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A Newbie's (slightly lengthy) introduction!

Fleckeli April 15th, 2023

Hello good people. I am here on 7 Cups to gamble with fate and see if I can find someone who would -against all odds- want to be friends with me!

I'm sorry if that was a little sad... but to try and introduce myself:

I am a bit of an oddity that quit school at the age of 14 mostly due to social phobia (and a lot of mental stress in general). I was driven into a long stay at home under the effects of heavy treatments prescribed by what I think were some pretty incompetent psychiatrists. I gained a lot of weight then lost a lot of weight, I made a few attempts at recovery but "crashed" again about 2 years ago.

It has been 7 years since I dropped out. I now find myself to be a lonely, anxious and confused person. I haven't had a good chance to cultivate any interests besides gaming (which I barely engage in nowadays either way), and I lack so much knowledge about pretty much everything...

At the very least I tend to be open-minded and accepting of others; I try my best to listen to and discover other people and their interests as long as I don't torture them by being a complete dummy when it comes to even the most basic subjects...!

People have such busy lives (at least from my point of view) and have much to do and learn. I come here to see if I maybe there would be somebody who'd somehow not mind my current state and would want to connect with me and try and become friends. :)

sorry for the long text...

SolarGenerator April 15th, 2023

@Fleckeli I'd be interested to chat with you

Fleckeli OP April 16th, 2023

@KrillCactus Thanks a lot for the reply! I'm still unfamiliar with how this website works exactly, but if it's possible to send direct messages to members then it would be nice to try and chat with you!

RelicCube April 16th, 2023

@Fleckeli Hello, I'm interested in chatting it up if you don't mind and Welcome to da ole guilde of 7 cups \😁/

Fleckeli OP April 18th, 2023

@RelicCube Sorry for the late reply but sure! And thank you :)

Fleckeli OP April 18th, 2023

@RelicCube I forgot to mention that I only recently started using 7 Cups and am not sure exactly how to chat with a member lol...

RelicCube April 18th, 2023

@Fleckeli I've kinda new myself just joined last month and have been actively using 7 cups for the last 3 weeks or so, I know you can connect to listeners but do not know about messaging other members yet 😅

Fleckeli OP April 20th, 2023

@RelicCube I couldn't figure out how to message others so far unfortunately... although this seems to be a nice and safe space, I don't know if you're comfortable sharing social media/messaging contact info here. Do you have any suggestions? :o

RelicCube April 20th, 2023


I'm not sure i am comfortable with that atm, but I think I can leave my commaful name to leave a message from there. I'm not self-promoting or anything just an idea if you wish to message me there 😅

Fleckeli OP April 22nd, 2023

@RelicCube Sure! I haven't used Commaful before but I made an account for the occasion. Same username and profile picture as my 7 Cups profile :)

JacquiCol April 16th, 2023

Hello Fleckeli! Welcome to 7 cups :)

Fleckeli OP April 18th, 2023

@JacquiCol I appreciate it, thanks!

robs824 April 20th, 2023



Fleckeli OP April 22nd, 2023

@robs824 Thank you! :D

optimisticPenny7031 May 7th, 2023

Hey man, dealing with social anxiety too, I like watching anime, series, movies reading manga and sometimes music if you're interested feel free to send me a message

Fleckeli OP May 14th, 2023

@optimisticPenny7031 Hey there!
I'd definitely send a message but I'm not sure if there is a way to do so with members who aren't registered as Listeners on the site. If there's any sort of contact info you feel comfortable sharing in this thread then I'll try to reach out using that. (:

WaxingGibbousSys May 15th, 2023

Also new here, we have been feeling very similarly, with not having the experiences that others have due to mental disability. I hope you're able to find some people to talk to. We would be delighted to make an attempt at friendship with you, as I'm sure most are

WaxingGibbousSys May 15th, 2023

Here is a 7 day temporary link to a *** server I made for exchanging contacts:

WaxingGibbousSys May 15th, 2023

It won't let me post a link. I don't really care that much. My username is maximaxi101#5071

Fleckeli OP May 18th, 2023

@WaxingGibbousSys Hey there! I sent you a friend request. Thanks for making contact!

GreenWoods May 15th, 2023

Welcome @Fleckeli!

Right not its not possible for members to message other members directly but you can chat with members and listeners in open group chats. You might also be interested in the latest season of huddles that is launching soon. A huddle is a closed group chat where you and c10 others will be chatting/exploring some shared issues - be it anxiety, wellness, accountability or a whole variety of other topics.

atrociouslyprobIematic May 18th, 2023

@Fleckeli Hi, I’m seeing this kind of late, but I’d be interested in getting to know you if you’re still looking for friends? I’m not a very interesting person though