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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





ritamanve March 24th, 2016


at least someone understands! Thx but sometimes it's hard

Aislyn2000 March 24th, 2016

@ritamanve it will be hard but as long as you stay positive good things will come your way, keep reaching out for help, once you close completely down its a hard was back up that well but in the end it will be worth it

straightforwardPond1892 March 24th, 2016


Huggy smiley

sourcefedder March 24th, 2016

@MusicalHipster A big hug from Canada heart

CarlJabana March 24th, 2016

@MusicalHipster i feel you dude. Stay strong and dont let it get to you. :)

rationalSkies4831 March 25th, 2016


Spread the love. FREE HUGS! :)

Cavbudg March 25th, 2016

@MusicalHipster *hug*

Maple4101 March 25th, 2016

@MusicalHipster @kittie3 *HUGS it will get better :)

kittie3 March 24th, 2016

My body aches this morning all from stress. So tired of this everyday is the same. Nothing to talk about. I don't even leave my house that much anymore because this is where I feel the most content & safe. Does that make sense ???

MBunnie March 24th, 2016

@kittie3 It does, half the time i dont know why i even bother getting up out of bed anymore all i want to do is sleep yet i cant. i have so much going on in my head, all the negative i wonder why i even nother ya know? i dont sleep anymore. but you are not aloneblush not if you dont want to be.

pluckyBlueberry3134 March 24th, 2016


dishelevedbear March 24th, 2016

Hugs please! I need positive words for my heart and soul. Thank you

MusicalHipster March 24th, 2016

@dishelevedbear *hugs you* just remember that you are worth it! and that life is always worth living and remember to make the best out of every moment, cause once its gone you wont ever get the moment back! so make the best out of everything <3

waditaka1999 March 24th, 2016


*hugs* <3

trytolovelife101 March 24th, 2016

i wish i could have someone to hug...sometimes i feel so alone

trytolovelife101 March 24th, 2016

really need a hug....sometimes i feel so alone

conscientiousPrune1366 March 24th, 2016

@trytolovelife101 *HUG*

BECKY0603 March 24th, 2016


LNJ March 24th, 2016

Can I have a hug? wink

Maple4101 March 24th, 2016

I need a hug, my relationships are going bad, and my social anxiety is being really annoying. *HUGS TO ALL WHO NEED IT*

ambitiousSea8509 March 24th, 2016

@Maple4101I feel the exact same way. BIG HUGE hugs for you from me <3

sourcefedder March 24th, 2016

I lost my dad this summer and it just seemed to make everything fall apart. I can barely work up the courage to go to school anymore, the one place i used to feel like i was worth something

Justmebabs March 24th, 2016

@sourcefedder ..... I'm sooo sorry for your loss. Please please find the strength to put one foot in front of the other and go to school it could be your escape and freedome ... Always there is hope you just have to choose your fight 😊

oakleyrichmond March 24th, 2016

When does it stop

Megan2507 March 24th, 2016

Hugs are the most kindest affection I have ever encountered, I'm also in a bad state at the minute and have trouble to stop the tears from spilling from my eyes, any spare hugs going? ❤

CJ1981 March 24th, 2016


GirlInDistress04 March 25th, 2016

I could certainly use a hug right now. Hugs to all x

mel345 March 25th, 2016

@Megan2507 lots of hugs

CJ1981 March 24th, 2016

Need a hug.

Feel like crap today.

GirlInDistress04 March 25th, 2016

Hugs for you too x

PopPunkPrincess9045 March 24th, 2016

I need a hug too :(

Big hugs to all of you though :)

CJ1981 March 24th, 2016


PopPunkPrincess9045 March 24th, 2016

I need a hug too :(

Big hugs to all of you though :)

Sorarir March 24th, 2016

I need a hug everyday :c

Whereicomefrom March 25th, 2016

@Sorarir well here's one at least for today!! <HUG!> Also it's self-multiplying so now you have an infinite supply. Boom.

Strengthtobend March 25th, 2016

🐻🙆🏻 *bear hugs to all* Been a rough day I could use a few too lol

AnnaAlvarez March 25th, 2016

I need a conforting hug

ChoosingLife March 25th, 2016


TeddyBearz March 25th, 2016

Do you ever just have those days were it starts off ok, but then kinda plummets and your left feeling horrible about everything? I'm having one of those days, and I could just really use a hug...

sunshineandhappydays March 25th, 2016

i just really need a hug life is hard right now