How I found 7 cups.
I was looking for an internship opportunity and my career advisor led me here!
I'd searched many sites on the computerfor thehelp I needed, but to no avail. I finally put in the searcn box, a free online course for my problems. I were then connected to "7cups of teas" site. I found out this site offered much of what I needed. For example: the group chats, one-on-one chats, the many forums and progress reports, are just a few of the many subjects they offer. I'm so elated to have found such a place. "Thank you GOD" !
this is a great topic...
i guess you could say i found 7 cups by luck amazing luck..
i found out that i had depression, anxiety, and ,major stress this past summer.. i was lucky to get into a group in my community called changeways(highly recommmend it) but just the same i felt like i needed more support so oddly i went to my googleplay on my phone and searched support groups and 7 cups popped up it had great reviews and wow here i am today.. also spreading the word of 7 cups thanks for this
A friend of mine told me she wanted to become a listener here so i got curious.. and here i am!
I was looking for somewhere that i could help and listen to people, and my friend told me about 7 cups of tea, which she used when she had depression, and here I am.
I was on Twitter tweeting about how depressed I was and someone who is a member of 7 Cups saw and referred me to it.
It was posted in a Facebook psychology group. The person said that the training would be helpful for anyone going into the mental health field. They spoke highly of the site.
Heard about it at school.We have a great psychology teacher who introduced us to this site and posted a link on her website.Very grateful!
I found my way here through Reddit. I was feeling down and going through some stuff and was able to get some help. I wanted to do the same for others. Sometimes we just need someone to talk to. :)
I was referred here by the suicide chat room, I'm glad I found it
i was bored so i googledcool things to do on the internet, a website listed 10 things and 7 cups was one of them, i chatted with a listener, then signed up