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Feeling Insecure

I was diagnosed with PCOS from 12 years ago, however, it’s only now my symptoms are manifesting and getting worse. It’s so hard for me to loose weight and maintain and ideal body weight because my hormones are all over the place. I have been trying to discipline myself in eating and trying to get back into my gym routine but sometimes, I just feel overwhelmed and insecure because I used to be confident and comfortable of my body, and now I have to wear double the size of what I used to wear before. I hate looking at my old pictures and I hate the thought that among my group of friends, I’m the bigger/thicker one.

MindfulJourney22 July 15th

@MarcelineTheVampireQueen95 It must be incredibly tough to navigate these changes and challenges with PCOS impacting your health and well-being. Your feelings of frustration and insecurity are completely understandable given the circumstances. Remember that your worth and value aren't defined by your weight or appearance. It's okay to have moments of struggle and to feel overwhelmed by the changes you're experiencing. Give yourself grace as you work towards finding a balance that works for you, both physically and emotionally. You're not alone in this journey, and taking each day as it comes can be a step towards greater self-acceptance and peace.

GoldenRuleJG August 1st

❤️beautifully said

GoldenRuleJG August 1st

Hi Marceline

I’m sorry to hear you are struggling with your confidence in your appearance .

You can reflect back to the time you were happy with how you looked - why was that? You can ask yourself was to the compliments boosting your self esteem or was it about what you wore which made you feel confident?

Is it a cultural thing? Or Is it wanting to fit in with your friends ?

You may want to think about I don’t know if this is helpful thinking about things that aren’t external (looks). Are there other areas in your life you are happy with ?

Room is available to have a 1-1 chat with a listener of your choice and even to continue to chat through the forums. Thank you for opening up.

KaylaBella August 4th


 Hey Marceline! My name is Kayla 😊 I have been diagnosed with PCOS myself since 2018. It’s definitely not the easiest disease to have. The cramps, the cysts rupturing, the never knowing when your period might start because they are so irregular. But not only those, the weight gain and the struggle to lose weight and actually keep it off can be disheartening at times. The infertility that can result from it for some, like me, can be extremely hard to come to terms with and make peace with. 

The weight part I am currently struggling with too. I look in the mirror sometimes and I don’t like what I see because of how much weight I’ve gained. But then I remember, I’m basing how I feel about myself on what those around me call “beauty”. Remember this Marceline, beauty comes from within, not from the outside. also remember to give yourself some grace sometimes. Losing the PCOS weight is a long and hard fight, and sometimes we are gonna fail. Lord knows I do. But it is possible to get to a healthier weight and stay there. I don’t know if you have heard of or tried this yet, but you should look into a carnivore diet. I have been researching it myself and it can apparently help you reduce or eliminate PCOS symptoms, as well as lose weight. You just have to pair it with regular exercise. PCOS can actually cause fatigue as well. But the carnivore diet can definitely help so I would recommend looking into it. I can’t take birth control because of my heart disease so the carnivore diet is my only other option to controlling the weight and symptoms from PCOS. 

Sending you much love!  -Kayla 💖