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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





wwwace April 20th, 2015

My friend my arms and hart are open. I will hug you all you need. And my ears are open to your cry. Rest calmly quitly and still. I will protect you from harm. Guid you help you. From your friend John Australia

bravePerspective21 April 19th, 2015

I like huggs verry much, and my family is not the kind of hugging peopele, not even my friend, sometimes I just wish there would be someone to hug me and show me their love :(

wwwace April 20th, 2015

Here is your special hug. It can be past on. Renewed every day. Go to anyone who needs a hug. But it will never die. Just share it as often as you can and it will grow.

twiggy1436 April 19th, 2015

Loving Hugs for Everyone!heart

DarknessAngel April 20th, 2015

I want a hug

wwwace April 20th, 2015

Here is that Special Biiiigggg Huuuuuug for you.

NinnocJuniper April 20th, 2015

I always hated hugs and cuddles but since being diagnosed my mother has been trying much harder to constantly hug and tell me she loves me. As uncomfortable as it makes me, i know it makes her feel better, so i will always hug and kiss her goodnight now.

wwwace April 20th, 2015

My friend you are a very special person as is your mother.

hayleyyyr April 20th, 2015

a hug right now would be great. i just need a friend. a friend to just hug me and not let go and share our feelings while we hug. ugh

lostandsad April 20th, 2015

i couldnt agree more. its been so long sinse i have had a hug! its lonely

wwwace April 20th, 2015

You are no longer lonly. Here is your special hug. And my ear is open to your cry.😊😊😊😊

wwwace April 20th, 2015

My friend feel my arms around you. I will hug till you are comfortable happy and smiling.😊😊😊😊

EagerEars1992 April 20th, 2015

youredoing so much for 7 cups its amazing

Hugfor you!!

imaginaryTwilight April 20th, 2015


MeowyTaylor April 20th, 2015

Hello my name is Trisha Anne

I am going through quite a lot for the past 4 years of my high school life, I honestly find my experiences worse than I could ever be right now. To tell you the truth I was bullied for my attitude and my weight because there was someone I like but it really made me too miserable but people only made it worse as I realize people aren't there for me after all.

I wish there was someone who will hug me for my pain because no one will comfort me anyway so I want to be huggedcrying

Kaneko April 20th, 2015

Hug for you Trisha Anne, that does sound very difficult. Just know that you won't be judged here for anything.

dapperStrings2381 April 20th, 2015

I can't remember the last time I hugged my own mother

Kaneko April 20th, 2015

My mom lives in another country, and I can't remember either. I understand how that feels. Hug for you.

reliableOrange3685 April 20th, 2015

I live alone, and only get hugs from my son when he visits twice a week. (which I love!) I also have my little beagle who is a snuggler, so I'm grateful for that.

My other 4 children won't speak to me after I left my husband (because it was an abusive relationship)and I just feel so alone, scared and depressed right now. Icould really use a supportive hug that says, "You are worth loving".

Kaneko April 20th, 2015

Big hug for you, and I just want to tell you that you're so very strong for leaving an abusive relationship. So many wouldn't understand when you do the right thing for you, but we're all here to understand.

reliableOrange3685 April 21st, 2015

Thank you, Kaneko! That is so encouraging. :)

livelifehard April 20th, 2015

hugging someoneis the most powerful thing we can do when somebody is sad so *big polar bear hug*

AlexMcHigsbury April 20th, 2015


dapperStrings2381 April 20th, 2015

a hug is simply all one can need sometimes

mcduff62 April 20th, 2015

I think hugs are the greatest expression of compassion and human expression smiley

Yaya86 April 20th, 2015

The link said free hugs I don't see hugs here

calkelly April 20th, 2015


averagegirl93 April 20th, 2015

Awesome way to brighten our day.

george8612 April 20th, 2015

Hello, for the last 3 years I've been really down, almost all day, can't get myself to be socially active, I'm an introvert, Ifeel awkward around people and Idon't know what to do. My grandma passed away this weekend as well so Ifeel especially down right now. Are there any hugs left?


bethechange33 April 20th, 2015

Hi George,

I am new to this site, so I'm not sure how this works at all, but you are not alone!! I am totally giving you a virtual hug right now!

Keep your chin up. Stay positive and try to step back and do a few breathing exercises. I totally feel awkward around people. Pushing myself out there to be around cousins, friends, and co-workers has helped me realize that people are just awkward in general, so I am not alone. And, these people are hanging out with me for a reason. It totally gets better the more frequently you force yourself to be around people. You will realize that your quirks are just part of human nature and we all have them. As for being an introvert, that's great! This world is filled with people who have different skills, savvy, and ambition because we all have different personalities. Extroverts cater to certain life needs, while others who are introverts, work best at accomplishing things unique to their comfort zone. You are hugged and loved. Your grandma is watching, so make her proud by not allowing this life moment to define your existence. laugh, live, and love :)

slightlyaboveaveragelo April 21st, 2015

There's always more hugs!!! <3

althena April 21st, 2015

Hi hon! You may not feel confident but even reaching out here and expressing yourself like you did takes bravery! So kudos to you! How do you eat an elephant? One tiny bite at a time! :) You're doing a great job! Of course there are hugs left! And the best part about hugs is that you can't get one without giving one! *tight hugs* Keep taking baby steps!

PhilosophicalMaiden April 21st, 2015

So sorry for your loss. I totally get the introverted part as I am the same. I'm dealing with some dark issues myself at the moment, but from the bottom of my heart I believe that this too will pass as did the previous dark chapters of my life in the past. I just have to keep reminding myself not to do anything stupid in the meantime. So here are BIG hugs for both of us! :)

vanxity April 21st, 2015

Hi George,

Hugs from me!

What's super awkward is when you hurt people by saying stupid things. If you don't do that, I wouldn't fret about it. Not everyone can be our friends.If you do that, note what might be hurting the other people and stop it.

Then forgive yourself for whatever boat you're in becauseyou're definitely not alone.


Pbob April 21st, 2015

Chill bro,read the meditations,by marcus aurelius,and everything will end up better as a result.

The Gregory hays translation is good,others are overly verbose.

Anyway,nothing cures the blues like that book

krystel April 21st, 2015

Hey George,

You are not alone.

Hugs from me


CanIFinallySpeakOut April 21st, 2015

Hey George,

i just want you to know that no matter what religion/race/society/tradition you come from, We are all human! We understand. We share the same emotions, either hate or love.

I just want you to remember that you are the only person in control of your emotions and your positive life routine.

Start changing your life, put your self out there! Speak out. I am sure we can all relate at some time or another.

Surround your self with positive people!

You are not the only one.

Huges From Egypt <3

babymarieee April 21st, 2015

yes. -gives you a big hug- :-----)))))))

hurtinginok74023 April 21st, 2015

Free huggs to you. I hope that this givesyou hope, The bible tells us "Blessed is he who mourns, for heshall be comforted".

goodHemlock8305 April 21st, 2015

of course. (>^.^)> * hugs you *

i seriously hope you get to feeling better really soon, love. you honestly deserve the best life that could possibly be given to you and im sorry you haventgotten that luxuary yet. you mean a lot to me even if i don't know you and you mean a lot to others too. please have a lovely day and smile lots. you are a delight and coming accross you on this site is a pleasant surprise for me... stay strong darling.