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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





Kairo March 23rd, 2016


Qdogg91 March 23rd, 2016

I would love hugs, and I would love to hug people. ^ω^

straightforwardSpring3116 March 23rd, 2016

I wish i can kid myself into thinking that one hugs me because they really care about me

Qdogg91 March 23rd, 2016


*hugs* I may not know you, but I hope that your day was lovely, and I hope that you're doing swell. ^.^

straightforwardSpring3116 March 23rd, 2016

@Qdogg91 my day was bad. every day sucks.

alexaners7734 March 23rd, 2016


i used 2 feel that but i just recently found a ton of people that have meaning behind every hug.

YoungGirl March 23rd, 2016

Can I get a hug? I feel very bad today :(

Qdogg91 March 23rd, 2016


*gives warm fuzzy hug* of course you get a hug. ^ω^

YoungGirl March 23rd, 2016

@Qdogg91 Thank you :')

Qdogg91 March 23rd, 2016

@YoungGirl anytime. o(〃^▽^〃)o

I'm sorry you felt such a way, but I hope your day becomes bright, and ends with a smile on your face. ^.^

HelpEmma March 23rd, 2016

i need like the biggest hug right now

KLM3278 March 23rd, 2016

I could use one

LaurenWilliams March 23rd, 2016

@KLM3278 *hugs*

LainaghStory March 23rd, 2016

Could I get a hug and a cookie? blush

alexaners7734 March 23rd, 2016

@LainaghStory do u like brownies?

teaandpoetry March 23rd, 2016

I need a hug :(

BedazzledShootingStar March 23rd, 2016

today was good, but this evening has been frustrating discussion of apartment changes for the nonexistant new condo I don't own yet. hug please?

MalloryJordan March 23rd, 2016

@BedazzledShootingStar You've been through tough stuff before- and look at you! Still making it! Making big changes! Way to go! *hugs*

BedazzledShootingStar March 23rd, 2016

@MalloryJordan Thanks. That helped a bit :) *hugs*

Lolacx March 23rd, 2016

@BedazzledShootingStar ~hugs~

SakuraHikari March 23rd, 2016

Aww!! This is sweet!! heart *Hugs everyone back* :)

ArtsyStephMK238 March 23rd, 2016

You're all wonderful people doing great things. Keep up the good work and don't feel discouraged; you can do it! *Hugs!*

Daydreamer47 March 23rd, 2016

Feeling depressed today! Can I have a hug?

AugustBurnsRed March 23rd, 2016

I need a hug :(

KL0 March 23rd, 2016

Feeling a little empty and alone tonight :/ could really use a hug?

Ilovebugs March 23rd, 2016

The worst thing in life is when u lie to hide the truth because u lose ur confidence in what u believe. If don't tell the truth the did u ever believe in it.😐🤔

teaandpoetry March 23rd, 2016

I've had the worst day ever. I want to give up. I really just want a hug.

honestOcean9487 March 23rd, 2016

I need a hug. I just love hugs!

Thomps3 March 23rd, 2016

I always have a smile on my face but on the inside I'm completely broken

Dancer0209 March 23rd, 2016

Was drowning in my own thoughts this morning. Had a headache all day long. Depression is like a cloud over my head. When I'm with people I manage to put a smile and try to be my old self. But once I'm home alone again, I get consumed with negative thoughts. I'm on antidepressants but so far I've yet to see any changes.

Thomps3 March 23rd, 2016

@Dancer0209 music helps. It won't make your thoughts go away but it will help your mind focus on things other than negative thoughts. Create a playlist of positive music, Spotify has pre made playlists for a good mood :)

Havefaith68 March 23rd, 2016

@Dancer0209. I completely relate to how you feel and it is a torturese feeling to have. The only thing I can suggest right now is that you should try to keep your head up and keep going. I know it doesent feel like it but with enough time it will get better. yes

alley87 March 23rd, 2016

I need a hug badly =(

Havefaith68 March 23rd, 2016

@alley87. "Hug" I do believe everyone benifets from a hug. I hope you feel better smiley

screechingdinosaur March 23rd, 2016

I need hugs. :( I feel so alone and unlovable

Havefaith68 March 23rd, 2016

@screechingdinosaur. "Hug" I feel this way all the time and it really sucks. But when I feel this way I try to think back to a time when I didn't. A time where the sky's shone a lil brighter and I didn't feel so unwanted or alone. I hope this helps you in any way. Keep your head up smiley

flowery21 March 23rd, 2016

sending lots of love and hugs to anyone who needs it or feels lonely 💕

autoclave March 23rd, 2016

To be honest all I could use right now is someone to hug me and tell me it's going to be alright, it doesn't feel like it would be

Havefaith68 March 23rd, 2016

@autoclave. I know we don't know each other but if I could hug you right now I would. "Hugs" it will get better. I know you probably don't believe it right now and trust me their are so many times that I don't believe it either but it is true. It will get better. You can make it through this heart

autoclave March 23rd, 2016

@Havefaith68 Thank you. I appreciate it a lot -- even though I logically know it'll get better, it usually does, it's hard to see beyond the darkness sometimes.