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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





jpf97 March 24th, 2016


as a cutter, I understand the urge. Believe me I do. But the temporary relief & escape doesn't change what's making you want to cut n the first place. Then after you cut, you have more pain because you feel bad about cutting. Take a couple of deep breaths & know this urge will pass.

codsworth March 24th, 2016

All of the hugs for all of the peoples

GrayShadow March 24th, 2016

I feel I'm under too much pressure from my mom and the feeling that everyone always stares at me is overwhelming (being 6'1" doesn't help) a hug would really help, I'm kinda falling apart

BrainGUTZ March 24th, 2016

@GrayShadow I know how it feels to be under too much pressure. Just take a deep breath. Try to take a break for a bit of you need one. Talk to someone if you need to. You'll be alright. *hugs*

boxofsharpobjects March 24th, 2016

I just want a hug, and someone to tell me a reason to keep's hard not to give up...

creativeCamp2095 March 24th, 2016


*hugs* please keep living! *extra hug*

BrainGUTZ March 24th, 2016

@boxofsharpobjects take a deep breath. *hugs* You are worth it. You are beautiful. You are loved. You are perfect just the way you are. People care about you. Never lose the urge to live. If you do, talk to someone you love. Just always remember, whatever is making you so sad is NOT worth dying for. You are an amazing human being.

OrchidSpring March 24th, 2016

Hugs for everyone!

Tlmj246 March 24th, 2016

The love and support I see on here are honestly amazing... I just finished writing a speech on my self-harm journey that I will be presenting tomorrow, and this website is listed as one of the many great sources available! Writing the speech has absolutely drained me... It's going to be extremely difficult to speak about and share this in front of my peers, but I want to do this. If only to maybe help someone in my class or their friend, or just someone...

Please send hugs for me, I will be nervous for sure but brave all the same! With a fidgit in hand, I can do this! laugh

BrainGUTZ March 24th, 2016

@Tlmj246 *Hugz hugz HUGZZZZ* Hugz for DAYZ!!! :)

Justaregularaccount March 24th, 2016

I need a hug.. I have just recently told how I'm going to die. A demon told me. It told me the month year and day. I also got told where my life will go wrong and when my girlfriend will break up with me. Please I need a hug 😞

BrainGUTZ March 24th, 2016

@Justaregularaccount *huh hug HUGGG!!!* Don't worry. That demon was just trying to scare you. Demons are mean. Ignore them, or better yet, conqoure them! If you feel like something's going to go wrong with your girlfriend, talk to her about it. Talking always helps with me. You'll be alright. *more hugs*

SaraSh98 March 24th, 2016

@Justaregularaccount how did you communicate with a demon?

Aislyn2000 March 24th, 2016

I need a hug, today I got a phone call from someone who is 50-60 that was like my father and started yelling at me, I have no idea what I've done wrong, he told me that I was making his wife very ill because i "was harassing her" when I was only asking for a sweater back that meant so much to me...

Alexa113 March 24th, 2016

@Aislyn2000 Parents sometimes do this but don't worry, everything is going to be okay. /HUGS💗\

Aislyn2000 March 24th, 2016

@Alexa113 thank you, I mean they weren't my parents but they were close enough, it's hard to let someone go like that

azureCherry3617 March 24th, 2016

I need a hug, my boyfriend and I just broke up.

morgan1910 March 24th, 2016

@azureCherry3617 hug hug hug!!! <3

Cloudydragon March 24th, 2016

@frankTown1358 - You know? I was needing that. Thank you💙

morgan1910 March 24th, 2016

@frankTown1358 thank you!!!

SunnySmiles March 24th, 2016

I need a hug. 8 assignments in my Spanish class are going to be considered late work (online assignmenys). Plus, I have over 35 Spanish assignments to do today (Thursday). And I need to Spanish for my Spanish Quiz and Spanish exam, both of which are next week.

Natalieishere15 March 24th, 2016

@SunnySmiles heyy *hugs* have you talked to your teacher??? see if you can get an extension on some of them, or see if you're able to do one assignment that can show your teacher that you understand what you're doing. That's what I did for English class, and instead of writing 2 essays, 1 poem and 4, 5 page booklets, I did one essay explaining everything. If you don't want to talk to your teacher directly, talk to a school counsellor, they're amazing. :) best wishes :)

Kenny0the0depressed0kat March 24th, 2016

wow.. didnt realize it was 4 am.. been up crying all night... can someone roll me up and hug me and tell me everythings alright?........

Natalieishere15 March 24th, 2016

@Kenny0the0depressed0kat HUGGGG! OMG HUNNY. Trust me. from a person who's been through everything from depression to OCD, I've been in your position before, exactly one year ago, and I've come to tell you, it really does get better :) it's cliche. But trust me. I believe in you 😊💗

morgan1910 March 24th, 2016

@Kenny0the0depressed0kat hug hug hug, love. <3 Things really do get so much better. And I'm still going through my hell, too. Stay strong. (:

darkcosmos March 24th, 2016

CrossdresserChloe March 24th, 2016

I need a hug!!! I'm just so confused I don't know what to do or who I am. Idk if I'm this guy who likes girls or am I secretly a girl who enjoys dressing up and likes guys! I'm so confused I swear!!!!

lazyKatz March 24th, 2016


Big HUGS xx

kindBeechThandi30 March 24th, 2016


lazyKatz March 24th, 2016

HUGS for everyone

MusicalHipster March 24th, 2016

you know i could really use a hug right now... some days my depression is bad and i fee like everyone is against me :(

kittie3 March 24th, 2016


kittie3 March 24th, 2016


i hear ya I feel the same.

Davey77 March 24th, 2016


Ikumaru March 24th, 2016

@MusicalHipster Have a hug, kind stranger. *Hug*

korey March 24th, 2016

@MusicalHipster same ,here's a free hug 😊 one big group hug!!

AloeRGreen March 25th, 2016


*joined the group hug* heart

ritamanve March 24th, 2016


same here


Aislyn2000 March 24th, 2016

@ritamanve I know the feeling, it sucks so much! It hurts a lot, but stay strong for one day you will get through the this