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Disability Rights - Judith Heuman
Disability Support / by 1Marg1
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March 5th, 2019
...See more Please watch the above TEDtalk. I am over fifty and I remember life before the ADA, although I was not disabled at the time, that came much later for me. 1. How have you benefited from the ADA? 2. What do you feel we still need to work on? 3. Is advocacy a part of your life? Why or why not?
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You are Enough. Do you agree or disagree?
Disability Support / by 1Marg1
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May 16th, 2019
...See more Every day I try to watch a TED talk. Today I picked one about vulnerability and feeling worthy. I feel this is an issue that impacts people with disabilities a great deal. I have heard many people say they struggle with feeling that they are a burden, or that they do not feel worthy. I can say, that I have begun to feel that I am enough, I am not a burden and I do feel worthy. I feel this is really true, not something I am trying to talk myself into, and I feel I got to this place through 7 cups. The support of other people who care and listen can really make a difference. Here is the TED talk I listened to. How do you feel about yourself and your disability? Do you feel worthy? Are you enough? If yes or no, then why? Do you feel it is possible to be vulnerable enough to be seen, to let people really see who you are and what you are going through? If you did, and you were accepted and supported, would anything change? It seems to me, maybe that is what we are really after, I sometimes hope I will improve and I can get my health back and I will be able to do things like work again. But underlying all of that is just a wish to be worthy, to be enough. Maybe the fact that we deal with the challenges of our disability makes us "enough". I think that I feel that way when I chat with @Avocado6486. I am enough. Other people have made me feel that way too. I appreciate all of you. Any thoughts? Please share.
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What is the Disability Integration Act? (USA) How do you feel about long term care options, even if you are not in the USA?
Disability Support / by 1Marg1
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January 20th, 2019
...See more The Disability Integration Act (DIA) is civil rights legislation, introduced by Senator Schumer in the Senate and Representative Sensenbrenner in the House, to address the fundamental issue that people who need Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) are forced into institutions and losing their basic civil rights. The legislation (S.910, H.R.2472) builds on the 25 years of work that ADAPT has done to end the institutional bias and provide seniors and people with disabilities home and community-based services (HCBS) as an alternative to institutionalization. It is the next step in our national advocacy after securing the Community First Choice (CFC) option. How do you feel about long term care options, even if you are not in the USA?
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Disability Rights Movement - A virtual museum tour of how we came to have the rights we now enjoy MUST SEE
Disability Support / by 1Marg1
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January 16th, 2019
...See more This is a really exciting exhit and I hope you enjoy it. Please share your thoughts and reactions.
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Another Disability Museum Virtual Tour
Disability Support / by 1Marg1
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January 16th, 2019
...See more Visit the museum and share your thoughts.
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Virtual Tour! Disability Museum - share your experience!
Disability Support / by 1Marg1
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January 13th, 2019
...See more Take a moment and visit the museum online and share your thoughts, invite your friends.
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Famous Disabled People
Disability Support / by 1Marg1
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February 2nd, 2019
...See more Do a search for famous disabled people, and pick one to share and tell us about. How do you feel about this person and what do you feel you can learn about your own potential?
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