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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





Lawlerin February 25th, 2016

I just got out of a one year relationship, all I want is a hug from my ex.

dhabib February 25th, 2016

@Lawlerin i have been single for four years and i have no one im handling dealing with a lot ofthings right now its my anixety and also the only thing i can hug right now is my dog

goldenShip7505 February 25th, 2016

I need a hug... I need it now more than I ever have. I need someone to hug me and not say a word, just be there for me and help me calm down

Turquoisedreamer February 25th, 2016

@goldenShip7505 *BIG SQUISHY HUGS*



Trust me, I've got plenty ;)

goldenShip7505 February 29th, 2016

@Turquoisedreamer Thanks :) it helped

djjoeflow February 25th, 2016

I could use a real hug from a compassionate person that truly cares about me.

Turquoisedreamer February 25th, 2016

@djjoeflow Well, here's a big squishy virtual hug, to tide you over until that happens..

Determined2makeit February 25th, 2016

@djjoeflow I know the feeling.... Sending you hugs!

Felishiam2 February 25th, 2016

I been going through anxiety/depression for a month now. I been exercising for a good week now and too scared to take antidepressants. I feel some relief of anxiety but feel depression more then anything and I find the strength to get active and stay positive but it's gets over whelming..I been meditating too and been listening to motivational music and watching happy movies..eating right..I even quit smoking the day I had a panic attack which led to anxiety which brought me to depression. I have a great support of family who I'm with now to help me get through this. Some days melt into each other bc I use sleeping pills to sleep. Because I had insomnia prior to all this happening. I been getting RLS(Restless Leg syndrome) which I had prior also but not this bad. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. I don't know what to do? I feel like it's never going to end. I been staying so positive..I want my life back!!!!! crying

Lawlerin February 25th, 2016

@Felishiam2 go get blood tests, anemia is very very common, does lead to anxiety and panic. Restless leg is one of the main side effects and so is anxiety. Finding the right anti depressant is hard, there are so many side effects, but once you find the right one it's worth it.

Felishiam2 February 25th, 2016

@Lawlerin thanks for that..I was diagnosed with anemia when I was 15 and didn't do anything about it. I didn't take the pills I was supposed to take.

Poptel February 25th, 2016

@Felishiam2 one day at a time :)

Felishiam2 February 25th, 2016

@Poptel 💕

AmiableDay314 February 25th, 2016

@Felishiam2 Giving you a giant hug! Everything will work out for you!!! Wishing you the best heartsmiley

Felishiam2 February 25th, 2016

@AmiableDay314 Thank you..I know it's going to workout. :') 💖

Felishiam2 February 25th, 2016

@Neverquitz Thank you so much..I try stay very positive even when u feel the crappiest ever. Usually when I feel horrible and feel like I'm going to explode. I just vent to my family who are more then willing to listen and be there for me. I'm so entirely grateful for them. I have a precious daughter who is 6 and I try so hard for her everyday. She's my pride and joy. I wanna get better for her so bad.

dhabib February 25th, 2016

cryingsadcryingsad all i can do is hug my dog im just walking my dog tonight and i need a hug also its hard for me to give a response and write a thread i been through a lot of things its violence bullying and other things in general for a long time long term its fear i hope that someone answers me back soon take care

LBZN February 25th, 2016

My puppies are a great source of strength for me too. Stay strong for your furrbaby if for no one else yet. Hug hug HUG!@dhabib

AmiableDay314 February 25th, 2016

@dhabib I know how you feel, sometimes my dog is the most emotional support I get all day. I hope you feel better! smiley

Littlefreckledcat February 25th, 2016

I need a hug and someone to tell me I'm worth something as a person. Please.

Turquoisedreamer February 25th, 2016

@Littlefreckledcat *another big squishy hug*

You are an awesome human being, and never let anyone tell you otherwise ;)

Vickinator February 25th, 2016

@Littlefreckledcat *hugs* whatever you are going through., it will pass and you can come out of it stronger than ever. You are a worthy human being! <3

aquaClementine1773 February 25th, 2016

i'm feeling soooo lazy today. hug? :)

Vickinator February 25th, 2016

Today was an exhausting day at work, and I left work with a huge migraine. My parents are making me feel upset and guilty for not being married already... I just need a hug. Thanks :)

Sherly February 25th, 2016

@Vickinator huugs, dear

lolanm February 25th, 2016

I got into my first accident yesterday, it was a minor fender-bender and it was my fault. I was driving my dad's car and he later said that he was glad it wasn't worse, but now he's extrenely condescending and won't speak to me. I haven't cried over it yet because I'm still to shaken up to. I am in desparate need of a hug

Turquoisedreamer February 25th, 2016


I know it can be scary having any kind of accident, but as long as you're okay, everything else can be worked out.

dishathebest February 25th, 2016

*HUGS* to all who need the most... smileyangelheartyes All will be fine one day....

niceScarf143 February 25th, 2016

Current job stress, in the middle of the hunt for a new and better one, prepping for interviews, trying to move out of home, classes, love issues, self esteem issues, anxiety holding me back....I'm breaking down. I definitely need a hug....😢. When will Inbe okay from all of this?!

personal88 February 25th, 2016

I need a hug 😭 I got released from my hospitals mental health unit today, and none of my friends understand that I'm still sad ☹

Turquoisedreamer February 25th, 2016

@personal88 Man, I'm sorry your friends don't understand. Hopefully they'll come round at some point, but until then...


bitswt02 February 25th, 2016

It's only wednesday! I need a hug, but also giving hugs to all exhausted teacherso out there who feel underpaid, overworked, and abused by rude kids, parents, and/or administration! Also some kind of cold/flu is going round and I'm sniffling away...dragging my body thru the slow week

spongoo February 25th, 2016

@bitswt02 thanks for this! I'll show it to my friends who teach :)

AudreySoup February 25th, 2016

@bitswt02 I'm a teacher too, but for early childhood education. I sometimes feel like I'm not doing anything worth anything.

BellasHuman February 25th, 2016

@AudreySoup I am in early childhood too, and I can promise you that you are doing something worthwhile! We have the opportunity to shape the lives of the children we care for :)

Eedbam February 25th, 2016

@bitswt02 don't worry. You will be remembered. I still remember my kind religion teacher back in first grade and I wish I could see her again. I am now 24 years old. I remember her face though not her full name. If I remember right her name sounds like Seraphim.

StivaOblonsky February 25th, 2016

@bitswt02 You described me oh so well :) I send you a warm hug from Bosnia and Herzegovina!
All underpaid teachers out there - stay strong!

dynamicPlum3622 February 25th, 2016

Hugs for anybody who's forgotten to love themselves today. Love yourself today by doing one thing for you.

CityLights789 February 25th, 2016


I want a hug, <(^-^)> I don't get a lot of hugs so I can give you one too :)

Savellion February 25th, 2016


Thank you for carinng about me when I forget to! heart