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Tell me your personality type!

blueorchid1010 September 4th

I'm an INFJ-T , it's really hard for me to fit in and i love my own company... what's your personality type?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 4th


I love discussing personality types. :D 

I've tried the test more number of times in a span of a few months in between hehe, and got ISFJ twice and INFJ once!

Can relate to both though! :0 

*high fives* for enjoying your own company. 🤗

blueorchid1010 OP September 4th

It was really hard for me to find someone of the same personality!!

Thank you😅😆

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 5th


Aw I have seen many INFJ's here, so I feel 7 cups is certainly one place where we have more people as us. 🤗

You can find more similar threads and see posts from people relating here- 😄

competentTruth3079 2 days ago

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I took it and it said that I have the personality of a domestic short hair. KTTY




smile7526 September 5th
@بلو أوركيد1010.Strange I think 
Aurelia00 September 5th

@blueorchid1010 Hey , I'm an INFP .

navyTalker73 September 5th


Aurelia00 September 5th

@navyTalker73 oh hi buddy!

navyTalker73 September 6th


Hi Aurelia, Glad to meet you Infp friend 😊

Aurelia00 September 6th

@navyTalker73 Glad to meet you too buddy 🤍😊

aCalmOasis September 6th


I too am INFP, an interesting aspect of this type is that apparently we are the most extroverted of the introverted types. Do you feel like that is true for you? I have periods where I am a total hermit but then I get this bursts of intense need to where I want to be social and connect with others.

Aurelia00 September 6th


Oh that's definitely true for me too , that's why sometimes i wonder if I'm extroverted or introverted lol , however it takes me a lot of energy to be Extroverted and at the end of the end I start feeling weird after Extrovertness lol , so yeah that's how i feel , hbu ?

aCalmOasis September 6th


Yes I can totally relate :)

jesusredeemedme2425 September 5th

I have zero idea, but I’m an ambivert hehe

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 5th

Aw hey *high five*, I resonate with being an ambivert too, which I occasionally switch up between being selectively social and a textrovert at its best lol!

@jesusredeemedme2425 here's the MBTI type personality test though if you'd like to take it- <3

jesusredeemedme2425 September 5th

Hehe, what’s selectively social and a textrovert??

Ive done it many years ago, but I forgot what it was lol

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 8th



Selectively social is like being social/ more extroverted in selected/certain favorable situations, around selective/ certain people.

Textrovert is someone being more comfortable talking text rather than in-person or calls.

And that's okay, if you want to try the personality test again, you can. I feel with time, we evolve and learn more about ourselves so there can be possible differences in what we related with a few months/years ago as compared to now. <3

cbailey September 5th

Hey! INTJ here 👋🏼

goldenKitten7574 September 6th

Hi! Me too!

thoughtfulBirch6620 September 5th

I am INFJ-A , nice to meet you.

IrelandsMomma September 5th

INFT-P, depending on when I take the test. I feel you on the socializing thing.

IrelandsMomma September 5th

Sorry, meant INTJ-P. No f's for me, lol.

cbailey September 5th

That got a laugh out of me. Hello, fellow INTJ!

YinYang444 September 5th

INFJ-T here, so can totally relate

Juul September 5th

I’m an INFJ-A. I also feel like I don’t fit in often. Nice to find another INFJ :)

mehakmakkar55 September 5th

Same here

patientTree4231 September 5th

I’m ISTJ-T ; just went through the test with the link given.

Hiiamanonymous September 6th

I'm an infp lol. I just finished a personality type test because I didn't know mine.😅

Kayre13 September 6th

I'm an infp!!! A nature girl🍀 (sometimes infj, depends on how serious the situation is)

Linaloveee September 6th

Helloo, I’m an INFJ and I’m so happy to see many other personality types! 😄😄

EliseLeaf September 6th


Mines is INFP-T the Mediator :)

Mellietronx September 6th

@blueorchid1010 INFP-T :)

magicallyApple64 September 6th

I'm also infj.... I also used to face the same issue... But I worked on myself and things have gotten better

charmingDime3488 September 6th

I'm an INFP myself. It's really hard to understand my own self sometimes. Like why do I try to be so accommodating to everyone when at the end of the day I feel exhausted. I crave genuine connections but when it happens too easily, I get overwhelmed. Glad to see there are other people like me on this app

CouragousDragon0742 September 6th


I'm an INFP too. Apparently gets addicted  to everything that exists to distract my from myself. XD it's kinda true. 😂 

I can literally be excited over everything! 

I mean, INFP'S tend to be so empathetic that they can deeply understand the others feelings. So that makes us so good in adaptation. 

I think it's so interesting, because I learned that so many things INFp's so apparently, is exactly how I am. XD 


charmingDime3488 September 6th

You view it positively. I need to learn that too 😅

CouragousDragon0742 September 6th

@charmingDime3488Stay patient with yourself and I believe that you can do it♡ 

CuriousNorth42 September 8th

Hiiiiiii I am an ENFJ-T! I have never met anyone close me. It’s sooo hard for me to fit in. Tell me all about your company!

Miniecare September 8th