Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!
Need several hugs... Being a single mom is harder than I thought.
It's really sad, because listeners are so lame. The experienced one are just talking in the chatroom not ready to help. I wonder why is that. Is this supposed to be a dating site or something? Where are your listeners when i need you the most? Saying their offline but they are just in chatrooms spending wee hours for flirting. THANKS FOR THAT!
@sympatheticLion189.. we are sorry to hear that. But please try to understand that listeners are volunteers, and they also need time to unwind. If you want you can PM me
My man just left me. Took a piece of me with him too. I need a hug
@optimisticpeanut hugsssss <3
@optimisticpeanut.. lots of hugs!!!
@optimisticpeanut I feel you. :( Lots of hugs!
@optimisticpeanut a warm hugg
stay optimistic! Count the loss as his - not yours. You are better than he deserves.. unless you 2 make up and everything turns out OK.. then I take all that back..
Seriously, use the time to take stock of YOU and your needs in this crazy world, and the kind of person that makes you better than you ever knew you could be.
AND>> heres a hug from me.
@optimisticpeanut big hug for you
sending you a million and one hugs........
need a hug :( no feeling great
veryyy veryy tight huggg to you <3 (i needed one too)
i think i need a heavy duty one right now lol
I know this is a bit late but....
i think i need a heavy duty one right now lol
i need one
I hope your feeling better
I hope your feeling better
I need one more :( Focusing on my health is making me panic.
@aigamawaru - here you go, hugggg to you, hope it makes you feel better
@pebble2 Aw. Thanks a lot!
@aigamawaru warmmm hugg
I need a hug to fill this hollowness
@reservedexcitment :
tigght huggg to you, reservedexcitement. as long as you need to start feel better :(