted, hysterical, impulsive, acts like an NPC, *** taste in fashion even though they believe otherwise, introverted extravert, never dissociates, especially all of them simultaneously, is like the worst. to be polite and meek like a Canadian. to give off Cillian Murphy vibes. to have fluffy curly hair. to draw stuff in a yellow lined notebook, not trauma dumping meangingless shallow cringey irrational younger self kinda *** a hideous tiny A5 one. to work a nice job, not either unemployed with barely any money (even more embarrassing if I wear sweatpants>cargo shorts and I eat belvita soft bakes > salad or smth) or if I do have a job it's some weird *** ugly embarrassing one (like vape shop, tattoo artist, lingerie shop, or something that involves kids). to NOT be that girl that lashes out in public getting the police involved. Just please give me your honest opinions of how I am. if the truth is too painful I may as well ❌❌❌❌ because being too anti-self feels more painful and distressing than the kind of extremely *** afterlife of my nightmares warn me about anyway.
camo303xvp profile picture
Life gets more boring with time
by camo303xvp
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3 hours ago
...See more I really want to leave the house because being stuck indoors all day gets boring after a while. But I also don't want to because of sensory overload, public transport being delayed, and all kinds of problematic interactions with strangers. you know it's getting that bad when your arm is aching from self-harm, your throat is hurts because of smoking weed pretty much every day, your house is an unhygienic tip making you even more confused and overwhelmed in general but you can't be bothered to clean it, and you enjoy reminiscing on robotripping for the first time more than you actually enjoy doing it (back when you could do it in public without feeling like utter *** on the comedown, instead of having to do it at home just to make being stuck in the house all day less boring) I'm clingy by becoming this way because I haven't seen my brother in ages.I'm a primitive dinosaur NPC by taking an interest in numerology etc ("how superstitious?").
Optimisticempath profile picture
A Space For The Unsaid (Personal Diary)
by Optimisticempath
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3 hours ago
...See more Uh hello if anyone is reading this! 😀 I have no idea why I'm even creating this thread but i just feel it will be nice to have a place to share some thoughts or even these images on the internet that i always keep saving for myself because i relate too much but cannot share it with anyone because yes haha I'm okay with replies here so feel free to drop by anytime ❤️ Just please be kind and respectful if your replying to my posts.
iloveyouxx profile picture
in the wonders of my mind💗.
by iloveyouxx
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7 hours ago
...See more hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didn’t look like me🧐makes sense doesn’t it😛since there can only be one *me*✨one of a kind now arent I😁/sar. one out of 8118835999✨🌷can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss you’re also one of a kind💖 sorrysorry haha :P🤍im just messing around xD💞also it’s 2am- but shush no snitching🤫I’ll sleep in a while😁when I’m feeling a bit more sane :>😛🩷 wanted to have my own space.💜 for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.💙 to whoever's coming across :'3💜please dont lurk here.🩷 I know anyone can have access to this forum :')💙but please be respectful🩷.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :P💛 y’all get crazy nosy haha- it’s alright.💛nothing too interesting will be here anyway💛if you would like to come in and be supportive it’s completely okie💛but please don’t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limit💛because I’d still like this to be just my space ^-^💛)
unassumingEyes profile picture
Out of The Corner/In The World
by unassumingEyes
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7 hours ago
...See more Hi! Some of you might know of my other space here, In the corner. Or just, "the corner" in my head. This is the world! I.e this is me learning to "adult" (what?), get out of my comfort zone, accept my flaws, seek the positives in life, etc etc! My journey out of the comfort zone, basically. And it's going to be rocky, it's going to be real hard, and I'm going to end up in the corner venting about something more times than not, probably, but it's a step, I think.  Let's get out of the corner! (That was kinda cheesy!)
inventiveKitten4821 profile picture
My Void of Venting
by inventiveKitten4821
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9 hours ago
...See more I’ve always wanted to start a journal. I was always worried that it had to be perfect. What if future generations read it? What would they think? Thats why I created this thread. Because now I can vent into the void so to speak and I don’t have to worry about it being perfect or it even having to make sense. The void doesn’t judge. I’m not currently wanting anyone to leave comments. Feel free to read my venting if you want but please don’t leaves comments. Thanks! 🤍
Stormandshelter profile picture
Personal space 🌿
by Stormandshelter
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13 hours ago
...See more TW : The posts can be depressing I feel like creating a space of my own here.  You can respond if you feel like. 🌿
Modal0154 profile picture
by Modal0154
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15 hours ago
