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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Big bear hug for Sarah!!!smiley

SkylarX February 5th, 2015

I love warm hugs. <3

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

A HUG designed just for you, my friend!

Ineedsomeonetohelp121 February 5th, 2015

i could use one :)

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

you got it! Sending a massive hug your way!

vigneshwaitingtohelpyou February 5th, 2015

Desparately need one now

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

*runs to give BIG hug!!*

Rowan121 February 5th, 2015

Please :(

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

HUGE hug for you :)

Rowan121 February 6th, 2015

Thank you somuch for this thread, just seeing everyone else get a little happier makes me feel better so here's an enormous bear hug for you for rocking this thread and making my day that much brighter <3

MAVEN February 5th, 2015

I'm having a good day, but I'd enjoy receiving and giving a hug as well!

Laura OP February 5th, 2015


Calm91maze February 5th, 2015

I just want a hug because it makes me feel so special and happy inside my heart.

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

You are SO SPECIAL! never forget that!


PerennialLearner February 5th, 2015

Heres a hug from me to you

To let you know I'm thinking of you!

And although I have nothing to say,

You know I have thought of you today! :-)

Winnie the Pooh :-)

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Love that :)

Sending you a hug!

pnbamania February 5th, 2015

Me need hugssurprise

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

you got it! Big hug YOUR way!

awkuro February 5th, 2015

i probably need one

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Not probably, definitely!

Big hug your way!

awkuro February 5th, 2015

thanks :3

flez February 5th, 2015

Oer cherishingg this hug,sure I will let you go?

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

You don't have to let go :)

big hug your way!

1positiveJoy February 5th, 2015

Great Job! Want to give YOU tooyessmiley

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Why thank you! I accept your hug!

And give you one back!

Ouroboros2 February 5th, 2015

I really want a hug :(

hanadokikira February 5th, 2015


sonutulsiani February 5th, 2015

I am so lost in life, I justwant hugs :(

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Hug for YOU! <3

KeepYourHeadUp1 February 7th, 2015

Here's a hug !

Lightningwolf99 July 17th, 2016

hug so thight for u@sonutulsiani

Harri February 5th, 2015

Hugs from me for everyone!

KodySmith77 February 5th, 2015

I wanna hug

frostyWind86 February 5th, 2015

Le le jappi yaar. :)

Laura OP February 5th, 2015


Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Sending a massive hug your way!!

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Thanks Harri! And a hug for you!!

decisiveHemlock54 February 5th, 2015

Need a hug

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

You got it! Sending one your way!

easyTortoise20 February 5th, 2015

I love hugs. I love getting and giving hugs. So.....Hugs to everyone.