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Does responsibility make you nervous? Let me know!!

proactiveCity5170 November 11th, 2019


More than nervous.... Responsible..... Evey outcom Is the product of my ability to inspire, lead, motivate. How valuable a tool am I? What outputs can be elicited from the slag?

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 11th, 2019


I love your determination and enthusiasm.

You said: "What outputs can be elicited from the slag?" Perhaps I go it wrong when I used Google Translate... would you like to expand the meaning of that sentence?

Listeners Feedback -> Slightly smiling

proactiveCity5170 November 12th, 2019


Sounds like you hold yourself very accountable. Not only for what you do but what you can get others to produce. The term that resonated with me most was "tool". I go between striving to be the most effective tool and disgust for acting as agent for corporate goals. Looking at associates as whole complex people rather than resources resistant to productivity seems to make it harder for me to push for economic metrics.

proactiveCity5170 November 12th, 2019


Holy crap... Just realized I was talking the myself.

When did my username change?

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 12th, 2019


Clearer now. "Slag" is not a word I would have chosen... but English is not my first language Slightly smiling

And about the change in your username... no idea!! Slightly smiling

Listeners Feedback -> Slightly smiling