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Rules of Engagement

Laura March 5th, 2014

Click here to view the Community Guidelines!

(Updated December 3, 2015 by Jake; Updated August 28, 2022 by theriverissinging)

catabebop April 8th, 2017

Feeling blue

Adhraa April 11th, 2017

Everything happens for a reason everything why do we live why do we breathe why do we hurt why do we leave sometimes sometimes you say that people always leave always, when you search for the right friend or person to tell your secret or at less you knew that there is a person will be behind your back a person who save you who promise you that won't leave you might find this person or may you think that you find it you fell very comfortable when you talk to, you fell very happy without any reason. And one day life is prove that not always the people who leave people who leave not meant to stay although you love them you always but always you remember them their memories and the most thing is hurt you won't believe that they leave or you will leave sometimes we have to choose our heart or brain we still struggling between those two things if you follow your heart you will get hurt and you will broke your heart but if you follow your brain you will get hurt too but at less you won't hurt people around you and now I'm in this situation I'm stuck between heart and brain. We might lose any thing any person in our life at one moment that we never imagine and we never know but that doesn't change the fact that you lose them and you are and they not with you anymore I woke up and my mom told me that my uncle is died I couldn't believe I wasn't know what I have to do to go talk but I don't want to anyway I still fight with fact that my uncle who call me everyday when I woke up the feeling that there is uncle there behind me and my dad is not alone and my dad has a true friend my dream that I was and still dream it every day before I sleep the dream that I will see him in someday after the three years I was talk to him every single day he was a police officer who save many people life all those feelings and things are not here anymore they just gone when my uncle is gone I was shook and I still that I still fight the fact that he is not here anymore anyway you might wonder why do I write this sometimes I have no where to go so I came here to write but this is not everything. Please be happy and take care and enjoy your life follow your dreams and live your day life is too short to gave up. Don't gave up on your dreams always follow them if you want something then go and get it. I'm sorry if you don't understand my spellings or my writing but English is not my first language and don't judge if I have some mistakes on my writing sorry if I say something wrong. Don't forget every thing happens for a reason.

LeoTheLlitteLionCub1 May 5th, 2017

i exsept the oath

Clementine666 May 24th, 2017

What exactly is a therapist on here ? what training do they have? How do I find a therapist? What can I do if I decide I don't like my therapist ? Etc

diligentClementine1163 May 27th, 2017

@Clementine666 )Hallo

strangedream October 3rd, 2017

@Clementine666 therapy on here sucks. I would look for an person you can work with in person. I had a therapist on here for several months and all she did was check in once a day and recommended other resources. Its total BS and not helpful. If your mental illness is not already being managed, look for a therapist you can work with in person.

honestCup6891 October 27th, 2017

@Larlar That is not my experience at all. If you add up being in touch with that person nearly every day! I am lucky (from a certain point of view). I have a trauma therapist whom I get to see for 45-50 minutes once a week for free. Then I can afford to have a 7 cups therapist Listener -- and a very good one -- for a month all for the the price of one, maybe two therapeutic 1 hr sessions. The point is 7 cups therapists give you another option for the kind of support you need, whever you need it. If you need something else, knock yourself out. But this works for me. I am in my 50's. I've been in counseling since I was 17. I believe you never stop growing and healing. I believe everyone needs a therapist, even therapists. Counselors come in all varieties and suit many different varieties of clients. If you want a good therapist with lots of really good experience here on 7 cups, Anna-Kate Miller knows her stuff. Here's a link.

bunnypants November 21st, 2017

@honestCup6891 ofc experiences wiffs therapy and different therapists will vary <3'

i's sries ifs anyone has a bad experience ;~; <3

Standingnthesun December 22nd, 2017


SpruceRaven January 20th, 2018

@honestCup6891 I am so grateful to have found this resource. I feel very supported and encouraged here, and have made some positive breakthroughs on what is challenging me. I have not spoken/connected with any Therapists on this site yet. This is purely from connecting with a few Listeners. This in the mere 2 days I have been a member.

quickwittedLemon7306 January 21st, 2019

@Larlar i guess it depends on your therapist

LisaLPC February 1st, 2018


I am a fully licensed professional who has worked in the highest levels of care (acute inpatient, long term hospitalization, rehabilitation inpatient, and outpatient). I have a background that includes trainings surrounding evidence-based therapies such as, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Relapse Prevention, and Trauma-Focused interventions. I am a real person who can be available to my clients most evenings, Monday-Friday. Access to me is a chat away. With a local therapist, insurances usually only offer 2 visits per month or a maximum (ie. 12 visits per year). It's up to you how you would like to explore your therapy options but first you must believe that any sort of therapy can help you help yourself. In the end, you will be the catalyst for change but you do need a trusting therapeutic relationship that can help guide.

honestCup6891 April 19th, 2018


Thank you! Well said. Better than I could get it across. I feel very strongly that you all save lives, promote emotional well-being, and provide support in a niche that no other mental health providers are filling. Thank you for what you do!

gentlePear6403 June 8th, 2017


AmbitiousStone July 21st, 2017

@gentlePear6403 sounds like a scam!! Initially they ask for a LOT of Information, I'd watch your card activity as a precaution!

pinkmallow August 4th, 2017

@gentlePear6403 If you still have had no luck, I would recommend going to your bank and telling them, that way they can keep an eye on suspicious activity and depending on the situation the bank can re-imburse you. (Or they can in the UK, I'm not sure where you are.) But yeah, get your bank involved in this.

