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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





Lonlonchii March 28th, 2016

@Snowfoxrapids you should spend time with your kids next thing you know they are all grown up and they might like have second thoughts

kennymm123 March 28th, 2016

I need a hug, even though I am no longer 5 weeks clean, I still need a hug. My dad says that social media doesn't help me or other people. But like I've said before, without social media, I wouldn't even be here, living, breathing. My internet friends can hug me, but I needs a hug, hug me?

Ebshec March 28th, 2016


XOXO, the modern world of social media can be emotionally confusing. On one hand you are connected with a lot of people at once, which makes you feel part of a group, on the other hand there is very little one on one interaction, where trust is established and true communication thrives. Seek out the 2-3 friends you can be in closer contact with, and make specific plans and activities with them. It will be a lot more rewarding and fulfilling then Social Media community. Not that you have to stop completely, though a good balance is the key. Good luck

Tei March 28th, 2016

it'd be nice if I could be actually physically comforted by someone...or even just emotionally comforted... but there's no one i can get that from... except for one person who lives a thousand miles away... and I cant live without him... im too weak... i need him...

energeticYard8025 March 28th, 2016

@Tei I'm in exactly the same position, he lives so far away and I feel it's only him that I need to stop me feeling so down x

SophieLou March 28th, 2016

Just feeling lonely

Lonelygirl91 March 28th, 2016


hello there me too :( hope your doing well

Karizma2 March 28th, 2016

Can anyone give me any tips on how to stop a panic attack, it happenes too frequently in class because of people's words and I hate when it happens in front of people, if you have any tips I would greatly appreciate it.

AuroraGirl1221 March 28th, 2016

@Karizma2 I've dealt with these before too, and I've found that the best thing you can do in a panic attack is stay calm. Just take a few slow deep breaths, close your eyes, and focus your mind on one thing that makes you feel happy or relaxed. Do this for as long as you need to until the attack has passed. Talking to someone you trust about it also helps. Hopefully this helped :)

tidyWillow3349 March 29th, 2016


I don't know much about panic attacks, but I think (again, I don't really know) it is similar (?) to stage fright. Tight chest feeling, hard to breathe, difficult thoughts, right? I think...

What helps me is I close my eyes and think of a raining meadow. I don't know why, but rain really soothes me. I enjoy walks in rain, listening to it, etc. And a meadow is an open space, no people, just green grass with the occasional deer. So put the two and two together, I become relaxed.

I don't know if this will help you, but I just wanted to share my way of calming down, in hopes of it somehow being useful to you.

Hope things look up for you! Be well! :)

LilahFreakingRenea March 29th, 2016

@Karizma2 I have a teacher that i trust in a lot and i talk to her and she helps me, if im crying she'll give me a certain amount of time to cry and let it out until i have to calm down and "put my big girl pants on"

IEDfreak01 March 29th, 2016

@Karizma2 I have panic attacks too and what I've learned was just to get out of the situation. Or if you ant then close your eyes, lean against a wall and breath in for four, hold for two out for four again. The wall should help keep your mind somewhat on earth if you get what I'm saying.

Aliza9394 March 28th, 2016

Slowly starting to question myself. Not even sure what I want anymore. Barry grafuating due to a lack of hope in my future, my sister has bad cancer, my dad has bad everything, and my mom seems okay with having a happy life without me. I'm not sure why I can't pull myself out of this one and the more I try the more I can't breathe and I vomit and cry hysterically. I just want to be normal.

tidyWillow3349 March 29th, 2016

@Aliza9394 I'm sorry. I am not in anyway close to your position, but I also have difficulties. I think maybe talking to someone about your troubles as they arrive to mind could help. I know, "Aren't I already trying to talk to some people?" is what runs through most people's minds, but what I am trying to say is find a way for the thoughts that are either negative, or maybe even positive, and get them out. Talk to a close friend; or, if no one is around, write a journal.

I hope that this helps in some way shape or form. Things can get better. It may take a while, but bad things do come to pass. :) Have a nice day.

FalselyOutOfLove March 29th, 2016

@Aliza9394 It may not seem like you have something to fight for right now that you are in pain, I know it hurts and I know you want it to go away. You may not feel motivated about graduating or anything, but you have to think about this: it will get better. You have to be strong, and push yourself to the limit, it won't be as hard as you might think, and if it is, you'll have friends at 7cups that will help you overcome this difficulties. If you can't stop crying, we'll help you wipe your tears, if you can breathe, we'll help you to get calm. You just have to believe in yourself and believe that bad things don't last. At the end, you will be so happy and so proud of yourself. Once the pain dissipates, you'll be able to see all the amazing things you are capable of doing, and you'll see that there's always light at the end of the tunnel.

Don't give up :)

PristeenSwamp March 28th, 2016


I was in your position 9 months ago. Life if definitely not fixed but a little better. I was so ill at one point people thought I had cancer. Tell me what got you here if you like.

KBJellybean March 28th, 2016

Honestly I've been dealing with reactive depression for about 2 and a half years. The first year was hard on me but I started to get better. But now I feel like I'm slipping again. I'm the type of person to keep my feelings inside but I could really use a warm hug.

