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New to 7cups

tidyCoconut9485 February 26th, 2023

I am 25 , lonely software developer , I bake , cook , bingee watchh and take longg walkss.

comfortableNight4463 February 26th, 2023

@tidyCoconut9485 Hi! Welcome to 7cups. I hope you find the support you're looking for here.

ChristinaLin February 27th, 2023

@tidyCoconut9485 Hello! Welcome <3. I also love baking and cooking too! I hope you feel safe here and find what you're looking for! 😊

Fillio February 27th, 2023

Hij fellow programmer. I am 28 and i struggeld with lonelyness too for a very long time... i got pregnant at 19 years old married ad 20 and was devorced singel mom at 21 without having her degree. I felt tired all the time i was workinf studying sleeping or takking care of my baby absolulty no time for anything else. But even when i got my degree and my time freed up a bit i felt lonely...there was no one i knew with remotly similar problems with me so i didnt feel understood or heard wich was the reason i felt lonely i ex is a drug addict who constantly engeneerd problems...for a time there i had suicidal thought...but i couldnt leave my son to that monster so i decided to grt some help and i did...3 and a half years later i was a healthy mind again fixed the one and only relationship i had to fix so wont feel lonely anymore my relationship with my own...i firgave myself for my mistakes and moved on. I stil feel lonely once in a while but never like back then.. just rember this when you feel lonely dont force yourself to get surrounded by people it wil only make you feel more lonely...or at least that is mine experience. I hope my story helpd i wish the very best.

Love Fillio

Humanthing March 1st, 2023

@Fillio thank you for sharing, good for you for getting the help!! and its so inspiring to see that you got to realize that its the rel with urself.

Thank u for being an inspiration and inspiring me

kindKite2958 February 27th, 2023

Hello, we could be friends.I am an online I.T student learning phython. I am 24 years old female. We can talk about these things or whatever.

tidyCoconut9485 OP February 27th, 2023

Yes for suree , How r u?

Mobley4275 February 27th, 2023

Binge watch what? What’s your go to show/movie?

tidyCoconut9485 OP February 27th, 2023

Friends is my go to show

Mobley4275 February 27th, 2023

nice! Mine too. The one where Eddie won’t leave is my favorite episode ever, it’s the one I think I quote the most lol 😆

Humanthing March 1st, 2023

@tidyCoconut9485 yes i know a friend of mine who would listen to it on a podcast also, she said it grounded her to listen to light funny content..

darkmarine009 March 1st, 2023

Hello @tidyCoconut9485

Nice to have you here 🙂

Jasmine4514 March 1st, 2023

I love binge watch and long walks too...i hope you will get what u are looking for

BlueMoonBlackTree March 1st, 2023


What do you want? I can't bake but can cake 😋. We can walk. But I'm a guy and not a gay. I'm comfortable. If you want, i can come to your place If it's in my reach . because i have much time ryt now and have not much to do🌃. (I'm serious, not joking)

TL6 March 2nd, 2023

@tidyCoconut9485 - welcome to 7 Cups. You are welcome to connect with one of our listeners who are always ready to listen to you :)