How Did You Hear About 7 Cups?
Well, back in November of 2014, I wasn't exactly feeling the greatest. I was sad and confused and very anxious. So, I wanted to talk to someone out there, so I looked up "online therapy" and "free therapy" and was just searching for somebody who wanted to be empathetic. I finally came across the website and became a member shortly afterwards. I used to log on a lot and just talk about things that kind of bugged me, or I didn't know what to do. Eventually, I decided I wanted to become a listener. So, I joined and was eager to earn badges the very first time I logged in as a fresh, new listener. I completed nearly all of the courses, and I chatted with several people. As of today, I still do that! Earn badges and talk to people. And I love it.
Imgur. I'm a major lurker and coming across something like this made me very happy.
i am here because i googled"i need someone to talk to" now i am a lisiner.
Through a common friend. :)
I first heard of 7C when someone posted about it on the social section of my Period Tracker app. (Early February) :)
It's kinda weird hehe. I've been always looking for a page like this, where I could support people just like listeners do, but I never found the right words to type into google. So one day I was "stalking" (shhhh) on a friends facebookand I spotted a tumblr profile post. So I clicked it and decided to "stalk" a bit there too :D Then I found a picture of 7cups with some inspirational lines written there. So I clicked the picture and, well, I became a listener :D
I wanted to talk to someone about my problems anonymously so I googled "free online therapy" and saw this and Immediately installed the app..... Just minutes ago !
A while ago, I asked on reddit if there was something like a "suicide hotline" but not for suicidal people... just more for people who needed a companion, somebody to talk to. And they said this place is perfect, so I'll probably stick around. :)
I actually am on this website really long, like a member. And now I became a listener. I don't really remember how I came here, but I'm sure it was through some site that talks about suicide. And I needed help, so I came here.
I was looking for internships that dealt with my major and I just stumbled on this one. Glad I did.
A friend... They told me that they had an internship here... I remembered this place becauseI'm at a loss didn't have anyone I felt to turn too.