Hazel0120 September 10th, 2017

@gentlePear6403 hello...moving forward I suggest you use Paypal. they have a buyer protection policy and will rule in favor of the buyer in case of a dispute.

bunnypants November 21st, 2017

*shrugs* 7cups is usually pretty quick to respond (depending on day / time) & i've never seen them not issue a refund over trial unhappiness so <3'

we're here to love & snuggle you for free forever & staff isn't here to steals yr monies fer services not rendered so xP <3

Emily619 April 22nd, 2018


You can email to discuss your situation smiley

intellectualCake6657 August 5th, 2017


(I'm asking this question my LISTENER account but am embarassed )

I know you're not allowed to talk about medications or say you're intoxicated

but are you allowed to acknowledge it if you use drugs recreationally?

I would not reccomend or condone use, I just want to know if I am allowed to say that I have used drugs recently and talk about experiances with said substances.

Anything I said would, of course, be aimed to help others and (again) would not encourage drug use.

Ie: Mushrooms having an effect on my depression

Laura OP August 8th, 2017


Interesting question. If you are supporting someone through substance abuse or usage, referring them to a medical professional would be helpful, as every person is different. In these situations, stick to your active listening skills and best practices. Empathy, Open ended quesitons, professionalism..etc. Sharing about an experience you have had in the past that relates to your member can be helpful, however, should be clearly explained and the topic should remain professional at all times.

intellectualCake6657 August 8th, 2017


Cool I just wanted to make sure it's okay to say I have used drugs

ElisavetaPavlovaPhD August 11th, 2017

@Laura I accept the rules and I take the oath.

1Marg1 September 6th, 2017

As a member, I pledge to:

1. Remain professional, kind, and respectful.
2. Prevent hurtful rumors or gossip spreading.
3 Aim to grow and learn as a person.
4. Show respect and kindness to Group Moderators.
5. Refrain from sharing personal contact information.
6. maintain a confidential atmosphere.
7. Engage in healthy problem solving (I call this being involved in a continuous state of improvement).
8. Use proper conflict resolution skills with every person on this site.
9. Respect the boundaries of other community members.
10. Choose not to engage in sexting and flirting.
11. Never create second accounts on the site.
12. Not engage in hateful behaviors of any kind.
13. Not being suicidal, homicidal or abusing anyone.

and to hold these values:

We treat one another with honor and respect.
We provide high support and have high expectations.
We are building something that is greater than ourselves.
We recognize that life is messy, unpredictable, hard, and surprising.
We don't give up.
It is better to give than to receive.

innerripples September 8th, 2017

@1Marg1 Liking your fierce dedication! :)

SpruceRaven January 20th, 2018

@1Marg1 Thank you so much for the list of things to pledge to. I hadn't found it yet on the site. (I'm a new member: only 2 days. :-D).

That said, on the matter of not setting up second accounts:

I'm trying to AVOID doing that, but have an issue with my phone where it's stuck on the page asking me to set up an account (when I already have one). I put in a Support Ticket, but am wondering if there's another quicker fix out there? Any advice for a newbie?

My workaround has been to access the site off my laptop, but I'd really like to be able to access it off my phone as well!

ANY help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

SpruceRaven January 31st, 2018

@SpruceRaven Solved it.

I have noticed that only positive reviews are posted. I find this interrsting.

luminousSky96 August 20th, 2018

@1Marg1 It's nice to be reminded of the reasons why we are here!

peacefulMango54 September 29th, 2017

@1Marg1 Love the post. Staying professional and providing support is so important smiley

beautifulDreamer64 September 29th, 2017


I solemnly agree all rules and regulations of engagement of 7 Cups. I will adhere to give positive posts and authentic responses to those whom I listen to, to whom I engage with, and to not only all my new community members in 7 Cups, but for everyone I come in contact with daily. I promise to maintain respect for every individual I come in contact with as a member of 7 Cups. I promise to give insight, understanding, patience and thoughtfulness. I promise, where I can be a benefit to, I will be there. As in these promises, I take the oath to be a member adhereing to all rules, regulations and moral support that is required. I will help make humnity a better place to all the best of my ability.

signed://beautifulDreamer64// Date: 9/29/17

faithfulJet8043 October 2nd, 2017

the therapy is a rip off on here

willingMoon5037 November 14th, 2017

mod called [edited by bunnypants - please escalate issues with mods/listeners via a ticket or by emailing] is a troll mod who mutes everybody report the person

bunnypants November 21st, 2017


you've found a turkey for the 2017 turkey hunt! :O

my turkey ID is GEORGE#143

please capture me and bring me here to claim your points!

LonelyCherryBlossom December 22nd, 2017


I agree

TreaureSeekers3 December 22nd, 2017

I'm thinking about therapy but one on one. The therapy here is probably useful to some but it is the money what puts people off. There's been few people who have signed up and been charged. It's suppose to be three day trail. You shouldn't get charged for that and the therapist should say if they like to continue and give them that option. I know therapy isn't always free it just needs to be explained clearly what people are signing up for.

BobAbc March 3rd, 2018

@TreaureSeekers3 cool I'm in process of asking for some 1 on 1 councilling quite expensive but I'll give it a try. Cool to hear

Paigelovesdogs2 September 3rd, 2018


I was suppose to be doing the 3 day free trial but I ended up getting charged the whole $150. I'm so pissed about that. angry They also only message you like once a day if you are lucky. I would not recommend it.

TreaureSeekers3 September 3rd, 2018

@Paigelovesdogs2 that's absolutely ridiculous . How can a site with having access to therapy help like that when they don't no about it themselves thinking its good way to support people here. It's not cuz people have already found it useless. Have you spoken to the site directly or a mod? If they haven't given you the support what you signed up for you deserve to complain and get a refund or some compensation .like everyone else cuz I've heard people get ripped off to . The site needs to take responsibility

Abdallah2017 December 29th, 2017

rules for what?

discreetField1122 January 21st, 2018