AuroraGirl1221 March 28th, 2016

@KBJellybean Warm hugs for you! I know you can get through it, as long as you stay positive <3

SofaKing March 28th, 2016

@KBJellybean (BIG HUGS) try and remember the techniques and factors that had helped in the past with depression. With my past depression I was able to come out of it by seeking therapy, meds, friends and family to talk to, changing lifestyle/bad habits, EXERCISING, eating healthier, realizing big deals are NOT a big deal at all, meditating and just not thinking too hard about anything negative. Whenever you find a depressing thought approaching, distract yourself with ANYTHING. really work at this and once you do this over and over and over, negative thoughts will shrink in size and frequency. (HUGSSSS)

mylifemythinking March 28th, 2016

@KBJellybean. """hugs you"""friend

FalselyOutOfLove March 29th, 2016

@KBJellybean Keep going! You can overcome this :) If you did it once, you can do it again, we have faith in you. Warm hugs

50schick March 28th, 2016

I'm really lonely, I have a three month old son and am a single parent, I go days without seeing people, I jus want a hug and to b told everything is going to b OK

GeekyNeko March 28th, 2016

@50schick I need that too. Let's just virtually hug and tell eachother that everything is going to be fine, if not today, someday for sure. Humans are pretty damn amazing. You are pretty damn amazing. I am pretty damn amazing. Don't forget that. Best wishes for you and your kiddo <3

IEDfreak01 March 29th, 2016

@50schick I have a lot of experience with children and I know that they are extremely vulnerable at suck a young age. You are such a strong mom for just coming on here. Your little one will grow up to realize what an amazing momma you are and you can say it wasn't all easy. You are a prime example and your kiddy will be greatful for you. I bet he loves waking up to your face and voice, your the only familiarity your little one has. Stay strong and just remember it won't always be like this. Lots of hugs. I hope you and your kiddo have lots of luck as well!

UltimaWraith March 28th, 2016

Everyone at work seems to hate me, I constantly dread they're plotting to get me fired.

SofaKing March 28th, 2016

@UltimaWraith does everyone really dislike you or are you making assumptions about most of them? in life, for no solid reasons, 1/3 will like you, 1/3 will dislike you and 1/3 will be indifferent. it's best to be independently happy from everyone and everything without attachment to external happiness (or things you can't control).

Youboughtmeacronut March 28th, 2016

My boyfriend broke up with me a month ago, we kind of got back together 2 days and now he isn't talking to me again

SofaKing March 28th, 2016

@Youboughtmeacronut everything, including pain, is temporary. now is a good time to learn to be happy independently from everyone else and without expectations of the future. (hugs)

AuroraGirl1221 March 28th, 2016


*Hugs* Maybe try just sitting down with him and talking to him. Good communication and being open with one another are both very important if you want a good relationship. Just ask him why he's not talking, and if something is bothering him, do your best to listen to and help him.

Marbear7313 March 28th, 2016


did something happen or did he just stop talking for no reason?

Youboughtmeacronut March 29th, 2016

@Marbear7313 he does it constantly

Idontknow27 March 28th, 2016

I have gained so much weight and i just don't feel well in my skin at all anymore. It devastates me seeing photos of myself and looking in the mirror. All I want to do is just stay in bed cause I feel like absolute shit. I am bored a lot and dont really have anything to do so I am basically eating all the time. I need help. I have suffered with anxiety since the day that I was born and for the last 2 years depression has become a part of my life as well. I am afraid. I feel so powerless- and dont get me wrong i know im not- but i sure as hell fucking feel that way.

Syncmaster March 28th, 2016

@Idontknow27 Hun the best way to solve this problem is to go to the gym! Get fit! This will motivate you and stop you from being bored and is scientifically proven to make you happier! Love you xx hope this rough patch clears doll

AuroraGirl1221 March 29th, 2016


You're not alone, ok? I feel the exact same way: overweight, depressed, living in fear because of my anxiety, and don't know what to do with my time. You just have to get motivated to change. Go to the gym, start eating healthy, and find a hobby or activity you can spend time on that will take your mind off eating. And also, don't hate yourself for the way you look, it honestly does no good. If you ever begin hating and criticizing yourself for the way you look, turn it around and use that time and energy to actually try to change it. All in all, the three keys to overcoming this are motivation, positivity, and self-confidence. I know you can do it, sending hugs to you :)

BeautifulDisaster14 March 28th, 2016

I'm pretty I had an anxiety attack this morning. Something was not right and I couldn't stop crying. Everything that is wrong in my like ot with me seemed to just drop on me all at once and I couldn't handle it.

Syncmaster March 28th, 2016

@BeautifulDisaster14 Go to the doctor! It takes courage but it will be worth it in the end! Xx

AllysonOriginalMe March 28th, 2016

I'm madly in love with a man that I've been with for two years. We're engaged. Since I've been struggling with depression, I suddenly don't know how to communicate anymore and feel like I'm two seconds from internal panic almost all the time. He's grown very distant and quiet - I understand, because I don't know how to deal with myself these days.

I'm dying to be understood, but it feels like there's no-one who can. I'm in so much pain that I wake myself up crying at night. I've gotten very sick and have zero appatite or energy to do the things we used to do together. I just want him to hold me and tell me that it's okay, he knows I'll get better and he'll be right there waiting next to me. But there's only silence.

Mary2016 March 28th, 2016

This is going to sound so trivial and stupid....but everytime my son (my only child) leaves to go back to college I get so down. He is a junior in college and I think maybe once over these years ...I have not cried when he leaves to make his journey back to school. ๐Ÿ˜ž I am sure it drives him bonkers when he sees me tearing up. I try to not let him see me sad. Right now I am sitting here in the house crying and thinking about how lonely it is without him and his puppy here. I know I need to be thankful he loves college and is safe, happy and healthy. Just sad. ๐Ÿ˜ž

Gomi March 28th, 2016

@Mary2016 it's not crazy. My son is an only child and I will feel extremely lonely when he goes off to school. There's a term: empty nest syndrome? It's ok to miss him. It's totally ok to cry. I can only suggest finding some kind of activity you enjoy, that you can jump into, when he leaves. It might help you feel less sad.


Mary2016 March 28th, 2016

@Gomi Thank you so much! I just figured this empty nester thing was only going to last the freshman year I guess!