...See more Easter days 2k24+ Previously ___ Uggh you try to escape here and something drags you back here. The need or impulse to alleviate something sore. Put your pride aside but you find no content in producing content in how you find yourself yet again in this spot to reside. This is why it's important to learn to not to take it all so seriously, preferably not via indifference or an ignorant sort of humour. Humour that understated key to wisdom, difficult to entertain whereas too many think vice-versa a course to take. __ I don't like how Psychforum's journal section is moderated and I'm fairly surprised by how neither Wrongplanet nor Reddit (as far as I know) have sections for journalling. Ditching this place would be easier if the prospect of immediate contact with listeners wasn't justified by my experiences.
camo303xvp profile picture
trans-typal transition goals
by camo303xvp
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15 hours ago
...See more Reddit starter pack memes are so based, reminders of how cringe it is to think that being depressed is cool, and that MBTI/enneagram means nothing. an FTM one "transition goals is either a literal viking or an androgynous fairy prince" hit hard (I want to be the latter so much, but I hate the stereotype I have of FTM people with short hair so I prefer to have longer messier hair, no wonder I identify with Snufkin so much) stumbling upon the ones my younger self made is so cringe Im so jealous of the philosophical people yet at the same time beating myself up (feeling like my younger self basically) for thinking its "cool" to have an existential crisis the kind of distress BDD people get over their physical appearance except it's over my own personality. E.g. the more introverted I am the better I feel about myself the more philosophical I am the better I feel about myself the more logical I am the better I feel about myself the less attentive I am the better I feel about myself the less materialistic I am the better I feel about myself its been this way for years, like the more someone else dissociates the wittier someone else is the less of a social battery someone else has etc the more I'm jealous of them
camo303xvp profile picture
deep distress over my own personality/cognition
by camo303xvp
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18 hours ago
...See more I doubt I can "heal" even slightly unless I change address. This particular house has got those connotations, memories of all the awful traumatic embarrassing *** that's happened to me (unreported passive aggressive abuse from certain staff (theyre taking advantage of how vulnerable I am basically) and the moment I complain no one *** believes me or seems to anyway I get labelled "paranoid". Going to court because at one point out of rage I attempted homicide but never actually killed anyone. Feeling insecure about whatever traits whenever speaking to members of staff about myself. More than the others the fact Im gonna get evicted and it is all my fault Im so reckless and irresponsible and impulsive 😢). Everything about it. The rooms the walls the location/town. I don't know where to begin. I am so cooked. * can't take antidepressants because addicted to DXM. * can't quit DXM because it's so weird for a British person to do such a drug recreationally, therapists have likely never heard of it and they confuse it with codeine or something. * can't not smoke weed can't not do DXM because my life would be so boring without drugs, after all the curiosity for drug related stuff on the internet was uncontrollable when I was younger and didn't have access to drugs at all. * can't find a job because no experience. * also reluctant to find a job, even if I were more eligible to even get hired in the first place, because my brother would shame me for it labelling it as "simlike" (or NPC like basically). * not to mention the whole NPC business is so important to me. * can't be bothered to do adult responsibilities because of internet addiction. * if I were to not have internet access at home, in an attempt to have more motivation to do the duties necessary to not get evicted, I'd struggle emotionally as the internet is so important in my life. * don't want to have anyone in my house for any reason in any context because it feels so awkward. It's like whenever you want you could ask them questions you know might make you insecure (it's like being an anorexic person in proximity to a pair of scales after a period of overeating, and not weighing themselves, all nervous to find out "the truth"), their own existence and presence in itself is enough to trigger you because of individual differences even if you don't interact with them much. * don't want to tell this kinda *** to my social worker because some of it is just so awkward/personal (such as recreational DXM use as a *** British person, or my brother's adjective "simlike" how ugly it is). Am I really normally in general that "flamboyant" and "overly loudly emotionally expressive"? I hope not. I hope that people assume most of the time I appear way calmer. I am so ashamed to overshare. It is so anti-self. I just long for some kind of fairy godmother to cast a spell on me that will cause me to transmogrify into my ideal self. That is like the only thing that will prevent me from committing suicide. someone could be as fat and ugly and/or woman as *** yet I'd still be jealous af of them because they are less emotional (or emotionally expressive) and more mindful of consequences of their actions, etc EIE heart triad archetype (Marina and the diamonds Electra Heart basically even though its dead like from *** 2012) = bad bad bad bad bad bad bad  it's not the use of the product itself that causes a feeling of pleasure or a sense of fulfilment, it's more so the act of buying it.

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Diary Entries: A place for your diary entries.

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One Line A Day: For the one line a day initiative.

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