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Good Morning people

neonOcean7350 December 31st, 2022

First day here at 7cup, well first post actually.

This site, and the people here, looks like some positive sources for what I need.

I am battling depression (again). But this time it's different.

I just wanna wish everyone a happy and safe New Years πŸ‘

AccidentalTentacles0 December 31st, 2022


Happy new year and welcome to 7cups! I hope you find the support that you need here.

neonOcean7350 OP January 1st, 2023

Good Morning and thank you AccidentalTentacles0!

fruityPond7887 December 31st, 2022

@neonOcean7350 Hello and welcome to 7 Cups! We are really happy you are here! I am sorry to hear that you are dealing with depression, but we have a lot of great resources! If you would like to talk to with a Listener, you can join the general request queue or you can browse for one here! We also have a depression forum group if you would like to look into that it can be found here! I hope this helps!

neonOcean7350 OP January 1st, 2023

Good Morning fruityPond, and thank you for the info.

Happy New Year 🎈

fruityPond7887 January 2nd, 2023

@neonOcean7350 You're very welcome! Happy New Year to you too!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽˆ

Espejo December 31st, 2022


Welcome neon. Good to have you here. In addition the all the great resources, I like coming here because of the positive community. Many people are very selfless and just want to help out so hope you enjoy your experience here.

neonOcean7350 OP January 1st, 2023

Thank you Espejo, and Happy New Year to you.

I too am a strong believer in Positive Thinking. It is a practice that most definitely takes time

TangoWithMango December 31st, 2022

Happy New Year dear one 😊 Here is a rainbow for you 🌈

neonOcean7350 OP January 1st, 2023

Thank you so very much TangoWithMango.

Happy New Year for you and a little something πŸ’

darlala December 31st, 2022

hey! im a 14 year old girl (first day on here too!!) i just finished my 5 step challenge. The people on this site feels like they will understand me as a young teen. I hope the best for you.

neonOcean7350 OP January 1st, 2023

Thank You darlala and healthy Happy New Year

ivoryEyes884 January 1st, 2023

@neonOcean7350 woo woo!! I'm a newbie too! new year's day is my first day as well. This site gives me a lot of hope for humanity in general :D

neonOcean7350 OP January 1st, 2023

Hi ivoryEyes884. From one newbie to another, Happy New Year to you β˜€οΈ

spongbobishappy January 2nd, 2023


I want to invite you the sharing circle chat room where you will meet

other members of !

neonOcean7350 OP January 2nd, 2023

Good Morning @spongbobishappy and thank you for the invite.

This may sound silly, but this newbie doesn't know how to find these chat rooms. Advice would be appreciated

spongbobishappy January 2nd, 2023


Here are the steps to find the Sharing Circle chat room

I am using the laptop version of :

In the upper right hand corner of the 7Cups window :

1) 'Chat'

2) 'Group Chat Support'

3) 'Groups' tab

4) 'Sharing Circle'

neonOcean7350 OP January 2nd, 2023

Thanks again @spongbobishappy πŸ‘

spongbobishappy January 3rd, 2023


[this is a corrected version of a posting that i made for

getting to the Sharing Circle chat room. The 'Chat' section is located

in the upper Left hand side of the window ]

[Note : this a Corrected version of a posting (the 'Chat is in the upper left hand

corner of the window]

I am inviting you to the Sharing Circle chat room !

Here are the steps to find the Sharing Circle chat room

I am using the laptop version of :

In the upper left hand corner of the 7Cups window :

1) 'Chat'

2) 'Group Chat Support'

3) 'Groups' tab

4) 'Sharing Circle'

gnomadicmind January 2nd, 2023


Welcome. I’ve just joined too!

This site is amazing and such valuable info and people involved!

Best wishes on your healing journey neonOcean!

neonOcean7350 OP January 2nd, 2023

Thank you @gnomadicmind for the welcoming post, and it feels good to know there's bunches of Newbies among us. Take care

spongbobishappy January 3rd, 2023


I am inviting you to the Sharing Circle chat room !

Here are the steps to find the Sharing Circle chat room

I am using the laptop version of :

In the upper left hand corner of the 7Cups window :

1) 'Chat'

2) 'Group Chat Support'

3) 'Groups' tab

4) 'Sharing Circle'

empatheticpie January 2nd, 2023

Hello and welcome to 7 Cups, @neonOcean7350. We're all happy to have you here!

You're right that there are a lot of resources here on 7 Cups, and I see that some have already been provided. I'll go ahead and link a few more, but don't feel pressured to view them. Feel free to take your time and explore 7 Cups at your leisure! πŸ˜„

We have an overview of depression that can be found here and hopefully might be able to provide you either with some more information or some more tools you might be able to use. We also have a lot of articles on 7 Cups, including a large variety on depression. I hope these might be able to help you.

Don't forget that if you ever need to talk to someone, you can send a message to some of our Listeners! Remember: you can have as many Listeners to chat with as you feel like you need and are comfortable with. You don't need to stick to just one!

I hope you enjoy your time on 7 Cups, and I wish you a prosperous New Year! πŸŽ‰

neonOcean7350 OP January 2nd, 2023

Good Morning @empatheticpie and thank you so much for the info and links.

Wishing you a Happy, healthy New Year 🎊

neonOcean7350 OP January 2nd, 2023

Thank You @persistentTortoise7793 and a Happy New Year to you πŸŽ‰

spongbobishappy January 2nd, 2023


[this is a corrected version of a posting that i made for

getting to the Sharing Circle chat room. The 'Chat' section is located

in the upper Left hand side of the window ]

[Note : this a Corrected version of a posting (the 'Chat is in the upper left hand

corner of the window]

I am inviting you to the Sharing Circle chat room !

Here are the steps to find the Sharing Circle chat room

I am using the laptop version of :

In the upper left hand corner of the 7Cups window :

1) 'Chat'

2) 'Group Chat Support'

3) 'Groups' tab

4) 'Sharing Circle'

calmDew1576 January 3rd, 2023

Welcome to the community and have a Happy New Year as well! Depression can be very challenging. We are all here for you to support you throughout this journey of managing negative thoughts and feelings! Please don't hesitate to chat with a listener when you're feeling overwhelmed. You can rely on us!