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Dating Apps.

tryingtosurvive2024 September 29th

Why not take my sick feeling, feeling lonely, and contemplating on all the ways things never worked out, and tell you what is on my mind?

When I first saw myspace, two thoughts came to my head.  How can I, as a straight man stay away from beautiful bikini girls?  Another thought came to me, "this place is stupid".  I remember when I was on myspace I felt like I was in 1st grade again.  Yet lots of people seemed to like it, so I thought to myself there must be something wrong with me to have these thoughts.

I know what you are going to say.  "Myspace is not a dating app, nor is it a dating site."  I know that, but I just noticed that my feelings about Myspace and dating apps are the same.  I feel like both of them was and is stupid technology, and encourages people to act childish and flaky.

I have never used a dating app.  I don't own a smart phone.  But when they came out I saw some videos about it on youtube.  I was like we humans have really reduced ourselves to this?  I mean all people seem to do is, look at how good someone looks and then swipe left or right.  Then hope that they can exchange messages or something.  I saw an older Woman, who created one for those who are dating in their 50's.  She made it so people were not allowed to Ghost.  They needed to give the other person closure before ending the relationship.  But really! People are so bad now days that you got to force them to handle things right?

I know that dating apps work for some people.  But as one very attractive women/ dating coach on youtube said, "I don't want to tell any man to quit trying... But some men are just not attractive enough to make it work."  I'm one of those people that is not attractive enough in the face.  I got no idea how hard I might need to workout to make something like that happen.  If I had an office job, I might have the energy to work out.  But as it is, my job wears me out.  I even got bad feet from it.  Don't tell me to buy better shoes etc.  I already done that.

I just feel like dating apps are so stupid.  I think the old fashion way of hitting it off, would be better.  I know it probably works for you.

In the early days of 2002, I tried online dating sites.  I was around that stuff for many years.  But after 13 years, I'm like, this shouldn't be this hard.  Then I felt that I realized that these sites thrive not on those who find love, but those that keep coming back and trying over and over again.

jacek73 2 days ago

@tryingtosurvive2024 I am convinced that your observations about online dating sites (or apps) are accurate and to the point. They monetize searching, not finding, so every couple in love is a lost income for them.

Unfortunately, I am taking part in that, but I believe I am there for seeking a "statistical error". Usually they are places for people who want to feed their vanity, tendency to show off, narcissistic tendencies or just to excuse them from guilt of doing nothing to meet somebody (except from still living with their parents, drinking beer in front of TV or working 24/7).

Some sites look like a hybrid of advertising a travel company, escort agency and photo models. However, good people also happen there: I met two great girls there (one is happily married now, another sadly passed away while we were together...). Also some friendships.

I think that meeting anyone on the street, in the library, at work, school, a hobbyist club or a religion community has the advantage of checking the chemistry and seeing how a person looks and acts in the real life - instead of believing two-dimensional images and web profiles being very selective about telling the truth.

I think the movie "Crazy, Stupid, Love." is a great satire on that ;-)

tryingtosurvive2024 OP 2 days ago

@jacek73  Thank you for your comment!  I haven't been getting very many today.

I have had always several problems with online dating.  Firstly my parents, to whom I live with.  They frown on using dating sites.  They also frown on RB and X.  I always felt that the best online dating sites were the ones you pay for.  But since my situation with my learning disability and job hours etc.  I find myself living with my parents who have control over my finances.  I can't pay for anything that they can't find out about.  That caused me to try and circumvent the pay sites by hiding my email address some place, in hopes that someone might find it.  Of course that method didn't work.  Next I tried the free sites.  Even when I was able to get someone to respond to me, it didn't last long.  Even when I managed to find someone on a free social networking or forum site, that seemed to enjoy talking with me.  98% of the time they lived too far away to date.  I remember after trying for 11 years, I began to wonder, what am I doing to myself.  I keep trying the same things over and over again, and I keep getting the same results.  Lots of time and effort spent, and nobody as a result.

jacek73 2 days ago

@tryingtosurvive2024 "98% of the time they lived too far away to date" - this is the way the dating site companies do their business. Either they create an artificial demand, by matching people living in different parts of the country, or a chat bot with a female nickname sends you a short, predictable message within 5 minutes from your first log in to the site.

tryingtosurvive2024 OP 1 day ago

@jacek73 You are probably right about that, but I haven't used a big dating site since 2013.  Most Women who will talk to me on social media, or forums, usually live in another country, or at the very least they live in another state.  Either way, I would need to buy plane ticket to go see any of them!

I don't like it when people get upset with me for quitting.  I got burned out from that, and then I got tired of the way a lot of them treated me.  It was like they expected me to make first contact and then hold up both ends of the conversations.  Keep them interested.  And yet not say anything that might make them feel awkward, or I get blocked.  It all felt so unfair that even my sex drive couldn't keep me motivated enough.