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Name Game !

Find a word that describes something about you for each letter of your username !



Oval face




Night owl









Occasionally outgoing

Naturally sporty

Dishes usually need doing 🌅



Wow this is gonna take me ages xD *wears thinking cap* 

Tinywhisper11 May 15th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou haha! Wish your user name was shorter😂😂😂😂😂



communicativePond1728 OP May 16th

@Tinywhisper11 It's shorter using the first letters! SISASAY - ta daaahh!


Ooh that's so smart hehe, thank you! 😄

communicativePond1728 OP May 16th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou lol! Maybe try doing your long name in sections. Hoo and here I thought my name was a doozy...

communicativePond1728 OP May 16th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou could just do the first letters of every word! 

Tinywhisper11 May 15th

@communicativePond1728 ok🤔🤔🤔

T tiny

I nteresting

N aughty sometimes😁

Y younger than people over 23

W ill power pretty strong

H appy generally 

I look funny

S oup tastes nice

P ain I'm in constantly


R eally cool😎

11 i probably need to start acting my age at somepoint😂😂

communicativePond1728 OP May 16th

@Tinywhisper11 I love you included the numbers in your anagram!

Tinywhisper11 May 16th

@communicativePond1728 ❤❤😁❤❤

communicativePond1728 OP May 17th

@Tinywhisper11 11 is a very powerful, reflective number...

Tinywhisper11 May 17th

@communicativePond1728 ❤❤❤

SamOur May 15th

Surely not as pretty as I wish I would be

Also not as sporty as I used to be

Merely hanging around here for fear of being lonely

Outside is still the enemy

Unless I'm in the mood to party

Rest assured I'm mostly a homebody

communicativePond1728 OP May 16th

@SamOur holy up leveled it by rhyming each line! Bonus 

communicativePond1728 OP May 16th

@SamOur I love this so much btw. Absolutely me somehow 

SamOur May 25th

Thank you for your kind words, @communicativePond1728. I'm glad you've found a bit of yourself in these lines I made up 🥰

Tinywhisper11 May 16th

@SamOur damn! Yours ryhmed... This as now just became a battle of the name rhyme😎😎

Tinywhisper11 May 16th


T iny as a smurf in a pot

I like to rhyme alot

N ightmares really stink

Y ou'd think my favourite colour is pink, (but it's actually blue) 

W inning this rhyme battle I will do

H appily gonna claim my trophy too

I love to laugh and play

S mile and just seize the day

P lease know I love you all

E veryone here is very special to me no matter how big or small

R oses are red, violets are blue, here's

11 hugs for you ❤

communicativePond1728 OP May 19th

@Tinywhisper11 lol; love this one!

Tinywhisper11 May 19th

@communicativePond1728 thanks😁 do I win a prize now??

SamOur May 25th

WOW, @Tinywhisper11! You've definitely got my vote clap 👏

Tell the people in charge to hand you the prize before the day ends 👑
Tinywhisper11 May 26th

@SamOur yaaaay! And don't worry you come in second place 😁 yaaaay! Us ❤



You sure nailed it 🤩🤩🤩

cal1860 May 18th


c  cool 😎

a  amusing 🤣

l   loveable 😇

1860  I'm 163 years old.

communicativePond1728 OP May 18th

@cal1860 😆 163 years old

Tinywhisper11 May 26th

@cal1860 wow! Here take my chair♿ we don't want you falling and break a hip or something😂😂😂😂😂😂

cal1860 May 26th

@Tinywhisper11 Oh, you lovely generous delight of a young lady, thank you!!  However, I've got good, reliable transport already, thankfully.  I can park it just inside the front door when I get home.  I have to ride side-saddle, sadly, due to hip pain, but otherwise I'm very mobile.

It's an e-broomstick, runs for 12 hours on one lightning bolt.  

Tinywhisper11 May 26th

@cal1860 ❤❤❤

Heather225 May 20th

let's seeeee...
H opeful
E earnest
A ffable
T enacious
H umility
E ccenrtic
R elaxed
225 we joke that there's 225 of me on we swap out clones on the site haha

Tinywhisper11 May 26th

@Heather225 eccentric😂😂😂😂 I like that one😂😂😂 225 of you😮😮😮😮😮😮 are they, like your minions??



S smart

Y young at heart 

M mindful 

P polite

A accomplished 

T thoughtful 

H helpful 

E eager 

T talented 

I interesting 

C charming 

C cheap date

A amusing 

T tactful 

That was fun 🤩 

communicativePond1728 OP May 29th

@sympatheticCat267 Woo!



lol…was that a good or bad WOO ? Lol

communicativePond1728 OP May 30th

@sympatheticCat267 I'll never tell! Haha hmm-sus.gif

tornwillow May 28th

T = trust -important to me and harder now to give as when I trust it is with everything

O = observant - I am intune and have awarenes; strong intuition

R = resilient - I am a fighter

N = nice - sometimes too nice

W = worrier - I worry about worries that haven’t even happened

I = individual- I am unique, one of a kind

L = love - I have a lot of love to give

L = lonely - I fear not sharing my life with others

O = observant - I notice everything

W = wanderlust - I love to travel and discover

communicativePond1728 OP May 29th

@tornwillow Really good...I relate...

wwildberry May 30th

ooh!! let's see what i can do with wwildberry

wild (ha)





bold (sometimes)





Renjik8013 May 31st

Ooo it's so interesting! I'll try my best.

R = Resilient

E = Engagement

N = Natural (?)

J = Joy

I = Impressive

K = Kindness